Wednesday, December 10, 2008

SRP Statement on the the 60th Anniversary of the International Human Rights Day

Source: SRP

The Occasion of


December 10, 2008

All persons in Cambodia and all Cambodian refugees and displaced persons shall enjoy the rights and freedoms embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments” Paris Peace Agreement.

As the world over is celebrating the 60th Anniversary of International Human Rights Day, the Sam Rainsy Party strongly believes that the Paris Agreements that has paved the way to national reconciliation and peace, must be revisited. The 21 countries and the four Cambodian political parties in conflict agreed on 23 October, 1991 to the following actions:

a. Cambodia undertakes:
  • to ensure respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cambodia ;
  • to support the right of all Cambodian citizens to undertake activities which would promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • to take effective measures to ensure that the policies and practices of the past shall never be allowed to return;
  • to adhere to relevant international human rights instruments;
b. The other Signatories to this Agreement undertake:
  • to promote and encourage respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cambodia as embodied in the relevant international instruments and the relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, in order, in particular, to prevent the recurrence of human rights abuses.
It must be reminded that close to two decades following the Paris Peace Agreement, Cambodia still lacks a true independent, neutral and impartial mechanism to monitor human rights violations which occur every day, with majority of these violations unchecked by the government. The lack of neutrality and rampant corruption in the judiciary system allow violators to remain free while victims and their family members fear for their lives.

Specially trained police and military forces are used by the government to terrorize and arrest innocent people during forced evictions or to crack down on human rights defenders, workers, monks or teachers who dare to organize or to speak against human rights violations. Cases of extrajudicial killings have been reported but have remained covered up with the existing culture of impunity.

Killings of trade union activists, opposition journalists and the 1997 grenade attacks on workers remain unresolved, while families of the victims and witnesses of these crimes continue to live in fear or to seek asylum in other countries.

The list of violations of human rights is long.

The Sam Rainsy Party calls on all party signatories to the Peace Agreement to adhere to the promises made in order for every Cambodian woman, man, and child to live in dignity, to find justice, and to be free from all forms of discrimination.

A. Cambodia should:
  • Discontinue all use of force to control and crackdown forced evictions and land disputes;
  • Release human rights defenders, villagers and political activists wrongly detained;
  • Continue to support the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia .
B. Donor Community should:
  • Refer to the recommendations of the representative of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to monitor the government’s performance on human rights and the rule of law;
  • Increase funding to promote the work of local human rights defenders.
Sam Rainsy Party


Anonymous said...

SRP is very good at preaching the others about the human rights and principle of democracy, yet it is unable to apply or practice the very same values within its own party. It's quite a disappointment.

Here some of the comments from our readers on Dec 08, 2008:

Anonymous said...

You have done well, but you are ot going up is becuase you don't look far enough, you are imprisoned by casinoholic Eng Chhai Eang, and Yim Sovan. Why are you so scared of these two, i don't know.

You must stand up and revamp the leadership if you want to move up next mandate, or risk disappearing.

The chhai eang factor had caused the Funcinpec votes to go to the CPP, not to you, although plenty of vote frauds.
7:20 PM

Anonymous said...
Hi This is 11:40AM,

I am sorry that I had left a stir on the last sentence of my previous comment. Here how it goes. I had heard very often from those members who had defected to CPP before the July nation election saying that the SRP party is run by just a hand full of party senior members. One of those senior members is Mada suamura. Now, base on my knowledge, in any democratic process this is not preferable. Madam Suamura is a very intelligent person and she can serve as an MP, but not part decision making. Perhaps, she should take her role more toward NGO responsibility rather than party internal affair. To clarify this further, I don't believe everything I have read in the news, but if there is 100 people have pointed out the same issue, it has to be a logical sense that there must be some truth in it. Anyway, I have nothing against feminine take important role in politic and especially in Cambodia.
9:39 PM

Anonymous said...
If Sam Rainsy want to win the election he must win the following conditions:

1. First and the most important thing is to stop his wife Sumura in involving politics. She is unlike other woman for this lady is so unreasonable, impolite, arrogant and unfriendly to the SRP-members, esp those who need change or reform. She is known to be the effective machin for shuting up Sam rainsy´s mouth.

2. Minimizing Eng Chay Eang´s power or By-law reenforcement in the party. Eng Cahy Eang is always abusing his power and makes rain and storm in the party as he wish with the support of his gangs in the party and esp Sumura.

3. Being a real democrats. Rainsy should work closely with intellectuals and the grassroot.He should have the courage to accept critics, motivate and value all kinds of participations- activities and ideas, but not only financial contribution.

4. The principles of encouragement and respect in the party must be uppheld for all members.
10:17 PM

Anonymous said...

Ah Scam Rainxy's human rights is to use 12 and 13 year olds children as human shield to pave way for him to steal power from Khmer people. Ah savage killer has killed more children than Pol Pot did.

Anonymous said...

Ah jkout 2:47am retarded barking for none senses ,ah slave youn and mentally retarded ill am glad to see u still barking here ,is it any new comment beside using vulgar words and big mouthed about one small party but very dangerous to your master?

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, asshole (3:03), you are not going to use any Khmer children as a mean to get to the top in Cambodia. You got that?

Anonymous said...

to 3:03 am,

you are "insane in the membrance".
you got THAT ? LOL

Anonymous said...

The top person left out the good comments made about SRP on the same day. All Khmer are good at manipulating. Good luck to you all.

Anonymous said...

Well done Som Rainsy. You had done your best and it is not easy to prove it in a world of ignorant.

Anonymous said...

That is what many convicts in prison said about the world also.