Monday, May 31, 2010

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Khmer Krom's Commemoration Day

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Where is France? Why you so quiet?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, once our land become Vietnamese's land Hanoi and Hochimin are also ours. Just make it big okay?
so we will have a big land then, oh I forget, Kampuchea Krom will also ours when our country put into integration by Vietnam, we give some mineral areas to our friends sucj as China and Korea but not land because I have already promised with Vietnam that I gave to them if I am supported by them to be the prime Minister for my life.

Hun Xen

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ Youn Khmer Idiots អាសត្វថោកទាប!
អាឆ្កែធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ Youn Hun Xen បានលក់ក្បាលបំរើ នយោបាយ ក្បត់ជាតិរបស់ពួក អាឆ្កែខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ Youn ។

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាក្បត់ជាតិ American Khmer Idiots អាសត្វថោកទាប!
អាឆ្កែធ្វើខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ Sam Rainsyបានលក់ក្បាលបំរើ នយោបាយ ក្បត់ជាតិរបស់ពួក អាឆ្កែខ្ញុំកញ្ជះ Son Chhay- KI president ។ Yes at the Republic banana, you can visit American Khmer Idiots and their leaders sam rshit and sochhar - leader of KIdiot...

Anonymous said...

motherfucker son of bodoi black teeth pussy invader and hun sen's clans are thick face lowscum as well as ah Youn tan dung hun sen' father.

Anonymous said...

All you detractors (paid or unpaid traitors):
Have you ever faintly and remotely heard a civilization known as CHAMPA.

Well it's now a history!

Here we are only trying to pound the nail into the head of bublehead like you to stop sleep-walking and mocking the efforts of others from defending our right, identity, and cultural heritage.

Anonymous said...

The Khmer Krom people will need other avenues through which to emancipate their nation and people from Vietnamese oppression beside acts of peaceful protest and publicity. That applies to opposition groups fighting against Hanoi's rule in the rest of Cambodia as well.

If it were the other way around and it is the Vietnamese state and identity that are being threatened and Vietnamese 'grass lands' that are being annexed by Cambodia, imagine what measures Hanoi would be now taking.

Cambodia is disadvantaged numerically vis a vis Vietnam, but she can still make Vietnamese rule reversible, and Khmer ancestors in the 19th century had proved that. At present, Cambodia is 'appeasing' Vietnam on all fronts including her ever diminishing territory, but this enforced or voluntary self-amputation will not save the nation in the long run. Just as Hanoi uses the CPP to play along with the international community over multi-party pluralism and electoral democracy, it is using - and will use -its military, political and economic influences already entrenched through treaties and concessions signed between the two 'fraternal' states to accomplish its piecemeal absorption of the rest of Indochina and beyond.

Vietnam still has a huge, hungry population to feed. The Vietnamese economy is growing and gaining momentum, so even a minor rupture or unrest any where within the Vietnamese empire could be the literal spark needed to 'persuade' Hanoi to review its ambition.

If peaceful marching and demonstrations could affect this ambition of Vietnam and pave the way towards complete freedom for the Khmer people and nation then by all means go along that road (at present, it is easier to organise a street demonstration against the wearing of mini skirts by school girls than it is to protest the evictions of poor people off their lands by state sponsored tycoons).

Much as we all prefer resolutions of our worldly problems through non-violent and mutual settlement, sometimes we might be better off rethinking our approach by giving due weight to the social, political context within which these problems emerge.

Be noble in your mission - whatever that might be - but be wise to your foes' devious schemes and, above all, be pragmatic with your means.

School of Vice

Anonymous said...

Hi School of Vice:

Let the pacifists wear themselves out. Meantime, other Khmers should start sharpening our bayonets. The enemies will only be impressed by the kind of price we will be willing to bring forward for leverage.

I for one, believe that "Che Guevara" is still around and kicking in this part of the world - look at the RedShirts of Thailand.

Anonymous said...

I'm GAY said...
Yuon exercising its colonial power.
Yuon's new strategies see in an article:
« Le Vietnam au Kampuchéa : La stratégie de consolidation »
by Justus M. Van Der Kroef.
Études internationales, vol. 15, n° 2, 1984, p. 291-309.

I copied a little portion from th abstract. To share.

[Hanoi govemment has sent some 40,000 Vietnamese party cadres, civil officiais and professionally trained to direct public affairs. Additionally, some 100,000 Vietnamese farmer s hâve migrated
into Kampuchea, settling in such key provinces as Kompong Speu, Takeo, and Kompong Cham. Additional tens of thousands of Vietnamese settlers hâve moved into
cities and the disputed frontier area. As fighting between the Vietnamese and résistance
groups affiliated with the ''Coalition Government of Démocratie Kampuchea" intensifies,
the Hanoi régime also has been expanding its logistical-military network. This inciudes the construction of a new road network — popularly called the "New Ho CM Minh Trail" — linking the Vietnamese cities of Hue and Vinh, across Southern Laos,
with Northwestern Kampuchea. Additionally, during the early weeks of 1983, a twentyfive
kilomètres long trench, studded with landmines and bamboo spikes has been constructed just inside the Kampuchean frontier, running from the village of Kop
beyond the village of Yeang Dangkum — a région of fréquent guérilla clashes. Along
with the 180,000 man force of regular military maintained by Vietnam in Kampuchea, thèse measures indicate intentions of Hanoi's consolidation of power. Especially in Southeast Asia fears hâve arisen of a permanent Vietnamese "colonization" process in Kampuchea.]

KI if you are serving Khmers not Yuon, you need to stop mocking around in RED. Your job as KHmer if you are, then search all secret informations (History wrote by real historians by the west) that Yuon have been doing to Cambodia. Post the history How Yuon did kill Khmers, so the Khmers can learn the real history not gossiping. I have so many old documents were written since 1800's, 1900's, I copied from the libraries in Ducth, France, but I have to store them all before they may disppeared. I knew when I start to post them, Yuon will try to kill me as they did to Khmer intellectuals. But I will post them in this very near future for you all to know the facts of savage Yuon.

Anonymous said...

address to all Khmer!
The yourn strategy are: produce their own people in our country"vietnamese cambodianize",while create all misfortune in our country!
I think, the bigest khmer mistake is "to leave a lot of people unalphabet".The Viet just keep us stupid,make the khmer people could only see and understand what they saw, make them "short term"thinking!
every body should understand that, the most importance thing is: give them the better chances, give them education,both intellectual and vocational training.
and begin with the chieldren!!!

Anonymous said...

address to all Khmer!
To change way of thinking, it can only begin with the young generation! I know it is the hard time,it seems like the Khmer had lost yourn almost all the time and always victim in the history.The only reason is " we are not able to think for long term effect".
One can only cure the severe thick, so that they can walk by them self.