Friday, July 27, 2007

Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha exchange words

Friday, July 27, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Following the recent congress of Kem Sokha’s Human Rights Party (HRP), the HRP leader and Sam Rainsy seems to hold stronger dispute between each other. According to The Cambodia Daily, Sam Rainsy called Kem Sokha a shameless man in his political ambition, and he called on Kem Sokha to abandon such political ambition. Without naming Kem Sokha directly, Sam Rainsy said that the leader of a new political party did not win a seat at the National Assembly in the 1998 national election. Sam Rainsy said over the phone that if he were Kem Sokha, he would quit politics already. Sam Rainsy said that for a person who did not win a seat at the National Assembly to continue politics, it is very shameful. Kem Sokha replied that Sam Rainsy is a deluded man and is envious of the popularity of the HRP also. Kem Sokha said that Sam Rainsy is not only concerned, but he is also jealous as well.


Anonymous said...

CPP Party is very Happy with that.Comment by Kon Chke lived in Boston Mass.

Anonymous said...

Nothing just jealous because SR is a men but act like a women.He is little bit better than GAY.Now he proclame that his party is rank no 2 in the country.He proud that he will bit CPP in 2008.No way jose.I affraid that you will go back to no 3 in the next election.Critisize is the name of this game.If you keep attack SR more,he will be handicap or stoke before 2008 election.SR please relax and call a meeting and looking for a news trategies to work with this situation.Your critisize is nonsence and more personel and stop doing negative campaign.

Anonymous said...

Yep,Both Party are B/S for Khmer People anyway.comment by H.E. Long Saroath.

Anonymous said...

Both leaders are busy looking over their shoulders to out-compete each other when they should be looking ahead and addressing national issues. Or are they only good at doing the first, and not the latter. What a shame really!

LAO Mong Hay, UK

Anonymous said...

Jaiyo CPP!

Mr. Fu Yak

Anonymous said...

Sam rainsy,please don't waste your time engaging wth this idiot pilitician kem sokha.

Anonymous said...

To the supporters of both camps (SRP and HRP),

I've said many times over that Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha are identical twins. They look very much alike in so many ways. Below are their common traits:

- Ambitious,
- Greedy,
- Corrupt,
- Arrogant,
- Stubborn,
- Uncaring,
- Womanizing,
- Irresponsible,
- Hypocritical and
- Autocratic.

For the salvation of Cambodia from the brink of total annexation by Vietnam and for the plight of the poor, the weak, the defenceless and the oppressed, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha won't give a damn. These two men care only about themselves, their families and their own nterests, period. They are not politicians let alone patriots, but they know extremely well how to play politics to their advantage. They need support from people but never listen to them. They want people to sacrifice their lives for them so that they can live but never care about their personal security and that of their families. In brief, they would not be ashamed of licking Hun Sen's most private part if their personal interests dictated them to do so.

Folks, please carve my words on a piece of stone anf throw it to a corner of your fence as I am more than certain that you would recognize one day that what I have just said is true.

Anonymous said...

To the supporters of both camps (SRP and HRP),

I've said many times over that Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha are identical twins. They look very much alike in so many ways. Below are their common traits:

- Ambitious,
- Greedy,
- Corrupt,
- Arrogant,
- Stubborn,
- Uncaring,
- Womanizing,
- Irresponsible,
- Hypocritical and
- Autocratic.

For the salvation of Cambodia from the brink of total annexation by Vietnam and for the plight of the poor, the weak, the defenceless and the oppressed, Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha won't give a damn. These two men care only about themselves, their families and their own interests, period. They are not politicians let alone patriots, but they know extremely well how to play politics to their advantage. They need support from people but never listen to them. They want people to sacrifice their lives so that they can live but never care about their personal safety and that of their families. In brief, they would not be ashamed of licking Hun Sen's most private part if their personal interests dictated them to do so.

Folks, please carve my words on a piece of stone anf throw it to a corner of your fence as I am more than certain that you would recognize one day that what I have just said is true. Last but certainly not least, please do not fight each other for the sake of these two worthless men. They don't even deserve your attention.

Anonymous said...

yeah! one difference is Khem Sokha stays with with his people and rather be in jail while Somraisy pakes and leaves for France.

Fu Yack.

Anonymous said...

We are khmer people have to look clearly to all main politicle parties be fore we drop a vote into the box. Some politicians talk very nice but got trick inside. Example: Kem Sokha, is the puppet of CPP. So he has to insult Sam Rainsy in order to satisfy his boss, HUN SEN.

Anonymous said...

Hey FU Yak....

Kem sokha never dared to stay in the country while things happened. He ran away many times. You can asked Rong Chun, Man Nath, Ir Channa, and Cham Channy... Kem Sokha followed them to Bangkok just about rummor, and then came back, and at last he was arrested coz he idoitly dnt know. If he would know he would escape on time again. HHHHHAAAAAA, dnt expect kem sokha . He is truly an opportunist.

I dnt think SRP is jealous with kem sokha coz kem sokha doesnt even have enough money to buy rice, wood, stove, ingredients.... to make food yet. How can SRP leader envy kem sokha?

Anonymous said...

Miscomunication is surely happening here. It just doesn't seem right that the two are out to cut each other's throat when they should be working together for better Khmer future.

SRP and The Human Right Staff should be working side by side to get rid of our country's common evils and not seperating the interest. Wrong! wrong! and wrong!

Anonymous said...

Dear all SRP

Please leave this guy "Kem sokha" a lone

Everyone known this guy as A PRIG and just a pack of MONKEY as well.

So we better leave that bloody Monkey looser out off line of our target.

Please do remembers: the more we attach him.. is the more we pick that looser up. and that's what this pRIG wanted us to do so...


Anonymous said...

I agree with all these posters. SRP represents democracy and freedom for the people. We don't need that stinking stuff in our country! We need more people like Kem Sokha and Hun Sen! Yay for communism!! Boo for democracy!

Anonymous said...

Hello all

What is going on here? Why you all fight? Please get to know Rainsy and Sokha more. You may find something interesting like me. It happened to me about 2 months ago when Sokha was in USA. I was lucky invited by a friend to join a dinner with Sokha. I am the outsider and less interest in politics. However, I wanted to see Sokha in person. So I went. During the dinner Sokha got a phone call. Guess who? Rainsy called Sokha. They talked like brothers.

Now I don't understand. They both exchanged words. And also you all here at KI comment exchanged words too. Please you all ,both sides, get to know your boss a little bit more and you may find out something. I think they both play some kind of game here.

Let the world know if you find out something.