Monday, November 28, 2011

To Lords of Poverty, aka Eccc the Clown

How can I not [feel offended]?! The honor of my father and mother is at stake. My dignity is at stake. I can speak as a lawyer on a professional level, but this is a deeply personal issue for me. I am both within and without... I am highly offended when the UN is effectively telling me, telling the other victims that all we, the poor Cambodians, deserve are the crumbs of justice... The UN is embedding all the dark mentalities we want to change in this society - the mentality of low expectations, the mentality of fear, the mentality of inferiority, the mentality of impunity, the mentality of cynicism... And yes, I agree with the opening statement of Nuon Chea's lawyer--the indictment of this ECCC--minus all the references to Nuon Chea, the one that was never made but sent out as a press release... I believe that guilt is not zero-sum; that is to say, Kissinger is guilty and his guilt does not absolve the guilt of Nuon Chea; he's still directly, personally responsible...

- Theary Seng, Nov. 2011

First published in May/June 2008 in The Phnom Penh Post as part of the Voice of Justice columns. Of my travels and extensive living outside Cambodia, I have never witnessed elsewhere such the degree of upside-down modus operandi for daily functioning as I do here in Cambodia. Many times the people who are obstructionists and create obstacles are the people who should know better (both foreigners and Khmers), not the "ignorant" people of the villages I hear people blaming; they are people who lack generosity of spirit or they have enough information, even intelligence, but lacking wisdom. Currently, the Lords of Poverty roam and strut among us here in Cambodia armed with great resources to do damage, and in the process taint the image of those who actually are doing commendable work. Through personal experience, I am against private company acting as the clearinghouse of millions of aid dollars for local NGOs. These clearinghouses have no incentive to do humanitarian work. On the contrary, they do everything to make themselves indispensable; that is to say, they use their position to acquire knowledge of local NGOs and in turn, use that knowledge to divide the NGOs to further justify their existence; these private companies have the greater incentive to give the grants to mediocre NGOs and disparage the successful ones, again to make their existence necessary: "See, how divisive and incompetent these NGOs are and how we necessary." Also, I want to emphasize that the percentage of foreign consultants should be reduced in favor of local hires... With a little bit of patience and wisdom, a local consultant can be had for a fraction of the salary of the foreign consultant. More than that, it works against the mentality of genuine capacity-building. People who are of integrity and genuine in their observations would readily agree with me that current foreign assistance and practice of hiring are inadvertently embedding the culture of dependency and the Lords of Poverty.

- Theary Seng, Jan. 2010

Enablers of Hypocrisy and Mismanagement

Let's keep that pointing finger at the government accountable; however, let's also focus on the three other fingers pointing back at us. Let's focus on the hypocrisy and outrageousness of the do-gooders – donors and civil society – in light of other dark, societal norms.

Societal norms

What arc some societal norms darkening current Cambodia? And who are the enablers of these darkening norms?

Outrageous behavior

We live in a society where outrageous behavior – by us Khmer and foreigners alike – is the norm. As donors, civil society and other "do-gooders", we enable this outrageousness, and sometimes engage in it with full confidence that we can get away with it. Take for example the event of this past Thursday at CSD where "good people" hired armed Ministry of Interior police to exact emotional violence (that easily could have turned into physical violence) on staff and others. Where do we even begin in pointing out the countless, irregular, illegal, "undue process" and outrageousness of this act?

The more outrageous acts are the norm, the more dense and obtuse we become; the less we are able to hear and understand, the more outrageous we become. It's an upward, vicious, spiraling cycle of raising the volume. "We" in this regard includes both us Khmer and foreigners.

Disproportionate reaction

Disproportionate reaction is the norm. Instead of reacting to these outrageous acts with outrage, we stay mute; we claim neutrality; or, we smile and laugh and shake our heads at the Cambodians or the crazy foreigners hiding in Cambodian society. We are so used to the outrageous (which is beyond our scope to exact control) that in order to still feel we do have sensibility, we over-react to the minutiae where in light of the totality of circumstances, it has no significance. This is why killers of millions are permitted to get away with murder and are still held in awe.

(As an aside, I'd like to make a distinction between fairness and neutrality, as they are often used interchangeably. If one is a stakeholder and has adequate information, one can no longer claim inaction as neutrality and not enable the other side. Neutrality is reserved for 3rd parties who are not in the know, nor should have interests in knowing. But to be inactive or not take a stance as a stakeholder with sufficient information is to not neutral but to inadvertently and foolishly be enabling. As I often tell my staff: As your boss. I want to be and will be fair; I do not want and will not be neutral. If one staff brings to me shoddy work, and another excellent work, do not think I will remain neutral and not make a distinction. To the contrary, if I do not praise excellence and be indifferent or dismissive of mediocrity, I am being unfair to the one who worked hard and produced excellence, and stripped all incentives for future excellence. Fairness relates to using the same measuring stick; neutrality relates to information and how far or close we are to a situation.)

Another aspect of disproportionate reaction that is a societal norm relates to the interaction between a Cambodian and a Westerner. Generally speaking, a Cambodian is passive and deferential; the Westerner assertive/aggressive and overbearing. This unbalanced equation creates a norm whereby a Cambodian will always be at a disadvantage in relation to her foreign counterpart - in a discussion, in a negotiation, in a relationship.

Empty verbiage

We Khmers are still lacking in sophistication as our verbiage too often arc viscerally empty and crude; they are understood as such and accepted as norms. We function at this level of the reality of unreality.

Foreigners are more sophisticated in masking their empty verbiage. But sophistication is only a higher art-form of facade, superficiality. One example of how foreigners have normalized the empty rhetoric is in the area of "capacity-building" or "local ownership". Foreign donors "train" and train and train and train on ownership, on building local capacity because it sounds good and right; just don't "do" ownership, as that competes into their terrain; competes into their survival; they need to justify their existence through the "incompetence", the "divisiveness" of the local NGOs, the local Cambodians. The growing pool of highly capable Cambodians is swept away by these generalizations to their detriment.


We are so envious of excellence and success and do nothing to strive toward them but rather expend our energy in being in a state of envy. If only envy could stay within the self and not spill into destructive, obstructive behavior of gossip and tearing down.

Mistrust, distrust

Mistrust arises from misrepresentation, from a disregard for the sentiments of the affected individuals or groups. It also arises from political spin. We Khmer must be more careful of this in light our culture of fear, secrecy and the paranoid produced by the Khmer Rouge years and other regimes since.

Dependency, perpetuate "Lords of Poverty" mentality

Perpetuating the status quo is perpetuating poor governance, perpetuating mismanagement, perpetuating a "lords of poverty" mentality.

In 1993, yes 99% of foreign consultants were justified; now, 5% are justifiable. The others are embedding and enabling the mentality of dependency.

Ownership – how many local NGOs are truly "owned" by that director or senior staff? Many are run (behind the scenes) by consultants and sometimes ambitious/over exuberance 2nd year law students who have the legal expertise but cannot "feel" the situation nor understand the larger vision of what is Cambodia and "Cambodian".

Disincentives of reform

The societal norms mentioned above are disincentives of genuine reform and change.

The way we at CSD try to fight against these darkening societal norms is by encouraging a little bit of attitude among the staff. Strike that. We encourage a lot of attitude. With a lot of heart. It is the necessary first step toward ownership and social development.

Theary C. SENG
Founding President

CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education

(column written when she was executive director of now-defunct Center for Social Development)


Anonymous said...

Séng Theary, woman tries to show off her intellectual and her discernment for the Khmer rouge victims, but her interest lies elsewhere.

Judging Khmer rouge without judging Youn Hanoi is just a CRIME because Youn Hanoi is mastermind of Khmer rouge and the killing field. Youn Hanoi is the real murderers. Letting Youn Hanoi get out of the crimes committed against Khmer is another crime against humanity and to DENY of justice for the victims of Youn’s atrocity and crimes.

Sihanouk who worked along with Hanoi and allowed Vietcong to maneuver the killing field against Khmer must be the first to stand trial and judge for the killing of millions of innocent during the killing field. Sihanouk and Youn Hanoi are the MURDERERS of Khmer people.
In her stupid DART GAME, why didn't she include Youn Hanoi, Sihanouk, Hor Nam Hong...?

She is playing the Youn game in order to delay those Khmer rouge out of the prison. If she quits, she must quit since the beginning.

Imagine the Khmer rouge trail has started since 2003; approximately $200 has been spent, only Duch was judged. During that time Séng Theary knew that ECCC was a farce. It seems that Séng Theary is one of the Youn elements. KHMER MUST WATCH HER CLOSELY. If she really care about justice, the injustice commit by land grabbing etc... She ought to say something to CPP gang; she shut her mouth up, but she supplied drinking water to Youn in Tonlé Sap Lake.

Anonymous said...

That might be true, she never reveal that all the problems in cambodia is cause by hun sen and the CPP.

Is she working for hanoi?

Anonymous said...

95% Cambodians are buddhist. Youn is christian including Seng Theary. One of the reason france signed Kampuchea krom for youn because the religion.

Anonymous said...

i think cambodia and khmer people should embrace both the old ways and the new ways, why not infuse them into one strong khmer identity. it is ok to embrace new ways, cambodia while keeping on old ways as well. be flexible and adjust to both old ways and new ways. why not, if it serves us well.

Anonymous said...

I am so fed up with her, all what I can say is: SENG THEARY, MI KANDOUY!

Anonymous said...

cambodia and khmer people can adapt and adopt and evolve just like the rest of the world, really. it's a matter of educating people to understand the benefit and the interest of khmer in order to survive and exist into the long future with the rest of the world. if you study world history, every nation borrowed from other civilization, etc, really! so, why not khmer people do the same to survive? nothing wrong with cambodia evolving and adapting, you know!

Anonymous said...

YOU CONFUSE..............

Anonymous said...

1:43 PM
Cambodian Buddhists today are just carrying the traditional but they are no longer Buddhists like in old day with respect to practicing. I see Cambodian Buddhists and Thai Buddhists are killers and cheaters. They have no fear or respect for Buddha.

Cambodians adopted foreign religion such as Buddhism after Hinduism from India. Today they are slowly going to be Christians and Mormon, because many understood more about God.

Anonymous said...

Do the internal lawyers or Khmer lawyers could ask for audios,films ,typing fonts for special forensic investigation in order to verify the original sources?.
If so would you please request for the authentication.

Anonymous said...

Has Ms. Theary Seng had audios,films ,typing fonts for special forensic investigation in order to verify the authentication?. She may seek for more funds from international countries to
support and to prove the accusation.
Or Mr. Chang Yuk could provide that too.

Anonymous said...

Seng theary is not after the truth or seeking justice for her parents and other victims. She is only after publicity. She knows the man behind all the problems is hun sen, but she has not say anything about him at all.

Theary seng if you really meant it that your parents honors and your dignity is important, speak the truth and go after the main source that is obstructing justice at the khmer rouge tribunal. Go after the man who is behind the ecc, the man that only provide crumbs justice to you and million victims in cambodia.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

One big Error Theary has done in her life is TOO ARROGANT and Hypocrite, and thought she is above all or knows everything. Apparently she is NOT. If she can practice her religion properly: follow Christ teachings, and be humble, she will become a very well respectable woman.

She likes to quote words from the Bible or elsewhere to teach people, but herself? she does not show us so.

To say she has a dignity/nobility I am sorry I see nothing in her, not to mention tons of gossiping about her behavior.

I will support her if she stops being crazy as she has been.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think khmer society and country will change for the better through good education and rich knowledge. do educate and share knowledge with khmer people. god bless cambodia and all our beautiful khmer people and citizens.

Anonymous said...


I don't understand your comment. Are you implying that in order for Seng to have protections from a good Ghost Seng has to stay "a victim"? Geee so what kind of protection?

Anonymous said...

This ECCC is Hanoi-US ECCC.

Anonymous said...

3:56 AM

Hah hah ha.. Luv it. Good one mate.