Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Institution in Cambodia


Anonymous said...

Fraud design. Crazy.

Anonymous said...

Meul Mook Ah Me Jor Pok Roluoy Dol Chhe-eung (Look at the face of the great thief rotten to the bone)

You will die and leave all the monies and assets that have been stolen from Khmer people. All your clan and master will have the same fate even Hanoi can't save you.
Your wealth cannot buy the immortal elexir so death is inevitable to you thus your stinky rotten name and legacy will remain in the Cambodian history.

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM,

You are absolutely right with your comment!

Anonymous said...

om yin teang is a really viet .
his face is like a pussy .
eliminate him .

Anonymous said...

ពិតប្រាកដទេ? ដើរចោទប្រកាន់ថាមានអំពើពុក
រលួយនៅប្រទេសខ្មែរ ដល់រាជរដ្ធាភិបាលខិតខំ
រកមធ្យោបាយបំបាត់អំពើពុករលួយ ពួកអគតិនេះ
ស្តាយក្រោយ ក៍ចង់រក្សាទុកអំពើពុករលួយទៅ
វិញ។ នេះបានចំជាពូជមនុស្សឆ្កួតមែន។

Anonymous said...

swear for Viet consttution

Anonymous said...

Another Smart from HUN SEN AND CPP to Support US their master Viet Nam... this way we can contolled all of you and your money.. And another way to support our beloved Hun SEN and CPP to make more money..


GOOD work HUN SEN and CPP... you served your master well...

Anonymous said...


How to build to wealth...

Any of those who want to enroll this private sector please feel free by applying online. Once you processed all your information step 1-10. Section 11 will be confidential information about your past history. After completion all of your information we will evaluate it and let you know when the next section will start.

Note: If you snooze, you loose. As a fact this is not Chapter 11 like the rest of American do.

Anonymous said... that truly the sign for real? It says that in English for sure? That is so funny indeed. It is supposed to be Anti-Corruption Institution, not corrupted institution. In addition, that leader should wash his hand first because dirty hand will make people think that you are already a corrupt person, therefore your entire organization itself. Wait is that a photoshopped cartoon or a real picture, I just can't tell. What is up with the dark clouds and sh*t. Man Cambodia under Hun Sen is stupid. Du ma cong cak ah Hun Sh*t.

Anonymous said...

អាហ៊ុន សែន អាក្បត់ជាតិ។

Anonymous said...

Hahaha.. some very funny posts here and ALL are so true about Hun Sen aka Hun Shit. Be warned traitor, we'll make an example out of you and all cronies and your master is next in line. Long live Khmer!