Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sam Rainsy Plans To Sue Hor Namhong

Hor Namhong (left) and Sam Rainsy (right)

Monday, May 5, 2008
Translated from Khmer to English by Khmerization
On the web at http://khmerization.blogspot.com

While Phnom Penh Court plans to summon him to answer questions in relation to Minister of Foreign Affairs Hor Namhong’s defamation law suit against him, Mr. Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party, said on 3rd of May that if there is a court proceeding, that proceeding must be heard at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal and he is prepared to participate in that proceeding. Mr. Sam Rainsy also said that he will lodge a law suit against Hor Namhong in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in relation to the deaths of millions people during the Khmer Rouge regime. When asked if he wish to counter sue Mr. Hor Namhong, Mr. Sam Rainsy told The Mekong Times that: “If I don’t do it, there will be other victims who will do it. When there are new developments, it is a very good opportunity to lodge the lawsuit against crimes of mass murders. As for the defamation case (against me), it is a petty case.”
Note: Hor Namhong, Minister of Foreign Affairs, is suing Sam Rainsy for defamation when Rainsy told a crowd of protesters recently that there are many ex-Khmer Rouge cadres serving in the current government, including a foreign minister and a finance minister. Rainsy went on to say that a current foreign minister was a director of the Boeng Trabek Prison, where many diplomats and intellectuals were jailed and many had disappeared without a trace. Other inmates who survived until today have corroborated accounts that Hor Namhong, his wife and a son were indeed directors of the Boeng Trabek Prison. Read interview with a survivor of Boeng Trabek Prison here.


Anonymous said...

In the United States, when people committed crimes, he or she will for sure go to jail. In Cambodia when a person committed crime he became Foreigh minister.

Anonymous said...

that is right Cambodian. That mean you can sue Hor Nam Hong too if your family were in Boen Trabek. If you are victims of KR, you should take the opportunity to file a complaint whether against the current detained leaders or people like Hong. You have the right. Don't let it go and justice fade.

Do your duty and protect your love one's honors! You should not need to wait for some politician to sue for you.

Anonymous said...

The problem of Hor nam Hong is not only the problem of Mr Sam Rainsy. Since Hor nam Hong is an ennemy of Cambodian national, Cambodian people all over the world should join Mr Sam Rainsy to push for Hor nam Hong and Kiet Chhon to go Khmer Rouge Trial. Therefore we must each file a court proceding to Khmer trial for taking Hor Nam Hong as well. As a director of Boeung Trabek, his position is very high. He can be a judge of the Khmer rouge regime.

Anonymous said...

All statements above are very interesting. Sam Rainsy and other victims of Boeng Trabek Prison must lodge legal complaints against Hor Namhong in the KR Court. Perpetrators of crimes against humanity must not be allowed to roam free and thrive.

Anonymous said...

That´s the arrogant former Khmer Rouge character. We (Khmer) must push this issue for Khmer Rouge tribunal to is the real morders in the Pol Pot regime. Without his element he Pol Pot couldn`t do nothing. I have head the 1000 former students retuned from oversea during 1975-77 one of them that I know is Master degree economist Tang Hun Hi with his french wife in Siem Reap.

Anonymous said...

1'm gonna sue Ah Khietakor Hor na hong soon.

Anonymous said...

Hor Nam Hong you are one minister of Kr,if you don't recognize yourself ,you can ask Sihanouk or Ieang sary or Kiev SamPhârn.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy must not be allowed to go unpunished for accusing everyone of being Khmer Rouge killers.

And we don't give a rat ass what they do in the US, UK, ..., or EU. In srok Khmer, a low life people like Sam Rainsy belong in prison, not in civilized society.

Anonymous said...

3:29PM are you one of Hor Nam Hong's family members. Thngay onsa eing chit dol heuy.

Anonymous said...

Lok Rainsy,
Here are suggestions and best go as individual Sam Rainsy not politician (MP):
1-Finger printed petiton drive to put additional Khmer Rouge elements included Sihanouk on trial,
2-Moral duty for opposing MPs/NGOs who represent good portion of population and shall have mandate to call on Nat Ass to act in the justice sake,
3-Appeal for support from victims either in or out of Cambodia on issue of justice not politics,
4-Sue the entire government listing Head and all cronies via Constitutional Court in victims behalf in negligence of duty and malfeasance to seek justice for victims,
5-Set up fund soliciting venue to allow abroad individual participation and hire a/more sharp lawyer/s to handle case

This particular issue/problem needed not for you to go alone.Engage all victims.

Chhim wat koh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So you choose to punishe the accuser but let the criminal of the Khmer people go free? I never hear Sam Rainsy accuses everyone. Did he accuse you, too? If he accused you, you must be one of the Boeng Trabek jailers, right?

KJE said...

Has anybody ever thought about evidence? So far nobody has shown real evidence. Witnesses did not see or hear him commit any crimes. They all just assume he had a hand in it. Maybe Hor Nam Hong is responsible for acts against humanity committed in Boeng Trabek. The ECCC has clearly stated that he is not under their jurisdiction. So the victims can sue him in a Cambodian court or they can go to the International Court The Hague. Sam Rainsy has no standing with the KRT. They have their own special prosecutor. In that sense what he said was hogwash.

Nobody has the right to accuse anybody without backing it up with concrete evidence.
Everything else is just mob justice. This is what people here exercise.
This has nothing to do with the crimes against humanity but with due process.

Also check out:

Anonymous said...

Not quite, 10:29, you forgot to say, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, GORILLA!".

Anonymous said...

You are not quite right abit ,what do you think about the duties of Beung Trabek's jail chief
what do you think about Noun chea's duties? If the hen laid it eggs on the rice and they don't eat rice,or Noun Chea doesn't kill
Cambodian citizen who does? Then you can free Noun Chea? Mr.Ho Namhong commited the same crime ,please be fair and ballance to the million Cambodian soul and their families.

KJE said...

I am not defending Hor Nam Hong. I am defending the rule of law, which says you need evidence to convict somebody. Considering the past performance of the Cambodian courts I know they may not be the right forum for such a thing this is why people have the avenue toward the International Court in The Hague.

I sympathize with the plight of families of the victims and the survivors themselves.

Anonymous said...

Am personally doubt about going to Hague 's court since ECC in Cambodia ,and this matters not betwwen Cambodia and Viet or Thai,why the Cambodia supreme court should be at the Hague? So may be some one have more knowledge can explain or clearify???????????To me ECC court that fit and suitable for Mr.Ho Nam Hong

Anonymous said...

all cambodian surviving victims and families shoud sue all the KR leaders for creating the killing fields in cambodia and for what they've done to cambodia. i hope the court will look into it.

Anonymous said...

Free Thinker 11:36! we do not ask the court to punish Hoe Nam Hong, we ask the court to take the case!

What is your rule of law?

Anonymous said...

Is 10:29 PM and this Viet/Yuon pimp/parasite/plunderer @ 11:16PM, and 11:46PM the same person?

Sounds like it, looks like it!
Like they say - if it quacks like a duck, it must be a duck eh?

What a quack eh!

Anonymous said...

There are two answers if you want the case in the the Phnom Penh court 120% it will take it,but if you want in ECC there a lot obstackles the case to be taken
but Mr.HO will be prosecuted 2:50.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Quack mispelled the word "obstackles". Let's help Mr. Quack with it. It should read "OBSTACLES".

Anonymous said...

you stupid 3:37Am, not it should read it should say it should "SPELLE" D... Head!

and I understand my Khmere brother fine!

Anonymous said...

Oops it should read "SPELL" dumb quack arse 4:21 AM...rofl!!!

Anonymous said...

This stupid 3:37AM pretending to be the English teacher I hope he has never had a dream to see what the country who speak the language look like and and just waste his stupid time for that little error I hope that pendejo no save' mucho
let get the job ,and take your arse and go to teach and preach the dumb arse like ya better than give observers the junk, Thanks you if you shut ya stink moit up

Anonymous said...

You are welcome you QUACK @5:46 AM...Take it easy will ya. I've helped, haven't I? ....No need to get your BP shot up sky high for nothing, okay? Rofl!

Oh BTW, BP stands for "blood pressure" just in case you Quack don't know what it is, okay? ROFL!

Anonymous said...

Geeeee! ធ្វើគុណបាន ទោស តើ!

Anonymous said...

Thanks your BS 6:08AM please do not waste your time to preach, go and get the life or get some job to take care of inflation in Cambodia ,I think Mr. BS might not pass the ESL class yet,so if you would shut your F up all the observers are appreciated lolz ,time is money you got it???????

Anonymous said...

11:46PM, if you are defending the rule of law then you should be advocating for all members of KR to be prosecuted, not defending them. What you are saying here indicates that you are defending the perpetrators of crimes, you are not defending the rule of laws. You don't need 100% to take someone to court. The courts are to judge if the accused are guilty or innocent. That's why Hor Namhong need to be judged because there are clear evidence- not 100% proof, but primacy evidence- that he had a hand in the deaths of millions of KR's victims.
You seem to be an educated person but you are ignorant about the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. This court only has jurisdiction to settle disputes between states and states, not between individuals and individuals. To go to a Cambodian court is liking going to a Hor Namhong's court. I'm 100% sure that Rainsy will lose. Court in France, where victims of crimes against humanity in Cambodia or anywhere can lodge their suit against someone would be the best option for this case.

Anonymous said...

Good one 12:51 PM. Stick it to that quack!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 8:59 AM! I did ESL test, that's why I am here...did ya?..Rofl!

Anonymous said...

I did it more than twenty year ago Mr.pok pok=pollo

Anonymous said...

8:48 PM...too long ago? No good. You need to take that ESL test again cuz you seem to fail meserably here on KI-Media, okay? lol! No heart feeling eh?

Anonymous said...

mesarable should read miserably. Thanks.

KJE said...

The International Court in The Hague takes cases of individuals as well. They try people who committed crimes against humanity. Mass kilings for political purposes is such an act. However, a civilian cannot sue another civilian there. However, the victims and their families can petition the special prosecutor to take the case. Incidentally, the American ambassador said the Hor Nam Hong libel case should be a civil case. He is 100% right there.
But if Hor Nam Hong is a war criminal he should be tried by the ECCC. Since they see no jurisdiction the only venue is The Hague.

Anonymous said...

What a quack you @11:03PM! lol!

KJE said...

What an infantile imbecile you are. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Anonymous said...

That kid got under your skin eh Mr Quack?

KJE said...

Not really, I feel only sorry for your parents who are saddled with such a twit.