Painful Memory
The KKK and me
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 6, 2007
The KKK and me
By N. Sihanouk
Beijing, January 6, 2007
KAMPUCHEA-KROM = Southern portion of the “former” Kampuchea.
KAMPUCHEA (Kambuja) was (the entire world know about it) a vast EMPIRE.
Next, the KHMERs had to face the “revenge” of non-Khmer People who shook off the yoke of the conquering Khmers.
The anti-royalists said and wrote: “The post-Angkorian Khmer Kings had no merit. From their various faults, these Kings caused the loss of Kampuchea Krom and of several Khmer Provinces to the benefit of the SIAM (Thailand).
A French proverb says: “Qui trop embrasse mal étreint” (He who hugs too much holds badly).
Our Kings and their dear Khmer People were intoxicated by their military successes which allowed the Empire to extend farther and farther (and in several geographic directions) away from Angkor, the capital.
In other parts of the world and during various eras, there were also conquering Kings, Emperors, Tyrants, Dictators (we mainly “know” Alexander (Greece), Caesar (Rome), Charlemagne, Bonaparte-Napoleon I, the French, the British, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Japanese, Hitler, Mussolini, the Russians, not to mention Lon Nol and Pol Pot).
These conquerors (excluding Lon Nol and Pol Pot) started with grandiose success in term of conquests of lands and seas, but then (He who hugs too much holds badly) had to pull back until they see their initial Homeland shrinking like a shagreen [Peau de chagrin, see Note], occupied by other Superpowers, [and] sometime cut into pieces by the “Foreigner.”
It is easy and it is unfair to assume the Responsibility of the loss of a portion of our Angkorian lands on the post-Angkorian Kings.
When one is King, one can only want a Kingdom as large as possible.
The Vietnamese (Annam) and the Thai people, in comparison to the Khmer People, are relatively “younger” people who, at one point, had the desire and the force to attack the Khmer and to take their turn to conquer lands and seas. “Logically,” this could only be done to the detriment of our Kambuja (Kampuchea).
In regards the Kampuchea Krom, the French – who were Empire builders under Napoleon I, then [who became] firmly Colonialists under Napoleon III, and also under the “3rd French Republic” – intervene in Kampuchea Krom around 1860, they “reconciled” the Khmer and the Annamite who were warring each other there, and they did this by declaring the “Cochinchina” as being “French.” Colonial France thus succeeded in preventing (by force) the Kampuchea to recuperate back her Kampuchea Krom (the French called it “Cochinchina” in order to avoid having to recognize its appurtenance to Kambuja) and to limit the Annamite’s ambitions to … Annam.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Translation Note:
(1) La Peau de chagrin: La Peau de chagrin (1831) is a philosophical fantasy novel by Honoré de Balzac. The title is often translated as The Wild-Ass's Skin. The novel is about a man who discovers a powerful talisman in an old curiosity shop (originally published in 1831 after having been serialised in Parisian newspapers, this may be the first usage of that device). The talisman is in the form of an animal skin (a shagreen, the skin of an onager or "wild-ass"). It grants any wish, but shrinks slightly with each use, and the user is doomed to die when it shrinks to zero. The main character is originally prolifigate with his wishes, but is quickly reduced to an ascetic existence where he must try very hard not to want anything - his wish will be instantly granted, but might also kill him. There is a double-meaning in the original title which is lost in translation: it is a play on the words shagreen (the animal skin talisman) and chagrin, meaning in French a sense of grief (a much sadder regret than is implied by the English meaning of the word). Source: Wikipedia.
KAMPUCHEA-KROM = Southern portion of the “former” Kampuchea.
KAMPUCHEA (Kambuja) was (the entire world know about it) a vast EMPIRE.
Next, the KHMERs had to face the “revenge” of non-Khmer People who shook off the yoke of the conquering Khmers.
The anti-royalists said and wrote: “The post-Angkorian Khmer Kings had no merit. From their various faults, these Kings caused the loss of Kampuchea Krom and of several Khmer Provinces to the benefit of the SIAM (Thailand).
A French proverb says: “Qui trop embrasse mal étreint” (He who hugs too much holds badly).
Our Kings and their dear Khmer People were intoxicated by their military successes which allowed the Empire to extend farther and farther (and in several geographic directions) away from Angkor, the capital.
In other parts of the world and during various eras, there were also conquering Kings, Emperors, Tyrants, Dictators (we mainly “know” Alexander (Greece), Caesar (Rome), Charlemagne, Bonaparte-Napoleon I, the French, the British, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Japanese, Hitler, Mussolini, the Russians, not to mention Lon Nol and Pol Pot).
These conquerors (excluding Lon Nol and Pol Pot) started with grandiose success in term of conquests of lands and seas, but then (He who hugs too much holds badly) had to pull back until they see their initial Homeland shrinking like a shagreen [Peau de chagrin, see Note], occupied by other Superpowers, [and] sometime cut into pieces by the “Foreigner.”
It is easy and it is unfair to assume the Responsibility of the loss of a portion of our Angkorian lands on the post-Angkorian Kings.
When one is King, one can only want a Kingdom as large as possible.
The Vietnamese (Annam) and the Thai people, in comparison to the Khmer People, are relatively “younger” people who, at one point, had the desire and the force to attack the Khmer and to take their turn to conquer lands and seas. “Logically,” this could only be done to the detriment of our Kambuja (Kampuchea).
In regards the Kampuchea Krom, the French – who were Empire builders under Napoleon I, then [who became] firmly Colonialists under Napoleon III, and also under the “3rd French Republic” – intervene in Kampuchea Krom around 1860, they “reconciled” the Khmer and the Annamite who were warring each other there, and they did this by declaring the “Cochinchina” as being “French.” Colonial France thus succeeded in preventing (by force) the Kampuchea to recuperate back her Kampuchea Krom (the French called it “Cochinchina” in order to avoid having to recognize its appurtenance to Kambuja) and to limit the Annamite’s ambitions to … Annam.
(To be continued)
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Translation Note:
(1) La Peau de chagrin: La Peau de chagrin (1831) is a philosophical fantasy novel by Honoré de Balzac. The title is often translated as The Wild-Ass's Skin. The novel is about a man who discovers a powerful talisman in an old curiosity shop (originally published in 1831 after having been serialised in Parisian newspapers, this may be the first usage of that device). The talisman is in the form of an animal skin (a shagreen, the skin of an onager or "wild-ass"). It grants any wish, but shrinks slightly with each use, and the user is doomed to die when it shrinks to zero. The main character is originally prolifigate with his wishes, but is quickly reduced to an ascetic existence where he must try very hard not to want anything - his wish will be instantly granted, but might also kill him. There is a double-meaning in the original title which is lost in translation: it is a play on the words shagreen (the animal skin talisman) and chagrin, meaning in French a sense of grief (a much sadder regret than is implied by the English meaning of the word). Source: Wikipedia.
Sihanouk is full of it.Eat French foie de gras and die on Poulo Condor,the treacherous son of the multiple suitors.
Shame on hiom who had no spine to stand up to French but yet had anerve to molest Lon Nol who had done nothing less but serving his treachery and conspiracy.
Ho Chi Minh fought the French so Vietnam can be free from colonialism.
But this King rather blamed the French for his failure to fight for Khmer's freedom.
Oh give it a rest, there is
something as too late. Where were
you guys 200 years ago?
Just like the Khmer Rouge tribunal.
It has no real value because
Pol Pot is dead.
Pol Pot was not the only killer, but the neighbor from eastern Cambodia who killed and saved then again killed, and Hun Sen...
Hey, if you want to trial KK
extrimists too, you are not
goin to get any argument from
me. Just count me in.
No , You are full of hatred toward KK. When that time come, we are going to put you on trial, cuz you are a traitor....
It's time for Norodom to go and replace with sisowath. If it still doesn't work, get rid all of them together...and say HELLO to Republic....muahahahaha...
You are the guys who give justice a rest. Keep prolonging the trial, all the KR people will die naturally.
By then you can rewrite history to suite your taste, or I should say the Indochinese Federation policy?
LOL, I look up the acronymn KKK on
the Net and it stand for "ku klux
klan" a vicious racist group
in the US, not Khmer from Kampuchea
Krom as suggested in the article.
Khmer in Kampuchea Krom today have
been yuon for centuries now. Only
a few of them left who suffered
from Westerner Dellusion Syndrome
felt that they are Khmer. I suggest
that they get help from
proffesional shrinks immedialely
and stop making trouble in
King Father please grow up, would you? What is your point here? And how do you want Khmer 50-100 yrs from now?
My message to KK people, do not reply to those aggressive Yuan and its propaganda calling you Ku klux klan. Let these aggressive Yuan be.
Their aggressiveness comes with all forms, so stay STRONG, don't let them intimidate your mind. These Yuan are not only too extreme arrogant but too aggressive.
The more they talk about you KK, the more famous you will be, the more they have feared.
I support you KK and your braveness. Keep Fighting these barbarian Yuan.
3.40. hahah Pathetic. you look up KKK in a western context when you're reading a Khmer article. You're such an idiot, no wonder you couldn't figure it out.
though Khmer Kroms have been swallowed by Youn gradually starting 200 years ago, our people almost perfectly maintain every aspect of our culture and we had a continuity of contact and relationship with Khmer leu before your Uncle Ho Kong Chi Mi Tom mess it up.
As you can extrapolate from the article, Khmer Krom had great priviledge, same as normal Khmer, when they enter Khmer land, (read when king talk about his particular "arch ene. Son Ngoc Thanh).
But now today, Khmer Krom enter Cambodia, what we find? that living in Cambodia is harsh because Khmer government doesn't want to recognize their brother yet let some other foreign people live and pass through freely.
Khmer Kampuchea Krom people will always exist, our people will always be Khmer. We will never be you. Stop your dreaming and dellsuion of entirely wiping us out as you would wish.
We won't be wipe out and become all Youn as you say.
Khmer to the end of the earth.
Khmer. Khmer. Jeyo! Jeyo!
perhaps you heard of these words, if only you been to any Khmer Krom religious event. But you're too full of crap and delussion to accept reality of the existence of our people.
Get real, dude, Khmer Krom is
virtually Yuon (nearly all 14
millions of them) whether you like
it or not. Moreover, most of them
are more proud to be Yuon than
Khmer, only a few of you who can't
hardly speak khmer claimed still
to be khmer and calling the the
rest of KK, "Yuon's puppet."
As for Khmer government
discriminates against KK, you are
wrong. A good fraction of the
government are KK, and they would
never favor foreigner over KK,
but they do condemn KK Extremists
and troublemakers as I repeately
stated. There will not be any
more war in Cambodia, get it?
And don't try to use our people
or our land as your battle ground
either. Go somewhere else, may be
malaysia or indonasia, okay?
I think the person who needs to stop dreaming is you. It is you my friend who should get real. No Khmer Krom claim Khmer Krom our youn puppet. We stand firm to our khmer heritage and we are always Khmer.
No matter how you think or want to portray to the world. The fact is Khmer krom people like me and millions of Khmer in Vietnam are proud of their Khmer heritage and culture. We are happy to see each other everywhere.
Only one who call Khmer Krom are puppet of youn are you. Cause you don't want to believe that Khmer people actually still hold true to their identity after years of your policy of trying to make them forget.
You think you know about the state of mind of Khmer Krom people? get real! You're either are a born western asian brat, or a scared Communist. because you can't accept the fact that Khmer Krom won't consider themselves Youn.
Keep on dreaming that Khmer Krom just become Youn like Khmer-Thai have become proud of their "Thai" identity.
I been in U.S not too long ago. And I go back and forth to my homeland. What do you know? You're another idiot who sits behind his Computer, probably doesn't even know where Khmer Krom is on the map but claim to speak and knows the truth of what in the heart of Khmer Krom.
I tell you what. Shut your crap. If you're to speak here, speak only your opinion or at least speak for your dead Uncle Ho Chi Mi Tom or Hun Sen. Because you do not know my people.
We are Khmer. Forever. Maybe you not satisfy with that. but deal with it.
Mate, either you are ignorant or
you have short-term memory issue.
In the Vietnam civil war, your
people fought to preserve the
independent of south VIETNAM, not
Kampuchea Krom. Are you with me
so far?
On the other hand, our people just
allowed North Vietnam to used our
land in their war because we
support the ONE Vietnam principle,
the same way as we supported the
One Cambodia principle.
Now, how can you say, "We are
Did you fight for any khmer in
Vietnam? of course not. You fought
for Yuon.
And to make thing worse, you fight
against the Khmer People by couping
our King (Sihanouk). Are you with
Hence, isn't that rediculous to
declare, "we are Khmer"? What type
of khmer would fight against khmer.
Only Yuon would. Get it? You are
Yuon, not Khmer.
As for heritage, except for a
few, not millions as you claimed,
it is not possible for you to
maintained it after 200 years
of Yuon ruling. So don't try
to deny the truth.
And FYI, just look at the draft
article in Sihanouk's hand writing.
Do you know what language that is
in? That's right, French. That is
how the Royalist communicate with
each other, in French that is
because they study in France just
part of their life. That is how
strong a person can be influenced
by the French Environment.
Furthermore, I know some khmers
who have been in France for a few
generations, and they hardly know
crap about being Khmer. And for
you to claim that millions of
Khmer Krom is still khmer after
being influenced by Vietnamese's
environment over 8 generations,
isn't that a bit pathetic?
9:47 Great job! I support your comment. Ah Sen CPP do not even allow a majority of Khmer Krom to become the citizen of Cambodia, he let Ah Youn live freely in Cambodia and they have thye rights to vote. I also support Moi28 to not argue with the fool.
What? we got over 1.5 million KK
in Cambodia. Are you blind, or
they are illegal immegrant?
Yes. It is a bit pathetic that you're not willing see your own blood. It is pathetic that you would think as you think for a Khmer person. The people who invaded "your" country, are the North Vietnamese. Not Khmer Krom.
It is true, like in every place, we have traitors, or people who are indoctrinated to serve against their own interest.
Do you think Khmer Krom, a minority in that civil war, have the power for arm confrontation with Vietnam for freedom? Thats not realistic is it? Mr. Realistic? Not only will Khmer Krom be both target of South but also of North. Does Khmer have any choice in this war? Through all of our colonisations, French and back to Vietnam, there always a demand of our people to work against our own safety and interest, through draft for wars or draft for french work force labors. Nothing Khmer Krom have is easy like you would suggest.
You think that 8th generations has been 8 generations of pure Vietnamese influence? You're the idiot here. When the Vietnamese invade our land, they don't live with us and we don't live with them. When they come. They take our farmland etc and move us back from our villages. But the way Khmer people live, if you are Khmer you would know.
We live in our communities, almost each Phum has their own temple for keeping the culture.
The Youns did not have success influence here as we keep our community isolated from them. Do you understand? Or do you still think its still pathetic that Khmer people are still Khmer? in the 60s my friend, Khmer Krom and Khmer, freely travel and we held Flower Processions from provinces of Cambodia to Inside Vietnam. So as you can see, Khmer and Khmer in Vietnam had always stay in contact and manage relations until the start of Viet Cong. Dat make sense to you Mr. Realistic? And then after 60s starting into 70s and 80s they send more communities to place in our land and push us back and back till we got nothing almost to farm on. But we still got our community.
The truth is only this generation of Khmer Krom is that I am seeing starting to be inlfuence by Youn because of Youn education and shutdown of Khmer Krom schools by Ngo Dinh Repulic Vietnam. Guess you didn't know that did you? Oh Khmer Krom had been lost for 8 generations! How can they still be Khmer! No! They have to be one of me now!
For me myself, I can speak for, Don't even understand a dam Vietnamese. except for a few cuss words I pick up from the so friendly new neighbors. The fact is vast amount of Khmer Krom don't even speak or Vietnamese. Maybe you won't accept because you are a traitor of the Khmer Race, I mean you are Khmer aren't you? Probably not,but for benefit of doubt let have that you are Khmer.
A Khmer like you is a disgrace. When Khmer Krom people go outside of their community and oversea they look for each other, you know what each other mean? it means KHMER!! Not Khmer Krom, not Khmer Leua. They look for KHMER.
When i came to U.S I look for other Khmer and sadly there are other Khmer kandal people like you who have the mentality that all Khmer Krom are Youns. So the fact that there are some ignorant Khmer out there like you makes me prone to think tat you are just another ignorant Khmer and Khmer blood traitor.
You see that many Khmer Krom speak youn now, and you make the general assumption that all Khmer Krom are assimulated long time ago. Youn educaiton for Khmer Krom didn't go back that long you know???? And what little education they gave for the Khmer Krom are restricted anyway. Please mr. Realitc and I know it all my history.
Go to South Vietnam and see KHmer Krom community for yourself. And FYI the fact that you won't see them doesn't mean they're not there, they're just hidden behind all those new urbanizations and immigrants of the North. We are in the background, slumbs and gehtto if you will. Eventually, at this rate, everyone us will be getting with Vietnam keep limiting our farmland.
We speak Khmer, we celebrate Khmer New Year, Khmer bon ouk ombock, Khmer Don Ta, everything. Do understand? But you like to put limit on those holidays now. But it won't go away. Maybe next generation you have more success because we have a bunch of youngster now going to Vietnam schooling. But still this generation. All we have is Khmer people who doesn't speak Vietnamese but speak Khmer with accent which is normal accents are part of every culture.
However, the Younisation of Khmer children, erasing of khmer culture by is happening in this gernation. and with this I don't doubt that Khmer people identity will soon be wipe out unless Khmer people in Cambodia have the guts to save their culture and brother in Vietnam like Vietnam is doing in Cambodia with Vietnamese education support for their oversea community. What Cambodia stance should be now, is best to consider Khmer KRom as oversea our outside of the nation population and give support in keeping the culture alive.
Wheter Khmer people die or not in this generation, depend on Khmer people as a whole. The Khmer krom have done our best to maintain steadfast and true to our Khmer root, but we cannot keep going without help and support and recognition of other Khmer. I know that most khmer in here are not as ignorant as you are and know Khmer people exist for that 8th generation down to now.
Sorry to disappoint you, my mother togue is Khmer not Vietnamese. I can't not converse with you except for a few cuss words, which in any language, I should use with reservation.
Next time. Khmer.
Thank you, annon. @1:23 PM.
Somlor Ma-Chou Yuon
Hey 1:23 PM. What's matter with you? Yuan can speak Khmers and they pretend to be Khmers so why cannot you Khmers speak Yuan? Each person must know more than one languages. If you don't understand Yuan and how are you going to know what these Yuan going to do or say?
Don't mind these arrogant extremist Yuan said, because that is the way they try to intimidate you. You get to stay strong and have a thick skin. Go back and learn and don't let any Yuan and the CPP pro-Yuan bother you.
Be brave and keep your head up.
Continue your Fight until the sun dies out.
I myself keep learning Khmer, Yuan, Siam, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish every day.
Wow so much hatred. I see that the viet plan to take over the region is working by mkaing internal problems for us. Kampuchea Krom did help the south base on promises...no different like the King helping the north...I thank you....don`t see why one can`t be proud to be khmer...who cares if it is khmer north...middle...south...damn if they want to be khmer..let them..
How many times that your Khmer people get to realize that Yuan are a biggest LIAR and they are quite deceptive?
KK helped Yuan, then look@ now? Yuan keep bashing/harrassing KK every day.
King Sihanouk helped Yuan to defeat South then look what happened to Sihanouk? Yuan mocking him everyday posting the video of Sihanouk with Yuan kissing Yuan all over the world and everyone can get those videos from the libraries. Sihanouk was too embarassed so he went on the Radio insulting Yuan as Crocodiles.
Because Yuan keep harassing him with those video and more film (evidence) Not yet shown to the public, Sihanouk then back down,
because it'd be too embarassed if he continues to claim his old territory KKK. Now because of those evidence Sihanouk sided with Hun Sen and Yuan by saying "Oh without Yuan he and his whole family members will all die.."
Folks. I don't know anything about Cambodia, Yuan, Siam, but from what I have read and learned I don't like Yuan. Yuan are quite deceptive. But WHY some Khmers still trust Yuan? Or they may be Khmers in disguised? Yes they are, look@ Nguyen Van Son aka Hoc Langdy as an example.
According to the history the Yuan always brought troubles to Cambodia.
Now Yuan using a new stratagem to divide Khmers, and look@ Hun Sen the beats does to his own brother/sisters in KKK?
Preacher1:23, we have heard your
prayers before. the problem is
either your people people don't
follow it or it is out of the real
This isn't about recognizing
Khmer's blood, but recognizing
criminals, traitors, ..., and
evil doer, and KK Extremists
possessed all the above. You can
preach whatever you want, but we
all know what the truth are.
In the Vietnam War, We all know
KK, South-Yuon, and the US are
fighting to preserve South-
Vietnam as Vietnam, not as
Kampuchea Krom. The US does not
recognized any country as
Kampuchea Krom. Hence, you guys
are one big gang against Khmer
people for supporting the "One
Vietnam Principle." Isn't that so?
Don't denied this fact,Preacher.
You'll only going to embarass
yourself more and more before the
Khmer people.
Here's a quote from one of the
ExKing's article below:
We KKK, whom the Imperialist US had trained, equipped, and paid to fight You, Samdech Euv, have the conscience that we engaged ourselves in an anti-patriotic path. ...
Does that sounds like, "we are
khmer" to you? Moreover, does that
sounds like KK minority can't
fence against South-Youn?
How can they fence against
themselves when 90% of them are
South-Youn with useless Khmer
And in case you try to deny it, we
all know KK does not have its own
currency, economy, or trade to
sustained 14 millions people
or to isolate themselves from
the Vietnamese influences in South
Vietnam where Yuon controlled the
main economy that determined the
survival and wellbeing of all
citizens. 90%+ of KK have been
mixing with Yuon to take advantage
of Yuon's economy for centuries
now as orange juice and water, and
they are happy with it. Only a few
of you (not millions) who are not
happy with this situation continue
to seek to make trouble for Khmer
No, we will never support your
stupid causes. Go somewhere else.
We don't care what language you
speak or what blood mixture you
have. Get it?
Moi28, Yuons are not picking on
KK. They are picking on
troublemakers and gansters.
Even the US is picking on Ethiopian
troublemakers and gangsters. Do
you see the similarity?
Post3:47, I don't care who wanted
to be khmer, so long they don't
create any tension in the region
to destroy what we have left. Isn't
that reasonable? How much more do
you want Cambodia to suffer?
12:57 AM, Yuan are gangsters, just look@ Nguyen Van Son aka Hoc Langdy.
1:01 AM. You don't care that's why Cambodia gets more than 4 million Yuan calling themselves Khmers.
It is so easy to get Khmer citizen for just 10 bucks is it not?
KK are always KK, and they will stay the way they are like the Jews. You don't like them but they exist.
KK are yuon, and KK Extremists are
troublemakers and gansters, just
like that book that you told us
And Name don't mean craps.
So what do you proposed the cost
of getting khmer citizenship to be?
No you misundertodd. KK are living in KKK which S. Vietnam are Viet citizen because the Vietnam controls, however, they are KK not Yuan. Similar to here in the US, the minorities like black, Asian, Arab, Native American, etc.. are called African-American, Asian_American, not American. The term American alone is used only toward the White folks. KK is a native of S. Vietnam. You can call them KK_Viet but they are not Yuan.
Some KK may want to be Yuan but KK are always KK like the native American, no matter who many of them mixed with other ethnic groups.
I know that. Those people that you
referred to are American. Aren't
they? if yes, so does KK are Yuon.
Anyway, I don't care about name,
because name don't do any harm, but
traitors and troublemakers can
cause harm.
And KK can't be Phnong(indegenous)
if they claimed they are khmer
because Khmers are not Phnong.
You can't have it too many ways,
dude. If you want to be Phong
then stop calling KK Khmer or
Yuon, alright?
Hello Yuan 3:23 AM.
KK are always KK no matter where they live, they are always like the JEWS (KK). If they married to P'nong or Montagnards KK still have blood KK in them. Your Yuan stratagem to divide Khmers from Khmers are not new. Khmer people KNOW to well.
Your Yuan are too arrogant and too aggressive and too extreme Racist too deceptive, that's what happens.
You can argue and yell until you end up dead you won't get the answer why KK resist against the Yuan govt'. It because Yuan are too focus on how to colonize others forget to stabilize its own economy and/or building the country from poverty. When Yuan going to hell they have to drag other next door to go with them. This is Yuan.
Yet they are too afraid of China may take their land by changing Chinese character to Latin still not guarantee that China won't take Vietnam in the future. But we shouldn't worry about the future too much but how about now? A few years ago when I was so little my Dad repeated Senator Spence said "Vietnamese never have peace.. they are sufferings and poor for thousand years" War and war.. dragged next door to war with them.
The Yuan govt' need to stop being too arrogant and too aggressive, stop discriminating toward the minorities, the native (KK) of the land and Yuan govt' should open the door for them to have access to good education and everything the same as Yuan citizen have.
Yuan Hanoi govt' is too Racist too discriminated against KK the native of S. Vietnam (KKK). The way they treated KK in the past and now almost like Hitler not quite but almost.
So STOP DENYING, but MOVE toward a real human Diplomacy for a better Society, unless Yuan love to live miserable for thousand years like cave men.
Hey jerk 3:23AM...
Phnongs are also khmer. We called them ( KHMER LEU).
What part of Cambodia are you from? .It seem to me that you are ignorant.
Noope, Khmer Leu is Khmer Leu, and
Phnong is aboriginal tribal people.
They are not part of any society
but their own.
Wake up, Moi28. I never heard of
any Khmer who's married to Phnong,
not to mention that Phnong do not
enjoy Khmer wedding music. Stop
dreaming, Dude.
KK mostly married to Vietnamese
in Vietnam because they are good
bussiness people and they can
offered the family suvival
No parent in their right mind will
offered their daughter to any
Phnong. You get the picture? Stop
bullshiting us, will ya?
P'Nong based on my understanding is a group of another tribe who live inside Khmer Territory. They are known as Khmer_Leu like someone just said it.
They are also known as a minority group in the Khmer society.
A Nation consists multiple ethnic groups, and P'Nong is one of the ethnic group in Khmer Nation just that they live at part of the Nothern of the country.
You do not intend to learn or have a productive discussion, only bashing, and you writing depicted your savage character indeed. What make you think you are better than those Khmer-Leu called P'Nong? You cannot dicsuss as a civilized human being what does it tell you?
Hey, you can called anyone
anything you like, but the truth
is Phnong is neither Khmer, Khmer
Leu, nor Khmer Krom, and they have
been around way before the arrival
of Khmer.
I know silly Khmer Krom Extremists
are now trying to claim that they
are Phnong so that they can be
independent from the Vietnamese
Government just like the Phnong is,
but they are just fooling
themselve. They are soooo pathetic.
There are khmers sorin, khmers leu, khmers kandal,and khmers krom. We are all belong to a big khmer family back to the mohanokor era.This mighty nation kept shringking to what we have now, or we like to call ourselve khmer kandal. These khmers are part of the khmer empire. As to why khmers kandal are more civilize then khmer leu because khmer kandal were influenced by the west(french) .If khmers kandal were left alone,then khmers leu and khmers kandal are the same. Just take a look at the wall of angkorwat , you can see for yourself that our ancesters were all dressed like the khmers leu of today. The word phnong is racist and should not be
used to degrade those people who happened to live in that part of the country. If you really believe that khmers leu are not khmers so angkorwat must be built by the phnongs because every person was dressed like them (the phnong).
KK are khmer who happened to live in that part of the land that was given to the vietnamese by the FRENCH. In their heart and soul these people will never mixe with the vietnamese. They are proudly said they are still khmer at heart...
just because you hate KK and you are a staunch CPP supporter , it doesn't mean yuon trust you anyway, and you may be the last one to go inevitably when the time come...
I agree with 2:10pm...those land were once part of our empire. Why all the bashing and name calling? KK deserve their freedoms from Youns no different than Cambodia. Do you see the similarity here?
don't let ah/mi srakei daung yuon tempt you.
Give it up KK troublemaker2:10.
You are fighting a losing battle.
Phnong is not a racist word. Phnong
is trible people that existed
everywhere. We know you are now
trying to claim that you are
Phnong, but you are only fooling
yourself. No one is going to buy
such a stupid story.
Right Pnong is a group of tribe and the word Pnong is not racist word, but when you call them in front of their face like "You talk like Pnong or talk like Ethiopian.." You are surely Racist.
Infact your writing proved that you are too Xtreme far Left (Communist)and too Racist.
12:53 and others:
Wrong, Kampuchea Krom was given to VN by France. Aren't there any Khmer speakers among you?
Khmer leu means 'northern Khmer'
Khmer kandal means 'central Khmer'
Khmer Krom (actually pronounced kraum) means 'lower Khmer'
These are geographical terms which have been used to describe certain parts of a nation, as most people and nations do. Doubtless, all of them are Khmer.
The Pnong are a hill-tribe in NE Cambodia who have lived remotely from civilization for a long time, but they are also Khmer by ethnicity. Got it folks?
Just listen to your description of
1)Pnong are a hill-tribe in NE
2)Pnong have lived remotely from
civilization for a long time.
2)Pnong are also Khmer by ethnicity.
Now, who have brought Phong over
to cambodia?
And since when they were given
Khmer citizenship?
And what do you mean by #2?
Just how long is a "Long Time"?
And why don't they ever live
with Khmer leu, kandal, or krom
as all khmers once was?
Your trick to supports Khmer Krom
as Phnong will never work because
Phong are tribal people who has
been before everyone else, period.
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