Tuesday, June 19, 2007

King Sihamoni returns home

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

King Norodom Sihamoni returned back to Cambodia in the evening of Friday 15 June 2007 after completing his official visit in Switzerland. The king visited Switzerland at the end of May and he continued on to France for medical checkup.


Anonymous said...

He did not have a medical checkup. Instead, the King met his boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

what? did he has aides or looking for aids like peasant slave yon hunkvak!!hmm..never in the Cambodian history, the father is a playboy king, then the son is gay king...very dysfunction family..no wondered why peasant hunkvak became king Ang Yuon-or ach-yuon..
do we/cambodian deserve all these shit?....eeyore

Anonymous said...

You have a bad prejudice for the Monarchy. It's unacceptable.
Born gay is not a crime. It's natural.
The present king is a high educated and respected man. I am proud he is the King of Cambodia. And I don'care he is gay or not gay.
I UK many gays are MP, scientists, senators and some have received the Knighthood (Noblesse Tittle) from Queen Elisabeth. The Pianist and Singer gay Elton Johns is one Example.