Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cambodia Passes Budget Without Increased Military Spending

Tuesday December 9th, 2008

PHNOM PENH (AFP)--Cambodia backed down on a vow to double military spending, instead reducing money for its defense ministry as the national assembly passed the 2009 budget Tuesday.

Cheam Yeap, head of the Cambodian parliament's finance commission, said the $1.8 billion budget for next year included increased spending on education, infrastructure and agriculture, but the "military budget is only $160 million."

The budget is an abrupt turn from the government's October promise to double military spending to $500 million following a firefight with better-equipped Thai troops at a disputed border area.

Cheam Yeap didn't answer questions about why the government backed down from increasing spending on its armed forces, but the decision would have rankled international donors who recently pledged nearly $1 billion in aid to the impoverished country.

Many of Cambodia's Cold War-era weapons misfired during an Oct. 15 firefight with Thai troops on disputed land near the ancient Preah Vihear temple that left one Thai and three Cambodians dead.

While Thailand's armed forces number about 300,000 and the country has a well-equipped air force, Cambodia's much smaller military is badly equipped, badly trained and disorganized, according to a Western military official in Bangkok.

Tensions between Thailand and Cambodia flared in July when the 11th century temple was awarded U.N. World Heritage status, rekindling long-running tensions over ownership of land surrounding the temple.

Although the World Court ruled in 1962 that it belonged to Cambodia, the most accessible entrance is in Thailand's northeastern Si Sa Ket province.


Anonymous said...

It's ok we can use slingshot to defend our homeland.

Anonymous said...

you use slingshot, i want kropbaj paramando to defend cambodia!

Anonymous said...

So no boots for the Cambodians soldier again, more money for the pigs instead.

Anonymous said...

This asshole Cheam Yeap is Ah Yuon slave dog. He thinks, he can defend the nation with his bare hands and without strengthening national military. He should be sent to the frontline to fight along with his family naked. At least give those men/women in the jungle better prepare in armed forces and sufficient food supplies. Why keep money for himself and his clans to spend for the pleasure. He is one of an asshole and traitors from what I understand. He likes to prepare things in the last minutes. I wish this asshole could have never been born.