Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Incitement claim: Monk called to court over land protest

Ven. Sieng Sovannara
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Tep Nimol
The Phnom Penh Post

A Kampuchea Krom monk was issued a summons yesterday to appear in a Phnom Penh court tomorrow to face accusations of incitement.

In a letter obtained by the Post yesterday, the investigating municipal judge, Duch Kimson, ordered Sieng Sovannra, a monk at the Samaki Raingsey pagoda, to attend an inquiry into his role in a protest led by Stung Meachey villagers and his fellow monks over a land dispute with a wealthy trader.

Duch Kimson said the summons marked the opening of an inquiry into the case.

He was not able to comment on the identity of the plaintiff, but said the case was filed “according to procedure.”

Sieng Sovannra said he was innocent, but would attend the court. More than 300 families are involved in the land dispute. They are supported by monks of the Samaki Rangsey pagoda, who attended a related court hearing with them on November 8.

Sin Chumchuon, director of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association, said he would arrange for a lawyer to accompany Sieng Sovannra to “protect (the monk) from being arrested”.


Anonymous said...

Youn never leave us Khmer alone, does not matter where we are, and does not matter Kampuchear Krom, Kondal, and eventuall Surin. They will hunt us down to the last person if Hun Sen does not kill us all first.

Anonymous said...

It is all about Indochina Federation to put Laos and Cambodia under yuon Hanoi annex .

Anonymous said...

Even the monks could not stand and watch the injustice of the poor Cambodians. So what are they going to do to the monks now put them all in jail?? Is this the what they called win win policy of Hon Xen?? Hon Xen doesn't respect the monks, why shold we give a shit about him. Just vote him out when we go to the pole next election. That the way to do it and we will do it right if we all united.

Anonymous said...

This is what you called democrazy under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave puppet regime! All Cambodian people will be victimized not just the SRP members!

This is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave with fake Ph.D. from Hanoi in pursuing his win-win economic miracle!

In fact in reality there is no such thing as win-win but only winner-loser! There is this concept of Ying-Yang! Even in heaven there are male and female…there is day and night…there is good and bad! The concept of two is the law of nature and AH HUN SEN can't violate that! For this reason now that AH HUN SEN has violated the law of two and more misery and suffering will fall on Cambodian people!

So don't violate the law of nature!

Anonymous said...

Khmer must help Khmer whether we are Khmer Krom or Khmer Kandal or Khmer Surin!

If we don't help each other, no one will help us. Let unite!

If Youn stays in their house, there won't be any problems!
