Friday, June 04, 2010

Sihanouk ungrateful to Cambodians: Opinion by Uon Sim

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Uon Sim, I hope you are not a member of SRP, you destroy SRP, when you curse Sihanouk, you exclude at least 20% of Khmers from SRP votes.
Pol Pot did exactly like you do actually, he excluded everybody and finally he was alone.
CPP does thing differently, it velcome every body, even SEK SAM-IET, Lon Nol Battambang governor, his IS a senator of CPP.
You are too stupid to be a polititian..
Everybody hate Sihanouk but they don't say, they are not as idiot as you.

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim is a a Khmer person, he has rights to his opinion and speak as he see truth. I wish I can distribute this around Psar Thmei but I will get caught.

We need to form committee to distribute leaflets at night telling the truth about Hun Sen.

I do agree small bit with above comment though, when on leaflets let not include the King - we all know he is also bowing down to Hun Sen and Nguyen Tan Dung.

We need to get to source. Attack A Kbot Chiat Hun Sen and the pirate Nguyen Tan Dung.

Anonymous said...

All of you must be kidding! Sihanouk is a real Khmer killer, period.

Anonymous said...

Wow wow two thumbs up?
Gold medal should be given
THE REAL KHMER IS HERE PLEASE FORWARD TO ALL KHMERS AROUND THE WORLD that sihaknuk and sihakmoney is the youns slave king!
khmer anathar but khmer from the heart!

Anonymous said...

If Khmer or all of Cambodian that loving Srok Khmer, we must rise up and remove HUN SEN. The sooner the better. Look at our border along the YUON side, it has been encroaching everyday. What is the border commitee under CPP's regime going to do? They have not done anything. All they do or did was jailing our people near the border.

Hun Sen, if you are really love our country you need to tell YUON do not encroaching Cambodian border. If you don't do that I bet you that Pol Pot is way better for defending our border. Pol Pot bad was that he had all YUON agents such as you, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim etc. When YUON knew Pol Pot was tough to defend our country Yuon sent all their agents and spies into Pol Pot clans and start the slaughting innocent people. They sometime fabricate side just to kill Khmer. They have massed their agents into Pol Pot and start the killing.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Why khmer turn to be like this? Sihaknuk fault

Anonymous said...

Sihaknuk should be ashamed of him self
fuck sihaknuk and his son!

Anonymous said...

Sihaknuk the king no fame and the king ashamed of his nation,death to Sihaknuk&Hun Sen

Anonymous said...

Please preserve this articles in Cambodia library,to us all khmers no who is the real troubling to Cambodia.
God bless OUN SIM

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim has the right to his opinions. But what would Uon Sim do if he were in Sihanouk shoes at the time? 5 items mentions above is not totally correct.

1. Sihanouk never approved the ceding of Kampuchea Krom by the French to Vietnam. He even praised Pot Pot for his ambition to attack Vietnam to regain Kampuchea Krom.

2 & 3. Sihanouk wanted to preserve what we have left at the time, not to lose all of middle Cambodia. He thought siding with the winning side with China and North Vietnam were the right thing to do. He was correct.

4. After UNTAC's help, Cambodia reserve the right its sovereignty. National reconciliation was his goal. We went through so much already.

5. He made mistakes in the past. That does not mean he not want the best for his country. Have you ever heard of the great era of "Sangkum Reastr Niyum"? He never condone any form of coup d'etat.

Sihanouk even made the above slogan on KI media..."Viets are ingrateful alligators."

Check his website and find out if he cares about his less fortunate people.

Everyone has opinions...but wrong opinions can be devastating...

As an ordinary Khmer of younger generations and follow Cambodian history very closely...I salute His Majesty Samdech-Ta Norodom Sihanouk for his incredible life time acheivement!

"Unite we stand...divide we fall."

--Khmer Battambang

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is an alarming traitor to the Khmer nation...we can close one eye for him to steal and be wealthy. We simply CANNOT condone him ceding Khmer land to Yuon.

Where is Khmer people power to remove this blind idiot???

Khmer people must unite and remove this traitor immediately.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why the hell this idiot PM (Hun Sen) called Sam Rainsy a traitor instead himself is a national traitor to all Khmer.

Khmer public enemey is HUN SEN!!

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim, I think, your article is benefits youn ha noi. because they want to see this kind of person like you to attack and color each others. Your expression was full of hate. Many of khmers people have been known Sihanouk. He is not a good king. He made a big mistake but He is not a traitor like you said.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell Sihanouk bowed to Ho Chi Minh?????????

Anonymous said...

Fuck stupid King what da hell he bow down the enemies for?

Anonymous said...

If I was in Sihaknuk shoes I would let Lon Nol run all his way and I won't call khmerouge and youn yieckong to help to win the war from 70 to 75 and I am not gonna let khmer rouge and youn kill khmer people it doesn't matter khmer lon nol khmer krom khmer sihaknuk they are all khmer but sihaknuk absolutely mistaken(tremendous)because he drunk with his knowleges forget about the enemies knowledge and strategy so if you fail you just confess and tell your nation the truth like Japanese prime minister and Germany president resign and confess to the nation so the others can come and fix the problems but Sihaknuk one Sihakmoney 2 they are in-respectable king they are not deserve to get that title, they are conspiring ,joining,keep silence a bout enemies activities on Cambodian people heads,these two kings even they do or they don't they are still a the traitors in khmer histry.
khmer anarthar but khmer from the heart!

Anonymous said...

There is no use to analyze Sihanouk and Hun Sen as the latest is definetely Yuon and if he's yuon no matter what we try to analyze or bring senses to Hun Sen to no avail, because Hun Sen is Yuon's agent or Khbal Yuon with Khluon Khmer.
We need to make our plight to the international community against Vietnam and it's lackey. They need to boycott Vietnam for interference with Cambodia affairs.

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim should ask Chea Sim about getting correct information concerning Cambodia

Kaun thor der taam ov...pontae kaun nih pit chia kaun kbott chiat

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your information,how can we inform this silent invasion from the youn to International community?
Ransy doesn't know about this legal standard or he has no connection to the world? Ransy should be to gether with Mr.Thach Gnoc Thach the leader of khmer krom in the State to fight with youn slave that have Hun Sen SIhaknuk Chea Sin Heng Somrin until khmer getting victory.Khmer anartar but Khmer from the heart

Anonymous said...

Bye Sihanouk and Hello Sihamoni.If we Khmer understand; if we Khmer use commons sense; if we Khmer look into small thing we undestand will solve all Khmer problems in the Future............ look for small things ,,, small thing well lead into big thing okay///////

What do Khmer people around the world try to tell You King Sihamoni???????????????

Son of a farmer said...

SihanoukVarman even lying in his broken coffin still foolishly thinks that 2+2=5, therefore he is one of the modern Jarvarmans like SenVarman7 1/2!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk make mistakes but Sihamoni can correct his Father mistakes then Sihamoni will be the next Khmer King, common sense again

Anonymous said...

Long Live King Sihanouk !!!

Anonymous said...

Dear My Brothers KI,
I am not PRO our God Damned King SIHANOUK, Nor HUN SEN , Nor KHMER ROUGE,
This political Writer UON SIM , is for sure LOK LY DIEP .
And Dear LOK LY DIEP, Please get well soon.
Fro a Survivor Of The Killing Fields and KHMER REPUBLIC YOUTH 1970.
And Thank you so much my Borther KI for your free page so I could check on LOK LY DIEP

Anonymous said...

I want Sihanouk to write a book telling all khmers the truth about his political career as a king before he died so the next generation of khmers will learn from the political tragedy that he made to Cambodia and Cambodian people.

I think the reason Sihanouk siding and bowing to the CPP regime is to regain his royal title and the monarchy. But what is good to be the powerless and the disgraceful king.

Anonymous said...

All pouch sdach are useless...too bad for cambodians to have such a useless kings.I never ever want to see them.look at Ranarith! where is Funcipec? he is a loser......

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is a leach sucking and drinking khmer blood. Srok khmer is destroyed by ah kanchas sihanouk. Death sihanouk! death stupid fucking royal family! death ah khmer killer, sihanouk and his clown.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is a leach sucking and drinking khmer blood. Srok khmer is destroyed by ah kanchas sihanouk. Death sihanouk! death stupid fucking royal family! death ah khmer killer, sihanouk and his clown.

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 11:52AM,
I am NOT UON SIM, as you said, I am "Ly Diep" There is no reason for me to hide my name!
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep sounds like 'ach kdiep' a Viet agent pretending to be Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Xmer is so week...just a small piece of land...they could't even defend it, how pathetic. Pretty soon, it's going to shrink into a shit hole.

As Darwin has said, the fit survives...the weakling perishes.

Anonymous said...

1:38pm you sound like the ignorant farmer khmer krohom .
khmer from Sidney bc

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for you opinion
I don't care you are Uon Sim or Ly Diep but you are writing the true that some people cannot do as the same as you are.

I support you all the time

18 March

Anonymous said...

Cheyo Preah Moha Vireakksatr...Som Preah Angk mean Preahchonmeayu 100 Chhnam!

Buddha sees the goodness of His Majesty King Father's tireless efforts to help the Khmer you can see he is already 87!

Ahimsa is the way to progress and happiness...

Mr. Ly Diep or Uon Sim should seek dharma in his soul before lashing out with rage. He is misimformed about Cambodian history.

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim is playing Yuon Hanoi's game, he is a Yuon spy no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Mssr. Ly Diep should ask himself why Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Sean Pengse continuously seek HM Sihanouk intervention on Yuon encroachment on Khmer eastern border areas?

HM Sihanouk said many years ago that "a country without finite boundary is a mortal country..."

Mr. Rainsy and Mr. Sean Pengse obviously know that HM Sihanouk does not condone this as claimed by Mr. Ly Diep or Mr. Uon Sim!

Mr. Ly Diep wouldn't want to lose his house nor HM Sihanouk!

Anonymous said...


Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 1:38PM, 9:45PM, 11:00PM, 11:53PM and 3:46AM,
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

I advise Mr. Ly Diep to take political science lessons at Cal State Long Beach a quarter or two...his knowledge is too shallow..only uneducated people would go along with his theory.

No educated people think as such likewise...ask Mr. Sam Raingsy or Mr. Sean Pengse for second opinions.

Under the Khmer constitution, the king is the guaranter of Khmer territorial integrity. HM Sihanouk said many times that he would ride oxcarts to the eastern border areas to check in person on the spot. Farmers were to report to the authority of any irregularity. He did not agree with the recent border treaty with Vietnam. He even told the Cambodian parliament that they are responsible for the future of Cambodia territorial integrity by signing the document with Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

--Khmer Battambang,

I am with you 100%!

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 8:58AM,
Thank you very much ! I will do that !
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

Dharma said to respect one's parents...the monarchy is comparable to that.

To insult the monarchy is like to insult the parents.

Why do you think more prosperous countries like Japan, UK, etc. respect their monarchy? Even our neighbor Thailand has Lest Majeste law to prevent an imbacile to disrespect the country's symbol.

HM Sihanouk has earned his title as "Preah Mohavireakksatr" for his lifetime contribution to the Cambodian nation.

Remember our independence from France November 9, 1954?

Remember ICJ decision on Preah Vihear June 15, 1962?

Remember Paris Peace Accord of October 23, 1991?

In this case, Mr. Ly Diep's article above is quite insincere child!

--Khmer Battambang

Anonymous said...

To 10am

you left out:

Remember Sangkum Reastr Niyum Era 1954-69

Remember China's invasion of Vietnam 1979.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Li Dyep:

Angry, rude, vulgar remarks are not considered civilized's cheap misinformed propaganda...

Li Dyep = manus baad psaar thaok dtieb

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Ly Diep said...

Dear all royalists,
The pictures tell a thousand words!
And the truth hurts!
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

Dear My Beloved K-I Brothers,
Since LOK LY DIEP has declaired he is NOT UON SIM why he has to jump into the ring for UON SIM .
LOK LY DIEP has learned so effectively from his mentor LOK SOTH POLINE who wrote the political critism during the KHMER REPUBLIC as KANH-NHA ENG ARY.
LY DIEP is just a nephew of VIET CONG Colonel HUNG DUY Printing Shop in PSA CHAS during SIHANOUK selling KHMER LAND to VIET CONG.
My K-I Brothers , if you let LY DIEP using your space as his political arena to destroy KHMER SOULS and HEARTS.
You are so sensitively too much excited.
You have enough on your newspaper please spare some views for us sounds like you privately own K-I

Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 12:25PM
Thank you for your concern, but I can care less about what you say about me. You would not hurt or stop me from producing my own articles. I wrote thousands and thousands of articles in the past 25 years with Angkor Borei. I think you do not know how to present your own vision on Khmer issues, so you prefer to give a cheapshot to me instead. I cannot imagine what would happen if you were to reveal your true name and face?
Cursing me will not help Sdach Sihanouk. Please write your own article or create your own blog then state only the truth about Sdach Sihanouk.
Ly Diep

Anonymous said...

One again K-I Brothers,
LOK LY DIEP jumps in again for UON SIM whom LY DIEP claimed he is NOT UOM SIM.
THe last time LY DIEP got upset of being collude as YOUN SPY and then started cursing condemning people like mad dog.
I am happy to take this opportunity like LY DIEP owns K-I .
LY DIEP, next time on your newspaper please memtion someone names who said so in stead LOK NIS NEAK NUOS , BANG NIS , YOUVAK-CHON NIS or NUOS .
and get well soon do not get so excited you are NOT 21 anymore
And I love this moment

Anonymous said...

Massiah Soth and Diep have personal vendetta against HM doing so only helps the enenmy...

Ly Diep is not a Khmer name...if you are Khmer Krom with Yuon name...then Yuon have effectively use you to divide Khmer solidarity and unity.

I laugh for 25 years of your vulgar rude papers as I make a dump in the toilet.

If you are so patriotic...I dare you to set foot on Khmer soil!

Maybe "chon kbott chiat" name Hun Sen will send you to heaven early.

Anonymous said...

By the way, what happend to your colleages, BRYANT BEN, KAMSATH, KEN NARIN, SOTH PALINE, HAC CHANDARA..etc,.. who took and won WAT VIPASANA in Long Beach , California, are you and your GANGS still together ?
Get Well Soon

Anonymous said...

I invite you, Mr. Ly Dieb and Soth Polin to Beijing vis-a-vis with Samdech Euv...we will have fois-gras together...

Ruom Ritt

Anonymous said...


They got nothing better to do they attack wat for money and prestige. Simply shameful.

Maybe Mr. Soth and colleague Diep advise Paline and cohorts to morality than attacking King Sihanouk...

Don't try to Khmer people what to do when you can't even get your family to work.

Anonymous said...

To 12:19pm

Bạn phải việt Ông Lý Diệp. Chúng ta cần làm việc tốt của bạn tấn công Khmer người dân và vua Sihanouk.

- Nguyễn Tấn Dũng
Thủ tướng của Việt Nam

I'm GAY said...

This article is one of Yuon Hanoi many games to take all Khmers' attentions on Yuon Hanoi from consolidating power in Cambodia.

Some of these people who wrote comments attacking King Sihanouk can be Yuon agents and some are idiot Khmers.

Is not about King Sihanouk, it is about Yuon Hanoi's strategies and consolidation power in Cambodia.

Some of these Khmers have been brainwashed by Yuon Hanoi that is why they make stupid comments.

Uon Sim is not his real name it is another character of Ly Ngoc Dinh, and Ly Ngoc Dinh is Yuon not Khmer Krom. He is here for the same purposes, divide Khmers to hate each others.

This guy has been playing Yuon Hanoi's games and some time he pretends to mix with a his fake nationalist to fool his fans, and the jerks applauded like chimpanzees.

Uon Sim, a Yuon Hanoi's clown is trying to divert Khmer people's attentions. His game is good for the idiots but not good for the Khmers who already knew.

This News Angkor Borei is controlled by Yuon Hanoi just like other Khmers' organizations.

Anonymous said...

Yes the same photos I saw million times, Viet Cong use every where to promote hate among Cambodians.

Big DEAL. I saw American President Truman hugged Stalin then the two tried to kill each others, then Truman bombed Japan made Stalin shit like a mad dog. I'm so sure King Sihanouk wanted to kill that Viet Cong Bastard while he pretended to hug that shit Viet Cong.

All political leades and politicians do that all the time, but does not mean they like each others.

The stupid Khmer posted this is only to support Viet Cong, because it is Viet Cong game to divide Cambodians, and yes the damn Cambodians are dividing.

Flash again and again the same photos by the Viet Cong News Paper Angkor Boksrei.

Anonymous said...

LOK LY DIEP, Where are you right now injecting insulins ? Why you are so freaken out sensitively being identified as UON SIM ? You said I used CHEAPSHOT ! actually , I have learned from you by using your ANGKOR BOREI News to personally attack the people whom you think they do not have the same national point of views like you do.
Please get a fast speed recovery .
Could you tell us more about your own CHHKER ANG-KEAM CH-OEUNG MOAN CH-OEUNG TEA at WAT VIPASA, And I strongly & personally believe if HUN SEN offers you a job just like your clans you for sure within a second would accept DOCH CHHKER ANGKEAM CH-OEUNG MOAN CH-OEUNG TEA !
Very Sensational mmoment

Anonymous said...

I think Soth Polin and Ly Diep should apply for full-time jobs cleaning urinals and toilets at Home Depot instead...this has more dignity than writing craps about Sihanouk to tear Cambodian nation apart...we need solidarity against Yuon and Siem, not division.

Kannha Sim Vary
Psar Tuol Kok

Anh Co Bok Srei said...

Sot Polin is a fucking traitor. We thought this old guy is smart but he is sold. I thought that ah Kvak is not educated person could be brainwashed, but ah Sot Polin is being brainwashed too.
Most of us Khmers knew that Ly Diep is Yuon spy, but this guy pretends we know nothing. Man, ah kantorb Ly Diep has no shame.

This Angkor Borei News Paper is sold to Yuon by ah jumkourt Sot Polin. Now it is no longer Angkor Borei but Anh-Co Bok Srei.

Anonymous said...

LY DIEP from LY NGOC DINH born in South VN. He is not Khmer Krom but a Yuon spy.

Anonymous said...

From: Uon Sim, uon sim is uon sim not Mr. Ly Diep I wrote news papers do I have to hiding my selfe frome who for what? if I am khmer scare to be khmer who`s going to be khmer do not hide yourself behind computer screen go out there show something a book or anews paper don`t acted like chiken. Mr. Ly Diep thanks for every thing you have my respected.

Anonymous said...

some fo your dumb ass stiil never know never understand untill one day Vietnamese grind their headsand than crie out helps.where is vietnam came from? who lets that sucker went into caqmbodia in th 60? Sihanuk whose the one. if some of you dumb enough to egnor because you are murderer the same group with vietnam and khmer vietminh that bow Hochiminh show your face what`s you animal look like.

Anonymous said...

Uon Sim never colors anybody it was color by it self only some dumb ass can`t see it. even Sihanuk have red head you will see just your own ass hole only untill khmer rouge cut your thoat with palm tree trunk or bang your head thbong chorb you will see what kind of Sihanuk color look like.we love king we love our own government what about they don`t like us? would you like Pol Pot regime would youlike yourn pull out your finger nails? Sihanuk,Pol Pot,Vietnamese,Hun Sen they are the same group they cooporate to make Cummunism since the 60th. untill now you ass hole still don`t get it`s how dumb you are.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and Sihanuk only one way ticket ... go to hell with yourn Hanoi....