Friday, December 21, 2007

Hun Sen's Return On Investment (ROI): Lee Myung Bak, my advisor, is elected as South Korea new president ... Cambodia will get more aid

Cambodian PM happy his adviser elected South Korea's president
Fri, December 21, 2007
By Rasmei Kampuchea/Asia News Network

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed his happiness that his foreign economic adviser Lee Myung Bak was elected as the president of the Republic of Korea.

"I got exciting information that Lee Myung Bak, my economic adviser since 200, won the elections and would become the new President of Republic of Korea", said Prime Minister Hun Sen in a certificate handover ceremony which was held at the National Institute of Education on Thursday.

Prime Minister Hun Sen praised Mr. Lee as the well-educated and wealthy politician. Hun Sen expected that since Mr. Lee is the president of South Korea, Cambodia will get more aid.

The Cambodian Prime Minister also said that he had other foreign economic advisers who could help him with economic advice and the encouragement of foreign investment to Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

PM's advisor becomes president, if anyone wants to be elected as president or prime minister in hie or her own country, please come to work as advisors of Cambodian PM.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless to such ignorance.

Anonymous said...

good to hear that...

Anonymous said...

Do you believe ah Hun Sen that he told this one is his friend that ones is his friend ?

I don't know but his friends is Burma, youn(vietnam). ah Hun blind is ah dictator so he only has friends who are dictatorships or communism dictatorhip. It is really that H.E. Yash Ghai (UN special of human right to observe human right in Cambodia) reported "Cambodia has no hunman rights under the dictatorship".

No leader of any democracy countries would like to be friends with ah leader of dictator regime (semi communist regime) in Cambodia running under ah Hun blind.

Khmer people don't believe the speechs of ah Hun blind(member of CPP: Communist Pro youn Party)!!!

Anonymous said...

For how long we have to live on life support. Hun Sen has been in power for over 20 years but Cambodia continues to beg money from outsiders to survive, yet the standard of living of the majority of Khmer people remain the poorest in the region. Don't we have dignity of our own as a nation.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it pathetic that all the Cambodian prime minister does, was putting his hand out for money? All he thinks is begging and steal from the begged money.

Anonymous said...

I am so ashame as I was reading "Hun Sen is happy that will get more aids."