Tuesday, August 14, 2007

CAMBODIA: Khmer Krom seek return of defrocked monk

Radio Australia
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

The Khmer Krom Federation is applying international pressure to demand the return to Cambodia of defrocked monk, Tim Sakhorn. The Khmer Krom are a minority group in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam and Cambodia. The former abbott of the Phnom Den pagoda in Cambodia went missing for a month after being defrocked in June for allegedly stirring unrest in Vietnam. He's now facing a charge in Vietnam for entering the country illegally.

Presenter - Sonja Heydeman Speaker - Giap Tran, Treasurer of the Khmer Krom Federation in the US); Director of the Hawaian Institute for Human Rights, Joshua Cooper

HEYDEMAN: The Director of the Hawaian Institute for Human Rights is concerned for the welfare of Tim Sakhorn.

Joshua Cooper says the Khmer Krom Federation, as well as its alliances of NGO's and activists have been working full-time since the first whisper of the former abbott's disappearance.

COOPER: From the issue of the disrobing which we find was not accurate in any way, to the issue of the deportation, which was also alarming, and then of course to the disappearance. We know that there's actually new international instrument on disappearances, we've actually utilised every international mechanism available from the special rapporteurs focussing on religious freedom to the special rapporteurs on indigenous people. So we've been active so that hopefully it wouldn't come to that level of a story about a sad situation, but more importantly about people standing up for their rights from the beginning.

HEYDEMAN: Joshua Cooper says he believes Tim Sakhorn will be successfully freed.

COOPER: And we believe that through our efforts of organising with our NGO networks as well as academics, and more importantly through the international institutions guaranteed to protect and promote human rights, they will be successful to secure his release.

HEYDEMAN: The Human Rights Institute Director says sources in Vietnam are trying to keep track of the location and condition of Tim Sakhorn.

Mr Cooper says this is not the only case they're watching.

COOPER: The case of the five who had been disrobed and then also faced charges and so I think this is important is that if we hadn't done the groundwork in the last five years these kind of things that are taking place to Khmer people I mean almost for centuries, and definitely in the last decades from the 70s onwards, but no one knew about the Khmer people and their struggle for self-determination. And what we have then is we've taken this case to the International Court of Justice, to the international human rights bodies such as SEDA focussing on women's rights. And so I think that work has made it then more of a story and more people are aware, whereas unfortunately these human rights violations have taken place consistently for a long period of time. The only difference now is the world is watching.

HEYDEMAN: The Director of the Hawaian Institute for Human Rights, Joshua Cooper.

The Treasurer of the Khmer Krom Federation in the US, Giap Tran, says Khmer Krom communities around the world are actively seeking the release of Tim Sakhorn.

Mr Tran says the Vietnamese government has systematically tried to erase the Khmer Krom entirely.

He says part of the dilemma is the lack of global awareness of their plight.

TRAN: Around the world it seems since the French colonised there they ceded the land to Vietnam, since then all the history has been erased and millions of Khmer Krom that be a part of that land that has been buried under Vietnamese regime.

HEYDEMAN: Mr Tran says he feels such a great sense of sadness for his people.

TRAN: Right now what I can feel for them is like a stateless people. When we lived in Vietnam, Vietnamese government never gave any respect as a people, as Vietnamese citizens. They tried to do all kinds of oppression to make Khmer people leave the country. When we left the country to Cambodia, Cambodian government announced that they recognised Khmer Krom as a citizen when we get to Cambodia. But in reality there's no protection, there's no legal mechanism to help us when we're in Cambodia. So when you look into both countries, not willing to recognise us as people, so it's got to be very, very emotional.

HEYDEMAN: Meanwhile, the Hawaian of Institute for Human Rights Director, Joshua Cooper says there needs to be mechanisms in place in the region to promote and protect human rights.

COOPER: The European Court of Human Rights exists, Africa's creating a court and inter-America has a court and a commission. We believe we don't want there to be more Tim Sakhorns and we believe the only way to do that is to build institutions on a regional level that will then take the cultures as well as the global customs and norms into account. So we believe a human rights instrument at the regional level in Asia would be one of those aspects. So we're not just focussing on Tim now, but also for the future for all people who stand up for their human rights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

King Jayavarman VII was reincarnated as DR Joshua Cooper who cares for his Khmer people in the 21st century trying to free Cambodian victims from oppressors, human rights violators and brutal Yavana/Yuon colonialists and communists/Commo leaders who are the worst violators of human rights on earth.

Thank you so much to Dr Joshua Cooper!

King Chey Chetha II was Reincarnated as Hun Sen, who loves sex with Yuon/Yavana taxigirls, serves his Hanoi masters to keep him in power so that any Yavana can come to live in Cambodia freely and safely. So in 30/50 years' time, Cambodia will be overpopulated by Yuon parasites/leeches like Champa and Khmer Krom for sure.

When Hun Sen, dies one day, whose body is buried without salt. (=No Coffin for him.) But if he can change his mind by protecting all his Khmer people during KRT, he will be considered as a Khmer National Hero until the end of earth.

Khmer sralanh Khmer said...
If we Victims of Vietnamese Hidden Faces Behind Killing Fields use microscope to find out Yuon/Yavana secret agents/spies secretly have been hiding in Cambodia since the Murderous French Colonial Period, we still can't find out any of them killing Khmer innocent people from 1975-1979, but if we can speak, read and write Yuon then we must impersonate ourselves working with Yuon restaurant owners or any department in both Cambodia and Khmer Krom and then we know all One Million Super-Dirty Demonic tricks all Yuon Hanoian Commo leaders used to kill Cambodians secretly in the name of Angkar Leu/Cap Tren. That's why A Chinese Proverb goes like this: What you see is not a true sign; [but] what you can’t see is a true sign. (Yuon secret agents/spies secretly used in cunning killing and rescuing operation. It means to kill Cambodian innocent people by using Yuon citizens living in Cambodia as KR and then they started to rescue Cambodians from the killing fields. Nearly whether all educated and uneducated Cambodians who are terribly misled that KR brutally killed their country fellowmen by thanking Yuon troops as their rescuers.)
Murderous Hanoian Leaders' One Million Super-Dirty Demonic Tricks are used to round up all Khmer nationalists who have a real human gut to reclaim our lands from Yuon coconut shells.

Yuon/Yavana secret agents/spies everywhere in Cambodia stirring up all unrests in the country can arrest any Khmer nationalist/KK by blaming to undermine Cambodia's relationship with Vietnam.
All Khmer compatriots must wake up from your day-dreams that Yuon coconut shells came to rescue you and your family from Pol Pot. In fact, the real murderers are all but Yuon/Yavana secret agents/ spies who secretly had impersonated themselves as the KR.
English proverb: Truth will out. (The truth always becomes known.)
All Killing Fields were secretly created by Vietnamese/Yavana secret agents/spies in order to erase all Cambodian race on earth.

They have secretly been killing Cambodian people since 18th Century up until now. Read Khmer History of Tae Ong.

Murderous Hanoian commo leaders who are so cunning didn't want themselves to get caught in action so they used their Yuon/Yavana citizens, who used to live in Cambodia before 1970, are well-educated in Khmer language, culture, tradition, custom, and religion...etc. to have impersonated themselves as the Khmer Rouge soldiers to brutally kill Cambodian innocent people.
Now there are more than 4000 000 illegal Yuon citizens living in Cambodia so far so worse, many of whom are former Khmer Rouge soldiers/killers.

Hanoi commo leaders from now on in a big trouble when all Khmer Rouge leaders are put on trial with the UN in Phnom Penh. My Khmer compatriots, you will take revengeful action against Yuon citizens living in Cambodia. And Murderous Hanoi leaders will secretly order their secret agents to kill Khmer Krom people in revengeful manner.

There will be a big turmoil on its way to be erupted like earthquake soon during the KR Trial! Khmer victims will take revengefulness against Yuon who will kill KK in KK in return.

Trust in Lord Buddha!
Khmer Sralanh Khmer/Khmer love Khmer!