Friday, May 14, 2010

Thailand puts 17 provinces under emergency decree

Friday, May 14, 2010

BANGKOK — The Thai government has extended a state of emergency to cover 17 provinces to prevent rural protesters from joining a massive anti-government rally in the capital.

Thursday's measure added 15 new provinces to an emergency decree that had already applied to Bangkok and another nearby province.

The decree gives the army broad powers to deal with protesters and places restrictions on civil liberties.

Government spokesman Panitan Wattanayagorn says the expanded emergency decree is intended to prevent "masses of people trying to come to Bangkok."

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

BANGKOK (AP) — A renegade army general accused of leading a paramilitary force among Thailand's Red Shirt protesters was shot in the head Thursday as he spoke with foreign reporters on a street near a downtown Bangkok subway station.

A second person was shot in the head by soldiers in ensuing clashes that continued in the night, an Associated Press cameraman saw. At least three other people were injured.

Maj. Gen. Khattiya Sawasdiphol was shot following a government warning it would shoot "terrorists" in its latest effort to end the two-month-long siege by thousands of Red Shirts. He is currently in hospital intensive care. The protesters, mostly rural poor, are occupying a 1-square-mile (3-square-kilometer) area in a posh neighborhood to pressure the prime minister to resign and call elections.

Dressed in military-style fatigues, Khattiya was being interviewed outside the Silom subway station at the edge of the protest zone when a bullet struck him in the head. The area is surrounded by tall office buildings, leading to suspicions the shot was fired by a sniper.

Khattiya, known by his nickname Seh Daeng, slumped to the ground and one person cradled his head for a while. Moments later, other people dragged him by the legs, his head sliding on the ground, leaving a trail of blood.

In an interview with the AP about 90 minutes before he was shot, Khattiya, 59, said he anticipated a military crackdown soon.

"It's either dusk or dawn when the troops will go in," he said. He was shot soon after night fell.

An aide who answered Khattiya's mobile phone described the injury as "severe." The AP called Khattiya's phone after several gunshots and explosions were heard late Thursday from the vicinity of the Red Shirt's redoubt in the upscale Rajprasong district.

The government's medical emergency center confirmed that Khattiya was shot in the head and admitted to the intensive care unit at a hospital. It said three people were injured, saying they couldn't confirm Thai media reports of more than 20 injuries.

It was not possible to verify the aide's claim that Khattiya was shot by a sniper. Calls to police and army spokesmen seeking comment were not answered.

Later in the evening, small clashes broke out between protesters and soldiers. At one point, hundreds of protesters threw rocks and firecrackers at the group of soldiers, and the soldiers responded with gunfire, AP cameraman Raul Gallego said.

He said one man was shot in the head. Soldiers opened fire again after an ambulance took away the man. His condition was not immediately clear.

The Red Shirts are demanding an immediate dissolution of Parliament. They believe Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's coalition government came to power illegitimately through manipulation of the courts and the backing of the powerful military.

Tens of thousands of them streamed into the capital on March 12 and occupied an area in the historic district of Bangkok. An army attempt to clear them on April 10 led to clashes that killed 25 people and wounded more than 800. Another four people were killed in related clashes in the following weeks.

Thursday's shooting will only deepen fears of more bloodshed.

Khattiya is a renegade army major general whom the government has labeled a "terrorist" and a mastermind behind some of the violence.

He bitterly opposed reconciling with the government and had recently become critical of Red Shirt leaders, some of whom had wanted to accept a government proposal to end Thailand's political crisis.

The firing came after the government said it will impose a military lockdown on the Rajprasong area to evict the protesters.

Khattiya, who helped construct the Red Shirt barricades of sharpened bamboo stakes and tires around the protest area, was accused of creating a paramilitary force among the anti-government protesters and had vowed to battle against the army if it should launch a crackdown.

In the AP interview, he accused Red Shirt leaders of taking government bribes to accept Abhisit's reconciliation plan to hold elections on Nov. 14. However, the plan was abandoned after the Red Shirts made new demands and refused to leave.

"The prime minister and the Red Shirts were on the verge of striking a deal but then I came in. Suddenly, I became an important person," he said.

"This time, the people's army will fight the army. There is no need to teach the people how to fight. There are no forms or plan of attack. You let them fight with their own strategies," he said.

Khattiya was suspended from the army in January and became a fugitive from justice last month when an arrest warrant was issued against him and two dozen others linked to the Red Shirts for their purported roles in the violence. Yet he has wandered freely through the protest zone, signing autographs just yards (meters) from security forces keeping watch over the protesters.

Earlier Thursday, an army spokesman, Col. Sansern Kaewkamnerd, said security forces were preparing to impose a lockdown on the protest area where the Red Shirts have barricaded themselves in a posh area of shopping malls, hotels and upscale apartments.

Sansern said armored personnel carriers and snipers will surround the area. Power, public transport and mobile phone service in the area was also suspended.

Sansern said troops will use rubber bullets first but will not hesitate to use live ammunition in self-defense if attacked.

"In addition, another unit of ... sharpshooters will be on the lookout and will shoot terrorists who carry weapons," he said.

The Red Shirts see Abhisit's government as serving an elite insensitive to the plight of most Thais. The protesters include many supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, a populist leader accused of corruption and abuse of power and ousted in a 2006 military coup.

Thaksin, a former telecommunications billionaire who fled overseas to avoid a corruption conviction, is widely believed to be helping to bankroll the protests. He claims to be a victim of political persecution.

Associated Press writers Jocelyn Gecker, Vijay Joshi and Grant Peck contributed to this report, with additional research by Warangkana Tempati.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! My buddy Seh Daeng is going to die!!!!!!!!

No, no "Thaksin" sigh...

Anonymous said...

so much democratic in siem country! maybe their prosperity time has to end somehow; nothing last forever, i guess!

Anonymous said...

Anarchy will not be allow to succeed.Law and order must be restore.

Anonymous said...

This is Abishit's democracy...

Anonymous said...

Another power grabber is trying to hold on to his power...

Anonymous said...

Kill your own people is not the solution...

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, Abhisit copies Hun Sen.
Hun Sen did it in 1997.

Anonymous said...

Abhisheet leanrt the best from his teacher HUN XEN. Way to go good student of HUN XEN. This was the advices HUn XEN gave when he met Suthep last month. Eliminate the rouge elements.... Way to go Abhisheet.

Anonymous said...

Thailand will have civil war from now on...unless, Abhisit vejjajiva resign, if he don't, CVIL war in Thailand will erupt like fire-storm...!!!!! Red Shirt and Yala's people will joint together and fight to the death..!!

Anonymous said...

CIVIL WAR will erupt throughout Thailand...if Abhisit don't step down! there's no point for him to stay? he had killed so many Red Shirt people and used force against people in YALA too..!