Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hey KI-Media, what's going on?

Hey KI-Media,

Though Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, and has been for a long time, there is a big section of Cambodian population of other faiths, at home and oversea, that we rarely hear about on this blog. What's going on?

I don't know your blog is aimed toward reaching all cross-section of Cambodian of different faith or not. But if you are, perhaps you should includes, every now and then, articles about other faith as well. Though some of us embrace other faith, we are still Khmer and feel connected to fellow Khmer.

Just a thought, because I'm a regular reader of this blog, and outside of Buddhism, you guys seldom post news of other faith.


Dear Readers,

You are correct in your observation. It is true that the majority of our religious postings are aimed towards Buddhism rather than other faiths, such as Christianity or Islam. The explanation to this is relatively simple: because we rely on our Readers to send us information to post, when it comes to religious events, our Buddhist readers tend to send more information for us to post. That being said, from time to time, there are some rare news articles about Catholic and/or other Christian denomination activities. As for Islam, we rarely read much news about this faith even though Cambodia counts a large number of Khmer-Islams.

Nevertheless, we would be delighted to hear and to post information from our brothers and sisters of all faiths. We encourage all our Readers to send us photos and information on religious events in your respective communities so that we may share them on KI-Media. Please send your information to us at: kiletters@gmail.com

With our deepest respect,

KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

that's right! religions know no boundary. it is smart to embrace all god whether christianity, buddhism, catholicism, etc... think about it, that's what makes a nation like america is strong, it is the freedom of religion, the freedom of choice, the freedom the press, the freedom of speech, etc, etc... think smartly about it, ok! this is how cambodia should be if we are to get out of poverty and be enlightened, be wise, etc... stop being so strict, ok! that was so outdated!

Anonymous said...

respect and tolerance are keys as well!

Anonymous said...

don't forget education too in order to obtain tolerance, patience and respect for others who may be different from your belief. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Exactly like Jerusalem, Israel, there are many religion pratices there, and my god, they live very well together, palestinians, juwishes..

Anonymous said...

Fair enough. Hope Cambodian of other faith can now start sending posts.


god fucker said...

i wonder when ki-media stops posting about all the nonsense religious stuff.. all the damn gods are same bullshit.

Anonymous said...

To 11:06 PM
If you don't like "all the nonsense religious stuff...", you don't have to read them. Let people who like, read them.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of expression means free speech to all Khmer. The land of Khmer must be free from Vietcongs, free from the communists, free from the dictator Hun Sen, free from the lawlessness of the Hun Sen regime.

Anonymous said...

Dear 10:29PM I can see what your aspiration is, it's good to have that kind of administration such as USA, I think that your idiology is king of fast tract, my Q? is do you think that in that particular area namely Kampuchea will receive such a good benifit from multi faith more than education?. My point of view is the more religious in Kampuchea the more conflict will be. Why? lets demonstrating a single core of idiology among three religious:
1 - Doing bad thing then asking for pardon thereafter!, BAD? all kind, from spie to physical killing.
2 - Kill the other who are not their believer/or seeking for conversion then god will help to heven.
3 - Doing good, thinking good not to kill any life form!,this believe less benefit slow down society. I beleive that many people stil faithful with it, but my Q? is how many these faithful people in practices?.
The conclution is as my dear 10:31 PM has said EDUCATION is the key factor could lead Khmer stronger not the multi-religion.

My opinion, education and Buddhism are the master key can lead Kampuchea toward prosperity in the future.


Anonymous said...

God fucker ! you are damn right keep fucking man !

Anonymous said...

You and I seem to have something in comment. I support your comment. But I don't want some decent Cambodians to insult their own tradition and religion.

Anonymous said...

god fucker is "god fucker" your religious? Be civilized man.

Anonymous said...

If 95% khmers are Buddhist why they like to fight and kill each other for century? Is Buddhist faith works for Khmer or Khmer doen't know how to practice Buddhist faith?

Anonymous said...

Khmer boudhists didn't kill eachothers but Khmer communists and Khmer republicans did.
At the time where Cambodia has 50% boudhists, 10% christians and 40% muslims we woul kill eachothers for more than century..

Anonymous said...

My dear 2:44AM,
The answer to your question is quite simple: Most khmers think they are Buddhists but in reality they don't pratice Buddhism at all. Buddhism teach them not to steal but they steal whenever or whatever they can. Buddhism teachs them NOT to kill but they kill for a small thing. Buddhism teachs them NOT to drink and learn to live in peace but they rather listen to Radio or TV commercials by drinking achohol and start a fight for a small incident. Can you see most top government officials always bow to the monks, spent money to build temples, etc... do you think that they stop stealing? Corruption is all over the country. They kill their opposition just to keep themselves in power. If they are real buddhists they wouldn't kill their opponents or steal from the state, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Exactly like Jerusalem, Israel, there are many religion pratices there, and my god, they live very well together, palestinians, juwishes..

10:40 PM

GOD bless your stupidity 10:40PM!!!

Anonymous said...

3:17 I couldn't disagree with you.
Your simple sharing is well taken. No need to do more research to understand complexity of our society. So I think we khmer mislead ourselves by claiming that we are Buddhist While most of us know nothing about Buddhism. They never practice, never live by it they know how to recite Dharma well but I don't think they understand it the meaning of Dharma. That's why we are not growing.

Anonymous said...

Dear all, many Buddhist and non Buddhist believers don't know much what a truely Buddhist about. As dear 2:44AM statement he had raised a very good Question,the unswers were given by dear 3:17AM. I just want to imphasize as a specification on Buddhism.
The Buddhist teaching is prohibited not to do many thing and many ways, as a Buddhist practices the rules must be obeyed.
Q? who is the Buddhist practicer?
1- Monks who are dressing the sary coulor yel, Org, dark-chocalte withe head shaved are.
2 - There are some forme of civilians mostly adult to older men and women practicing as well but not all the time compare to the monks, some head shaving and some not because is not mendatory to the particular group(option). These groups of Buddhist practices only every 8th days of the Month and 14,15 days of the Month some how you can hear calling Donnjee(woman), Actchar(Man).
3 - The pilgrims however are the normal civilians, they are Bushist believers,they are the Buddhist resperters, they are the Buddhist procters,. These groups of Buddhism are not praticing, these group inside Budhhist's society are playing part in actual daily lives as usual as majourity people around the world do, they're the GOV'T official and the the ordinary people. These people have aconstance embition, hengrier, family, power and potentially killer as well,if desturb up to higher or = to some degree centigrate. Hopefully
This explanation might help you to clear some of degree confusion in min.

Anyways Education and Buddhist is the best way to go once foreigner out of Kampushea.

Anonymous said...

The real symbol of Buddhism is swastika and how come it is not included in the world religion symbol?

Anonymous said...

Dear 9.21AM,

I disagree with you on number 3-

A person can not call himself a Buddhist believer or Buddha's follower when he did not keep (sel pram) the five noble concepts or five commandments;

DO NOT LIE NOR CHEAT, DO NOT BE DRUNK (including drugs).

Please do not lie to yourselves. Doesn't matter Buddhists or Christians if they do not keep these five universal commandments. I dare to tell you that they are THMIL OT SASSNA.