Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Great Khmer Empire [ HD ] Angkor Wat Temple

អង្គរវត្តជារបស់ សុខ គង់ ដែលជាជាតិយួន ឬក៏ជារបស់ខ្មែរគ្រប់គ្នា ?


Anonymous said...

I don't blame on Sok Kong. I blame on Hun Sen's government giving him a permission. Who wouldn't want to take advantage on something like that. Would you?

Anonymous said...

Am not knit-picking...but if "Nak Srè" writes this guy name Sok Kong correctly or if that guy's name in Khmer is really​​ សុខ គង់....oh my God... this got to be pre-meditated and well thought out to tease, impress and scare Khmer people simultaneously:

Sok = peace
Kong = lasting

In most simple, commonly daily khmer language usage it means:

Long lasting peace

Wow! what a fucking impressive name!!!
what a fucking smart Viet ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Nak Sre,

It belongs to Khmer. If I have a chance you know damn well what I'll do to Hun Sèn and his cronies, don't you?

Thank you for the question in Khmer there...

Anonymous said...

Angkor Wat is very very beautiful, and super well-built.

Long life Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Starting from first century to
01/06/1979,Cambodia,his people,
ANGKOR WAT,and everything in
Cambodia were belong to them.

But after that they belong to Vietnam because ah Sihanouk,
monarchy,ah Hun Sen,ah Heng Samrin,
ah Chea Sim,and their clans sold
to Vietnam.
Cambodia is a ghost name,but Khmer
land belongs to Vietnam.

If in the near future Khmer people
won't rise up against Khmer Vietminh,they will lose everything,
including lovely ANGKOR WAT.