Friday, May 14, 2010

Red Shirt leader after shooting


Anonymous said...

Now, Cambodia has one less General to worry about.This guy has been known to have commanded the black clad army.

Anonymous said...

I don't pay too much attention to Thai issues. There are red shirt, yellow shirt and the government. Which one is supporting Thaksin? Red shirt or yellow shirt group? If this red shirt is supporting the currupted fugitive Thaksin then hope they all be dead.

Thaksin and uncle Hoon Xhen have was secretly pockets billion of dollars from the off shore oil.

Papa said...

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva who is a best and good friend of Sam Rainsy became now a killer of his people.

Anonymous said...

This general gave a speech to the red shirt protesters and then got shot by the snipper.What you think who gave an order to do that???.If the ABHIJIT VIJAJIVA`sgovernment keep doing like this!!!.That`s what the civil war is going to start soon!!!.THAILAND will getting down soon,like mr:H.S said!.

Anonymous said...

Come on.. if the government really wants to tople this protesters, they sure have enough militaries arm services. Get real people! Thai military are as modern and up todates as in any modern country unlike Camboidan still using scraps from Viet. Sometime it work sometime it don't. Disgraceful!

Anonymous said...

Your uncle Hoon Xhen soon will be like this comrade Se Daeng. I hope you live to see it.

Anonymous said...

The criminals wanted in Thailand are two main candidates: Sirikit and her crazy son named Vijaralongkorn. Get rid of them then 35 billion US dollars will help Thailand to be a properity nation and those million prostitutes and Lady boys will be no longer exist.

Anonymous said...

That's Good to see The Siam Thief Leader was killed by it own. This means one less thief for khmer :)

Anonymous said...

You son and daaghter of bitch 6;33am.
You make Buddhists look bad with your stinky fucking comment. How do you know this leader was thief? Among those million poor Thais are Khmer origin, fuck you. They fight to survive not to be thieves.
Do you if Khmers and Thais start to have a big fight who will be sent to fight first? Thais of Khmer origins.
Watch your language, it will come back to you, you bastard.
You should get mad at the Chakri thieves not the poor people.

Anonymous said...

Good man Seh Daeng, you brave to die for ThakSin not for Thai

Anonymous said...

Not brave but idiot to die for fugetive Thaksin. Dying for Thaksin is like dying for uncle Hoon Xhen. Thaksin and Hun Xen have been stilling billions US$ from Cambodia. Do your reasearch you'll find out. I dislike Thaksin as much as I dislike comrade Hun Xen. Them both are nation thieves!

You must be an idiot to think criminal Seh Daeng is hero. Supporting thieve also make you thieve!

Anonymous said...

អត់ឃើញអាសំដាចម៍ហ៊ុន សែនទៅអើតក្បាល ជួយពួកអាវក្រហម របស់ថាក់ស៊ីន មិត្តរបស់អាសំដាចម៍សោះ?
អាសំដាចម៍បណ្ឌិតសេះហោះហ៊ុន សែននៅឯណា មេចមិនគ្រាន់បើទៅជួយអាវក្រហមតិចទៅ អោយសៀមវៃបែកអំបែងក្បាលទៅ!
អាកំពូជសំដាចម៍មនុស្សព្រៃក្អេងក្អាងជាមួយខ្មែរ ប៉ុន្តែលើកតំកើងពួកយួនអន្តោប្រវេសន៍

Where is ah Hun Sen? Why don't you go to bangkok to help Red Shirt? ah psychopath Hun Sen?