Friday, December 21, 2007

Hun Sen withdraws his threat to reveal the name of his spy agent

Friday, December 21, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Prime minister Hun Sen, who on Wednesday threatened to reveal the name of his former spy to the public, said on Thursday that he is withholding this name and the documents temporarily, because he received a request from a leader in France asking him not to issue these documents.

On Wednesday, Hun Sen threatened to unmask his spy by revealing secret documents dating from 1997 where this unnamed spy received money to do spy work and to provide information to the CPP so that it can win in the little war in Phnom Penh city (1997 Hun Sen’s coup d’état).

Hun Sen’s statement about receiving a phone call from a leader from France asking him not to reveal these documents seemed to be aimed at opposition leader Sam Rainsy. Hun Sen said, during the distribution of diplomas to students at the institute of education on Thursday 20 December, that the leader who called him over the phone from France asked him not published the documents and not to act like this.

Hun Sen said that he has a 28-page document pertaining to the conversation (which took place) and they have been copied already, but that he is withholding these documents as a secret for now. Hun Sen said: “It’s not like Hun Sen is pulling the bow to scare the crow, Hun Sen really has an arrow to shoot down.”

SRP MP Son Chhay, whom people suspect as being involved in this spying affair and providing secret information to Hun Sen during that time, already rejected this claim on Wednesday, saying that he did not spy for Hun Sen and that the accusations made by Hun Sen against him are nothing new or to be surprised about.


Anonymous said...

The public needed to be informed and deserved the truths!

PM Hun Sen had made an insinuation statement, which referenced SR to the 1997 Coup de'etat.

1) SR needs to make a statement to clarify the issues.

2) MP Son Chhay should have pursued legal action against PM Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

Who is stopping Mr. Hun Sen from telling the Cambodian population the truth about Mr. Son Chay as his spy agent? Someone who is Cambodian leader in France told him not to reveal the real spy?

This is for the first time in Cambodian history that someone was able to stop Mr. Hun Sen! Ahhahahhahhahah!

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen when he stepped on Cambodian constitution and the illegal border treaties with the Vietcong government!

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen when he committed massive corruption by secretly subsidized the oil price for dirt poor Cambodian people at $100 million a year and the fucken oil price is still high!

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen when he robbed dirt poor Cambodian people’s land and gave it to big businesses!

No Cambodian leader can stop Mr. Hun Sen when trashed the United Nations, the Global Witness, NGOs...for telling the truth!

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen when he chose not to pass anti-corruption law!

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen from smoking! Ahahhahhahh

No Cambodian leaders can stop Mr. Hun Sen because he is the strong man of Cambodia!

No Cambodia can stop Mr. Hun Sen period and for him to say that some Cambodian leaders can stop him and I would like to know!

By the way I really like to shake hand with any Cambodian leaders who can stop Mr. Hun Sen! So far Mr. Hun Sen is unstoppable!

Anonymous said...

Ah HUN SEN is Ah lob Brampy Sandan.

- Fucking crazy leader
- Stupis Prime Minister

One day you will be hanged

Anonymous said...

Agreed. What a stupid and ignorant leader we have running our country into oblivion. All he does is threatening and hurting the people that he is sworn to protect. He does nothing while Ah youn and Ah kapeak siam is raping and pillaging our land, islands, water borders and every other resources in between. If this is an example that he is setting for the next leaders of Khmer, then Khmer will be wipe out soon. However, we should not be suprise becuase look what we had as leader for the past 50 years, Ah SiAhnouk, Lon Nol/Sirik Matak, Pol Pot/Ieng Sary/Noun Chea and now it get worst, Hun Sen/Ah youn. The next Khmer leader could just Ah youn/Ah kapeak siam running our every day lives and enslaving us if we don't wake up soon.

Anonymous said...

This will teach the others a lesson not to work as spy for him, or else he will reveal their IDs later when you don't get along with him.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hun Sen is afraid of Mr. Son Chay otherwise he would disclose the spy story. The fact that Mr. Hun Sen is afraid of Mr. Son Chay because Mr. Son Chay knows far more information than him!

Prime Minister Hun Sen should know better not to fuck with Mr. Son Chay! I mean for 11 years Mr. Hun Sen try kill Mr. Son Chay with his accusation for being a spy for him but he just couldn't do it! I don't believe Mr. Hun Sen couldn't do it in the future either because it all just talk and no action!

Not just Mr. Son Chay know about Mr. Hun Sen dirty little secret but other high ranking former CPP officials who are currently working in Sam Rainsy Party right now also know about Mr. Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

Gainster, stealing, robing, traficking, cursing, racism,Killing, Black mailing; all make of CAmbodian current government of HUN SEN!

What Can we do?
Wwait for another killing field?

Take your justice to hell if any where you find is deeper than Cambodia right now, UN!!!

Anonymous said...

Does ah Hun Sen also have documents on illegal YOUNs and land given to YOUNs? Haha.