Friday, January 11, 2008

Two Cambodian men vapourised by anti-tank mine

Fri, 11 Jan 2008

Phnom Penh - Two Cambodian farmers were vapourised by an anti-tank mine they accidentally triggered while cutting bamboo, police said Friday. Nuth Veat, 43, and Mour Koy, 41, died instantly along with the two cattle they were using to pull their cart, Kamreang district police chief in the north-eastern province of Battambang, Cheam Kimhong said by telephone.

"There was not much left. The bodies of the people and the animals were obliterated and turned to rain. We can tell what is what from clothes alone," he said.

He said Wednesday's tragedy was followed within 24 hours by another landmine explosion nearby which left one man dead and three injured after they played with the mine and detonated it.

The Cambodian Mine Action Center said the number of deaths and injuries in Cambodia from landmines and unexploded ordinance last year fell to 339 from 450 in 2006 but provinces like Battambang, which saw heavy fighting during the 30-year civil war, still suffer a rate higher than the national average.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the legacy of the Vietcong invasion of Cambodia on January 7, 1979 and dirt poor Cambodian people continue to die even after the Vietcong master and AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave claimed to save them from the Khmer Rouge!

Dirt poor Cambodian people need more than miracle after 2008!