Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Thoammeuk and Khmer politics

Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Op-Ed by Koun Khmer

Dear KI Media Team,

The paradigm certainly has been shifted if we turn to “Puth Tumneay” to help relieving our hopelessness and our despairs. I am glad, however, that the team has selected this issue for discussion. The hope is that our discussion would result in raising the consciousness of our people.

Regardless of whether we legitimize the prophecy in puth tumneay or not it has its pervasive affect on our society. In a sense, it has become, if you will, our nation’s manifest destiny. The danger is many Khmers become complacent and waiting for the salvation from Preah Bat Thoammeuk. And when Thoammeuk does not appear, puth tumneay is still used as the default for comforts rather than confronting injustice or standing up against the incompetency of the leaders.

My view is the sooner we can come to a consensus to debunking the legitimacy of puth tumneay, the better for our nation. The mere fact that the name Preah Bat Thoammeuk is used in the prophecy implies a certain form of governance. Monarchy basically is fait accompli. In our current political climate even if Preah Bat Thoammeuk were to appear, he will be useless. Don’t wait for him.

Let us return to reality.

No one knows what the future will hold. It is up to all of us to creating a narrative that is positive for ourselves and for our nation. Each one of us can make a difference for each other and for our nation. If each one of us tries our very best to becoming critical, reflexive, and ethical practitioner, we can free ourselves from falling into believing a leader or a narrative so easily. May be, as the article has alluded to, each one of us could be a Thoammeuk- just Thoammeuk without Preah Bat.

Thank you KI Media Team,

Koun Khmer


Anonymous said...

Hanoi killed Moslems and took Champa.
Hanoi killed Khmers Krom and has controlled.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
Down Vietnamese expansionism!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane!
by Volcano!
by earthquake!
by tsunami!
and by….!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane! by Volcano!
by earthquake! by tsunami waves ! and by….

Anonymous said...

Dear Koun Khmer,

I like your comment. It is great. All intelectual Khmers must learn fom Koun Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Preah Bat Thoammeuk is our Preah who love khmer people(khmer Surin,khmer phnom Penh,khmer krom)and he cried for International justice.
We,people khmer,we are very sorry that communist Sihanouk,Ho Chiminh and Mao had killed our innocent people and especialy ,they had destroyed our Lord Buddha.
May justice prevail!

""If you get a prudent companion who,is fit to live with you,who behaves well,and is wise,you should live with him joyfully and mindfully overcoming all dangers."
Lord Buddha


Anonymous said...

Thoameuk and Phnaek Prak are both paved the way for Preah Se-Ametrey.Currently,the two are increasing in numbers . One day the pavement will be done and Preah Se-Ametrey will reign forever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoever labeled the riddles as Buddha Prophecy is intentionally erroneous.

Buddha was born and died before Kampuchea was in existence as an orderly nation.He had no idea where or what's Kampuchea.Yet,by then Kampuchea, was under Brahmanism not Buddhism and with a different name as well.

Please get the record straight between facts and myths of such prophetic riddles as it's come to be called.

Anonymous said...

In the dead languages Pali/ Sanskrit:

Dhama refers to as rules,paths or in English mneans laws.

Thus Dhamika shall mean a person of the dhama.

Sihanouk is not qualified to a man of laws or Ong xamaer Hun Sen.These twin are evil doers.

Anonymous said...

Please Don'talk about the fucking Thom Muk.It' s out of date.

I have never heard about AH Thom Muk since a very long time. Burry it and Forget it.

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:21 PM,

Thank you. I too should and must learn from my fellow Khmers. We all should learn from each other. We all are capable of being teachers and students. The process of learning and teaching should always continue.

I am very pleased and humble knowing that there are so many educated Khmers out there.

I am here just to share a couple of ideas and just to have a dialogue with my fellow Khmers hoping that together we can raise each other consciousness. Just being aware of things is a major step forward already.

Knowing what we know can be very powerful. Knowing what we don't know makes us that much humble. The truth is there are a great deal of things that we don't know.

But the flip side of knowing what we know makes those who want to lead us much more careful. They have to raise the bar to be our leader knowing that we cannot be fooled very easily.

Again, 2:21 PM thank you.

Koun Khmer

Anonymous said...

There is PutTumneay if you mean the Buddha's prediction. And as for Thommik, anyone can be, if he is the one who has enough sympathy, compassion, kindness, affection, and mercy towards all beings.

Anonymous said...

correction: there is NO...

Anonymous said...

i think people's belief is a way of soothing. although everyone of us has the rights to our own belief, however, when it comes to national interest, it is action that speaks the loudest. waiting for our belief to take effect is like waiting for a magical solution in development, or waiting for luck, etc. i think action is a better to achieve something we all hold dearly, whatever it may be. i think belief is a habit or tradition going back to when the world was uncivilized as it only was the effect if everyone is a true believer, however, if people don't have the same believe, then it rendered powerless or ineffective. it is like living in a dream state because everything happened in a dream in not real for when we woke up and pinch ourself, he know it was just dream. i think it is the same thing with beliefs. it's soothing and good for the spiritual well-being, but that's not how the world is heading nowadays. beliefs are only powerful if you practice what you preach or practice it religously; it requires a lot of devotion, strict ethical code of conducts, etc, etc... now, if one has no patience, forget it!

Anonymous said...

i think the so-called khmer preah bat thoammeuk is in all of us; all it is is a capable leader, a capable person or individual(s) that stands for all the good things in humanity, in cambodia, and in the world, etc... we all have to wake up and be aware of our fate, our surroundings, etc... it is one with a good vision that would help to take cambodia into the new era. it is like an honorable person or individual leader that will set forth from here on to permanently safeguard cambodia and take our country into a better future in all the good things we stand for like higher standard of living, both with nature and modern sanitation, the environment, etc; all comes into play. yes, it has to do with good governance in cambodia, one that set forth of good example, good legacy, etc, etc... may god bless cambodia and all khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...

Go for laws and democracy, fool! Forget about DICKHEAD!!!!

No one should has an absolut power! So Thormuk may ass!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes, rule of law and democracy is a form of thoammeuk; although this may sound too foreign to cambodia, it is time to wake up and adopt such concept for a better cambodia. no more absolute power for anybody, i don't care who they are; absolute power is never good for cambodia's future with the rest of the world, you know! so stop dreaming, please! encourage the use of rule of law and true democracy is the best way for a better future of cambodia and khmer people, etc...

Anonymous said...

why the rule of law and democracy? well, the rule of law society protects all khmer people and citizens, regardless of their class status, etc; while democracy gives everybody an equal opportunity to excel, to contribute to nation and society at large, etc, etc... this way, it is less on impunity, immunity, corruption, etc, etc... ever heard of equal opportunity housing, loan, etc, etc, well, that's what it boils down to, equality for all. in short, it is called justice for all, ok!

Anonymous said...

stop looking or waiting for thoammeuk, it is a simply shift in our thinking that can make a real difference as well. rule of law and real democracy helps a lot in this case, really!

sincerely ............KoneKhmer USA said...

khmer preah bat thoammeuk is ME. My name is Preah Bath Thummeauk....I am an individual Khmer who would tell my family that voting for HS will meet Tragedy & Krours ar sonn.

If anyone of you have family back home tell them to one another to stop voting for HS. Word by mouth is the best strategy for our votes to save Cambodia.

Mouth to Mouth....keep on passing the words.

Like a story of kjong ning Tunsai.
AT the end who won the game?

Those who know this story well please show all of us how was it goes?

sincerely ............KoneKhmer USA

Anonymous said...

be careful with boasting. a wise man don't need to boast! it shows too egotistical and self-serving which is not popular! instead of boasting, make oneself known to the nation and the world by being proactive, active, put action where your mouth belongs, etc; people will see for themselves when you make yourself well-known, etc.