Saturday, August 25, 2007

Cambodian government rejects lift of immunity from prosecution for Sihanouk

August 25, 2007

The Cambodian government in Phnom Penh on Friday issued a statement to reject any proposal to lift the immunity from prosecution for former king Norodom Sihanouk.

"The Royal Government of Cambodia feels it must reject absolutely any idea to lift the immunity for prosecution held by His Majesty The King Father, Preah Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, and to state clearly that this matter was clearly and definitively excluded at the time of the former king's retirement," said the statement.

"We recall that The King Father was, like his fellow citizens of Cambodia, a victim of the war in Indochina, caused by the intervention of foreign powers, and of the resultant Khmer Rouge ( namely the Democratic Kampuchea, DK) regime in which His Majesty lost 14 members of his family," it said.

"All is well known," it added, "the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia states clearly in Article 7: The King of Cambodia shall reign but shall not govern. The King shall be the Head of State for life. The King shall be inviolable."

It is the responsibility of the co-prosecutors and co- investigating judges of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC) to decide whom to try, within the jurisdiction of the court, which limited to senior leaders of DK and those most responsible for serious crimes under Cambodian and international laws, it said.

"It is the view of the Royal Government of Cambodia that such public agitation could have the result of jeopardizing the peace and unity of the Kingdom of Cambodia and play into the hands of those who would seek to return our country to its former state of war and chaos," it added.

Sihanouk retired as king of Cambodia in 2004. His son Norodom Sihamoni succeeded him.

The ECCC was designed by the United Nations and the Cambodian government to try former Democratic Kampuchea (DK) leaders on charges of crimes against humanity between 1975 and 1979.

Source: Xinhua


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA this is sound very funny,Cambodia I am give up what in my heart , my mind and my soul,I thought this is gonna be a fair trial but that shame on YOU and your article VII. When you are the king your poop smell good,when you committed crime against human YOU
get a way from the rules of your Laws. How many more Cambodian folks have to believes with this law?
Sound like insulting and peeing on two million and more Cambodian beloved one 's grave.
Your country is suck I will be give up my Cambodian citizen for others. FUCK YOU STUPID& NOT GOOD

Anonymous said...

Hey hey this is stupid 1:03 you rite, and Hun Sen will be free tooooooo because he is the leader,somdach and the victim like the other khmer under khmer rouge , shame on you , shame on you Cambodian government now ,you are all just ass whole no responsibilities ,what a disgusting ,disgraceful ,what is the jungle laws.
Shame on you all if you don't fix this shit laws.
What am I gonna be in the next life?

Anonymous said...

NO, if (Sihanouk) found guilty, hang him and hang him high just like the rest (the Viets) of them.

[NON, s'il (Sihanouk) est trouve coupable, le pendre et le pendre aussi haut comme le reste (des Viets) d'entre eux.]


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I already knew what was going to happen. If I were those anti_Sihanouk I will not have chosen this losing strategy.
What ashame that they don't see what is happening in this 21st century. Nothing is free, one has to sacrifice for something to get something.

Anonymous said...

Like TAMOK once said;<< si kuy teav oss taing tok oy mok cheng luy tai mneak eng>> What he tried to say is only him serving time in jail while the rest(eang sary,khiev samphan ,nuon chea and sihanouk)are free.

Folks, sihanouk was a chief propaganda or a mouthpiece for the khmer rouge from 1970-1975.He should be included in the trial, if you want it to be a little fair.

Anonymous said...

Moi28 I have already known you just deadly blind,among all the observers ,I saw you with your confessd is just the retarded little chick yesterday borned to be a whore in the royal palace,so all the thing you have to do if to defense your monarchy it doesn't matters under the eyes of the whole world are watching at the king servants,king's detainer, you are just mouth's piece so we are all have no time with you, please go back to your slave sexes to your kig or prince with the full services like u used to it. Let this stage for the people with the right mind and fair with balance to say. Thanks you if you just shut your fuck up and go to theo houses or screte affairs house and stop toxin this room. Born to be walking with my feet not my knees.

Anonymous said...

Moi 28 you are just a little slut not knowing much a bout the politic or you just Seihaknouk 's mouth pieces and the king use you one in a while then he dumb you like a cigarette tails or you might ending up like more than two million victim ,needing justice in the corrupt world , I know now it is not too late for Moi to wake up from the walking death moi.
Hope it help PPL like you
khmer pheas khloun

Anonymous said...

08:31 moi28 just want to return old and all royal families to the Khmer rouge trial 's attention that it ,especially she wanted to take turn with NEAK MNEANG POLLAA OK CUZ Rannorith working so hard and lack of some help??

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are really barbarous languages Hun Sen has alway spoken. Do you all always engage this low?

Don't adopt Hun Sen's style. You all need to be able to engage the debate as civilized people.
If you don't you are no better than Hun Sen or those thugs.

If you believe that by trashing others who disagree with you this way then you are deadly wrong.

I believe I knew who is Pu (khmer pheas khloun).

If you think you can debate with intelligence then do it, if not then keep trashing; because only the losing side would have only "garbages" to show.