Saturday, June 16, 2007

Political Cartoon: A Virgin Prostitute and her Empty Promises

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

That's a great cartoon.

In fact, he sold himself to the Vietnamese a long time ago and he claims that he is a virgin during every donors' meeting.

Anonymous said...

He-She is very cun-ning. It seems that ah "som-poeng" HunXen has a new tactics. Admitting some mistakes, he actually seems like he was genuine in what he's saying. You know what! I think the Donors/WB will swallow lines, sinks, and hooks!

More suffering will be coming for the Khmers everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Sacravatoon staffs:

Why don't you make ah HunSen Clan as the Viruses? Call it H1S1. Well, you know the rest!

Anonymous said...

Big thanks to Sacrava for your great toon.
Ong Att.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon it meaningfull to Government of Cambodia.
We shouldn't blame to prostitute girls but we must scole to Hun Sen regime better.
I think that all human never through their dignity into the toilets but when their stomarch more hungry they shouldn't do byt they must do to refill their stomarch by food.
Some of girl when they worked in the garment factories the directors exploited their labor by give small salary by this some of them changed their lives to work as a prostitute.
And one more Hun Sen should think and think about their salary and price of goods in the market does it fit for them( the prices of the goods is too high but the salary just small.

Anonymous said...

This toon is not discriminating to all kind of sex workers....but to emphazise the character of Hun Xen's Empty promises !
I do understand all the situation of those sex workers in Cambodia or others places around the world.
My apologize for my using words.