Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Frenchwoman Ate Cockroaches During Khmer Rouge Regime

Sunday-Monday, May 4-5, 2008
Rasmei Kampuchea
Unofficial Translation from Khmer by

In 1979, thirty-five-year-old Frenchwoman Denise Affonço gave answers to the [the People's Revolutionary tribunal]. Her father was Morris Affonço, a professor. She had been born and living in Phnom Penh before 1975. She had been married to Construction Entrepreneur Thy Theam Seng.

She survived the Khmer Rouge regime after 1979. When the People’s Revolutionary Tribunal held the trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary in August 1979 in Phnom Penh, she participated as a witness and testified before the court. “I faced extreme suffering when the Khmer Rouge evacuated the people from Phnom Penh in April 1975,” she said in the court, adding that she and her family had lived in a rural area where the Khmer Rouge forced them to work excessively and gave them very little food. The Khmer Rouge only gave them watery rice porridge mixed with vegetables. Her husband was taken to be killed while her daughter and sister-in-law starved to death.

“If we talk about starvation, it made people become wild beasts. We cared about nothing: we were not afraid of death anymore. As I was too hungry, one day I seized a piece of cow skin from the mouth of a dog. It bit me and left scars on my arms and feet until present. Because of starvation, I cared about nothing. I fell back on grasshoppers, termites and cockroaches. At the time, everything edible was delicious,” pointed out Affonço, concerning the starvation during the Khmer Rouge regime.

“They forced all widows to build an earthen dike, and they named it “Widow Dike”,” she said, “Though some widows were with small children, they were also forced to build the dike. I was so much suffered in the four years.”

She eventually said, “I am bitterly suffered, so I want the court to punish the criminals Pol Pot and Ieng Sary so that the regime will not be resurrected. The Pol Pot’s regime had no mercy and gratitude. I wonder why “foreign brothers” and the international community did not help us but let the Khmer Rouge kill so many Cambodians.”


Anonymous said...

i know! just ask any cambodian. in fact everybody ate insects,too, during the KR rules. there was no special group that the KR favored. and don't forgot that they even killed their own people in the millions. so this was nothing, to say the least. i don't mean to sound mean or anything, but just want to be fair to cambodians as well. thank you.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck are you talking about 10:17AM? you fucking killer is not count as people or Cambodia!

What Cambodian want is justwhat Denise want and she is cambodian! just like the Chinese, Chame, and Youn who was borned in Cambodia!

Fuck the Vietnamese Killer Communist!