Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hor Namhong’s lawyer shows up in court before summon date [and the court obliged him]

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The lawyer of Hor Namhong, the vice-prime minister and minister of Foreign Afffairs who sued opposition leader Sam Rainsy for disinformation and defamation, showed up in court prior to his summon date to clarify his defendant’s lawsuit at the Phnom Penh municipal court. The court summoned Ka Savuth, Hor Namhong’s lawyer, to show up in court on 05 May 2008 to provide answers in the defense of the lawsuit, however, prior to the summon date, Ka Savuth showed up in court on Friday 02 May instead. Regarding the result of Ka Savuth’s defense in court, nobody knows what was discussed, but a source revealed that Ka Savuth maintained the content of the lawsuit, i.e. he asked the court to sentence Sam Rainsy according to the law as prescribed in Article 62 of the UNTAC-era criminal law regarding disinformation. On 22 May, Sam Rainsy will be summoned to show up in court.


Anonymous said...


If whar is known about Mor Nam Hong is not true, then Sam Rainsy is guilty in a minor charge as no name is mentioned.

The truth of the matter is Mr Hor was a chief of that prison. Next step is, Mr Hor should face trial whether he was involved in transfer those intellects for killing.

Now every khmer knows that How the twist occuered in removing cambodian human resources. K5 was another killing strategy to kill left over young khmer resources, and akso those innocent khmer peasants who struggled for democracy.

These plots become quite obvious now.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

The politic in Cambodia is dealing with how wanted to annect Cambodia for hundreds years but a lot of Khmer in CPP hwo dont` know this history. If Cambodia was not protected by France in 1863 then the Khmer Land was deleted by Youn till now.

Anonymous said...

The culture of impunity has been totally embedded in Cambodian society. This time Sam Rainsy shot one bullet can kill two birds.

1. Politics of KR tribunal has to be more lively in the legal stage.

2. Impunity of high ranking officers has to be stopped.


Anonymous said...

Wrong, Sam Rainsy won't get away with the crime he's committed. Just watch.

Anonymous said...

Chitter has never win Mr.Ho and Noun Chea are the butchers if Cambodian people support Mr.Ho they should support Nuon Chea as well,or the world will see Cambodia is not a human place or country,be real not to take side please now is year of 2008
Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

My beloved 6:56PM!

You might be entirely right, since the law of jungle and the fake constitution are exclusively in the hands of Hun SenVarman and CPP's parasites,( almost all of them were former Khmer Rouge, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, even including Hun SenVarman), CPP's folks must be mentally fought all their might to protect themselve from falling victims one by one into the Khmer Rouge trail.

In addition, this coming election is extremely important not only for CPP, but also for Youn, because in the name of 79's liberation the people of Khmer must be kept continuously paying their debts 4-ever...Youn desperately wants more money from Oil..If CPP wins election, Hun SenVarman is like a young lion with powerful wings!

Only the people of Khmer in Srok Khmer must be conscientiously help themeselve to be the master of their own house. God bless Khmers!

Anonymous said...

As an attorney abroad, I believe the legal system in Srok Khmer is just like, we say it in Khmer "bai lok bai loh,". It is rediculous to see a public figure of such high capacity as foreign minister sues somebody for defamation, especially when he is undeniably under critics from many angles. Let me give you an example, Condi Rice, the scretary of state for USA is being defamed everyday. Critics are accusing her of being not doing enough for PLO. People accused her of taking side with Isreal. People accused her of irresponsible....people (code pink activists) poured pink flour on her. Now, why wouldn't she sue these people. It is plain and simple. YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE. YOU ARE A PUBLIC FIGURE. You will be criticing by many folds. That is the nature of this business. If you can not take such heat, however, don't serve you people. Hell, then you maybe able to sue ants too for bitting your legs/arms or body.

Bests of luck with Khmer legal system folks. Let me put it in simple way, if YOU HAVE MONEY in srok Khmer regardless of how guilty you are you will be free! Well, not only in Srok Khmer in any part of the world, except srok Khmer so blunt that anybody could see it.

Happy suing people!

Anonymous said...

they can't use the gun to kill the people now ,so then they use the court to kill people's politic instead.

Anonymous said...

if there is no justice,there is no peace of thouhgt,speech and actions.

Anonymous said...

1:43PM sound like if your father did not enter your mother from behind you maybe next to ah kwack by now!

Anonymous said...

In what country do you practice law? Srok Khmer is not the U. S. and v.v. In Europe politicians do sue people for slander/libel if the act is grievous enough. The UNCTAC law, BTW, is French-inspired.

Also check out:

And to those jokers who think that I do this for publicity, let me explain that my comments are just a bit too long to post here so I created my own blog. KI-Media used to publish my op-eds here but since I am somewhat too objective, read critical of Sam Rainsy, for their taste they don't do that any more. This is why I post this link here for those people that are interested in another, broader view of things. And, thankfully, most of my readers are in Cambodia. Those are exactly the people I want to reach, even if the numbers aren't in the thousands per day. After all, I don't post news, this can be read in newspapers better than here, but op-eds. Blogs are for the exchange of views, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

My beloved Khmers!

Justice in society can be basically defined as fairness. Unfortunately, in Srok Khmer the principles of justice are traditionally chosen behind a viel of ignorance and corruption, which the poor or powerless Khmers can not openly debate the rights and wrongs of poliSickal problems of justice and fairness.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, Srok Khmer justice system is a role model for the rest of the world to follow.

Anonymous said...

My beloved 11:34PM!

You are genuinely reasoning to justify our pure principles of Khmer justice system. May God bless you!

Anonymous said...

10:19PM! who care dude!Your view????

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen,

Please join me and *play violin* for big baby bragger or whiner @10:19 PM if you will. So damn sad!

And 2:44 AM, my sentiment exactly. Thank you very much for such a sound-off!

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Free-Thinker (isn't it?) @ 10:19 PM there,

Quit moaning and groaning, will ya?

If you walk like a duck, and quack like a duck, you are a duck eh?

What a quack you are!

You and that batch oops BITCH Viet pimp must be the same person that has been shitting all over KI-Media? Is that's why KI-Media kicks your sorry arse all the way way back to Cambodia?

And is that why you call your blog "About-cambodia" to protect and defend the Yuon pimp/parasites?

Like we said...you sorry arse is welcome here any time. As to whether people will read your pro-Viet/CPP writings, that is a different story altogether, got that?

Anonymous said...

PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT KA SAVUTH IS THE Lawyer for Kaing Guek Eav, alias DUCH at the ECCC and now is is the lawyer for the DUCH's fellow, HOR.

It is not suprised me at all?

Anonymous said...

Ah Sam Rainsy must not go unpunished for accusing everyone as Khmer Rouge Killers for his own political gain. That is undemocratic and it devalued our free and fair election.

Anonymous said...

Hang all the bloody Viet troller/pimp and parasites on KI-Media such as the ones @12:00 PM.

You Viet parasites must know the universal language:

"The world sees and knows the Viet true color too well already".

KJE said...

Yeah, that was me at 10:19. To use your gutter language, I guess you just another ghetto kid, my site is not meant for such dumbf***s as you.

Anonymous said...

You're wlecome Mr. Free-thinker. Well, you should have known better not to mess around with (according to your word) "...another ghetto, kid". Remember this Mr. Quack:
If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, you are a duck...Mr Quack! Good luck in your dump there or keep hanging around on KI-Media as you're always welcome here!!! It's not at all a total loss for you, Mr. Quack being a Viet-slave/CPP supporter such as yourself, is it?