Saturday, June 16, 2007

Political Cartoon: Two Uncles

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

General Vang Pao is not a terrorist. He's only trying to save his people and bring democracy, liberty, and justice to his people and his homeland. The current government is not intelligent enough for him to bring democracy to the country with words. He had fight fire with fire, America should understand that. Would they win revolutionary war with the British if they use words.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam had forgot their suffering in the past.....
Uncle Sam had abandenced its loyal friends and embrassed its old enemy
....cuz its Greed & Power .
Who else would trust Uncle Sam ?

Anonymous said...

Sacravatoon staffs:

Why don't you make ah HunSen Clan as the Viruses? Call it H1S1. Well, you know the rest!

Anonymous said...

Well done again Mr.Sacrava! ahahah!

So much for the free world!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam <--> ah Ho

Anonymous said...

The Arrest of general Wang Pao is one of the great lesson for all Politicians around the world to learn their lesson for believing in USA policies. Wang Pao was all his life loyalt to USA and he is fighting for the survival of his ethnic group of Mhong people. His arrest is a alarming to everyone to understanding USA policies of self-interest only. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Uncle Sam is now just an idiot. How can Cambodians trust you any more. Uncle Sam, you even don't know between the terrorists and the fighters for democracy, liberty, and justice. Laos people are lonely in the world, their country has been captured by Uncle Ho, and now you Uncle Sam become Uncle Ho's friend. From one day to one day, under a sign of fighting against terrorism you are more and more crazy!! Uncle Sam, you are too afraid, you are a coward!! Uncle Sam where is your brave.
We are very disappointed!!
Sacrava Team! We accept your idea, that [H1S1] refer to Ah fucker mother Hun Xen for our correspondence use.
Ong Att.

Anonymous said...

Why do we have strong feeling that it is not Uncle Sam alone acting this way?

It's The world Economic and The Terrorist's treat that influence The United States to behave this otherway around.

We forgot that The World Trade Tower was based in New York ( In The American Soil! )and That Tower was melting down to the ground on September 11th from some 5 or 6 years ago. That World Trade Tower involved business corporations or multi-manufacturing business and corporations around the globe. Didn't it?

Shouldn't we think that anyone which is plotting to destroy a government that is friendly to America, will be looking at a different side of the coin this time?

Ah Vietcong,The Government of Loas and our own Government today are friendly to Uncle Sam and we open our whole hearts and arms to business around the world. They are all coming to invest their money with us and in those Loas and Vietnam's land. So becareful out there. Who are we trying to win right now?

" Other Poeple and us must know who are we really trying to go after?"

How many bussiness or Giant business corporations are building The hotels, resorts or factories in the country such as our " Cambodia " and other country like Loas, Vietnam or Thailand? Do we know? and who are we trying to win?

We need to think twice and my be many more times before heading to do some violence act.

America may look like a bad guy right now by going after all the good old Freedom fighters in the past, but again who are we trying to change? and what do we really want?

America and The World of Democracy are opening their arms and doors to free election. Why don't we convince ourself and our people to look at that way instead? or just plan going to vote for a different person? or government? why provoke violence? or supporting arms destruction?

Our dawn gut instincts are telling us right now That The United States and The world will support us as well if we win and definitely! but please try to stay away from violence. It won't do any good.

America has her job to protect America and her friends. Right now, it means Ah Vietcong, the government of Loas and our own are her friends. See the connection with Japan? and see The Taiwan issue? and the most properous ever America doing business with China?

Please stay cool. Let us protest and voice our suffering thru human right's office and The World Leaders ( The G8 ) instead. That might work. There are some fine and smart people out there. Let's bring our true voices to them and see what will happen. God save Cambodia! and God save the world!

Ordinary Khmers