Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Home Truth" of Angkor

Published below are some of the comments written by KI Media readers in response to my piece “Dark Clouds Over Angkor”. There are many other interesting comments as well, and to all the readers who took their time to read and express their concerned views, my sincerest thanks - School of Vice

Additional Note:

Never underestimate the power of ‘spin’ and media disinformation, and we have seen for years how the Thais have been misleading the rest of the world over the Preah Vihear issue and the ownership of its "surrounding areas" including "the earth beneath the temple itself" which they claim was never spelled out by the IJC in 1962!

Remember how well Croatia's football team was doing at every world cup tournament since that country broke away from the former Yugoslavia; the colours of Croatia's national flag painted all over the Croatian players? Well, the players had the duty to announce to the world at large that there is a country called "Croatia"! And they almost made it past France in the quarter final in 1998! Some achievement for a small nation.

Most Cambodians who live overseas should know how little known Cambodia is to the public in the west, for example, when compared to Thailand or Vietnam. Many westerners even think that Cambodia is part of Vietnam, which it is in that political sense, but the point is Cambodia is Cambodia, and Vietnam is Vietnam. 

Why this confusion? For several centuries, Cambodia had existed in the shadow of her two neighbours, and this fact has meant that her culture and identity had been all too freely copied and adopted by those neighbours as their own. Thailand had been the more successful in that regard as she had assimilated Khmer identity and culture from the dawn of her ‘civilisation’. Think of “Thai classical dance”, “Thai kick-boxing”, "Siamese crocodile", "Siamese wood", “Thai classical music” , “Siamese costume” and so on, most of which can be traced to their original roots in Khmer culture which had been there long before the arrival of ‘Hindu’ and Buddhist influences from India and Sri Lanka respectively. Certainly, the crocodiles didn't migrate all the way from India!

After independence from France, Cambodia enjoyed a brief period of peace and revival in culture, and it was against this backdrop of being eclipsed by other larger better known countries in the region and fearing international isolation and obscurity that some of the world's powerful heads of state and celebrities had been invited to visit the Kingdom in the 1960s including the former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, France’s Charles De Gaul and Jacqueline Kennedy. When the war came in the late sixties and early seventies, tourists who once flocked to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat had to turn to Indonesia instead where some remarkable ancient ruins of the same era were on offer to curious visitors.

I don’t want to appear over fixated with this duplication issue in any way. After all, Angkor Wat is a world heritage site. However, in my view Cambodia as a country had gone through so much and lost almost everything that was precious to her people. On top of that she is being led by some of the world’s most incompetent and inept political elites, some of whom are planted there for the sole purpose of subverting and sabotaging whatever they know might allow the country to regain its strength and pose a credible challenge to its historical rivals in the long term. Politics is not based on mutual trust, but is driven by the lack of it.

Angkor Wat, even in her present dilapidated condition could still offer the Khmer people a glimpse of hope of finding light at the end of their long tunnel of darkness. School of Vice

The Flag and the Monument link the Nation's present to its past and point to its future . . .
India’s President, Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil looks at the wall carving of Ramayana & Mahabharata Story at Angkor Wat Temple, in Siem Reap, Cambodia on September 17, 2010. But the corroding effects of acid chemicals applied by India’s “experts” on many surface areas of the 12th century temple, including most of the main galleries’ bas relief work [pictured] in the 1980s may prove irreversible -search.wn.com

“Angkor is to Khmer both a story of sweet glory and of bitter downfall - herein lie the recorded accounts of their civilization.”

Opinion by Keo Cham

School of Vice has touched on another note, which is at the heart of this issue, that I (I confessed for myself) and maybe many Khmers and foreign people (including Indian Hindus) may have overlooked.

And that is the issue of the historical significance of these architectural complexes and holy sites. Hindus lay claim to or take liberty at replication of Angkor because to them, this is merely a matter of Hindus venerating Hindu arts and culture.

In that perspective, they failed to see, and have overlooked the historical significance of this art in shaping Khmer identity. The image of Siam looting Angkor and that of Jayavarman II being anointed God King are prime examples of how the fabric of Khmer identity is infused into these temples.

The living arts among the walls and corridors, the scene of dancers and wars - these go beyond Hindu motifs and mere religious and Brahmanism inspiration. Indeed, what we have in Angkor is a living record of a people. The very fabric of their existence, recorded in it.

Thus to replicate Angkor, goes beyond merely dedicating and venerating the Gods and religion Angkor was inspired from, but it is also a replication of the unique struggle, identity, and history of the Khmer people including their wars and their struggle, Angkor is to Khmer both a story of sweet glory and of bitter downfall - herein lies the recorded accounts of their civilization.

When one looks at Angkor from this perspective- from the Khmer perspective- one can come to believe and realized (as I now have) as School of Vice puts it, a "Cultural Theft" on a grand scale. Why? Angkor is not merely a Hindu religious holy site, but a living history and archive of the Khmer civilization through its own unique struggles and evolution - all which had been recorded and will be replicated from the extensive bas relief of Angkor.

If we cannot stop this, we are indeed in need of forgiveness from our ancestors!

-- Keo Cham


Comment by Pissed off

I am surprised that India is that low and stupid in their thinking on this project. Their temple built in the 21st century using machinary on a mass scale on the Indian land will never have the same historical and religious values plus the serenity that Angkor Wat provides.

Without the time that has passed, same jungle surrounding it and the stones get entangled with roots of the large trees and the historical blood and sweat of the Khmers that were shed in the building and protecting this glorious Temple, the temple the Indians plan to build will simply be another building of the 21st century.

If you love Angkor Wat so much, and nobody would blame you for having done so since she is just too beautiful to not love, you could come to Cambodia with the money you have and help us, the Khmers, the true owner and builder of Angkor Wat repair, preserve and beautify the real beauty that you have so admired to the point of shamelessly declaring to the world that you would make one of your own though you know it is unreasonably, religiously and morally wrong.

The Hindu Gods have already got a house in Angkor Wat, their home that has survived the test of time, greed and wickedness of man. They won't move to your temple.

Do the right thing, abolish the project; come to Cambodia with money and help restore our beauty to her original glory!

Your Hindu Indians can make a pilgrimage to Angkor Wat as often as they like if they really want to please the real Hindu Gods.

Pissed off


From a different angle/ a conspiracy theory?

By Anonymous author

The Indians (the restoration started in 1986) used a few damaging/dangerous chemical compounds, including Zinc silicofluoride, sodium pentachiorophenate, which produced sodium chloride (salt) as a by-product. As we known salt is deadly to stone, as is Polyvinylacetate. The latter is a deadlier one.

In my view, polyvinylacetate used by the Indians has been irreversibly ruining the Temple. Polyvinylacetate compound contains moisture which seeps in and builds up underneath the impermeable stone coating in due course produced spalling (blistering/flaking of the stone surface). While it kept out the fungus, which was eating up the stone, for about 5 years. It took about 10-15 years to see the damage from the Polyvinylacetate. At first, as one put it, you would see the stone surface yellowing, then opening up and cracking, which we have been noticing now for over the last 10 years or so.

The use of Polyvinylacetate saw its deadly effect elsewhere - in the ancient Hospital of Saints Paolo and Govanni, Italy. The stone sculptures on the outside of the building were blackened and fell off. This happened before the Indian restored the Temple.§


Anonymous said...

I will also attempt an explanation of the India’s idea to rebuild Angkor Wat, in their homes, the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism.
We all know that the first ancient Khmer kings (Jayavarman, Indravarman, Suryavarman) builders of Angkor Wat temples and other ancient Khmer temples were all deeply religious and impregnated with Hinduism and Buddhism and Indian culture.
As a tribute to the deities of Hinduism and Buddhism that these temples and pagodas were built and dedicated to the cults of these deities as Shivas, Vishnu, Indra and Buddha.
Hinduism as Buddhism postulates that the soul never dies. The soul is reincarnated through the life and death in various forms human or animal or plant according to past acts of the individual in his previous life.
Today, the souls of Jayavarman or Suryavarman may be returned in to this world and saw that their works to be dedicated to their cults of Hindu deities are exploited to earn money and it's against their will and their kingdom became more and more Chinese and goes more and more away the homeland of Hinduism. They are angry.
After having made hitting the top of the temple of Angkor Wat by flashes of lightning as a warning, the souls of these ancient kings reincarnated decided to push back the Hindu temples in the cradle of Hinduism.
From the scientific point of view my explanation is not rational. I agree.
But the reincarnation and the soul that survives death is a theory admitted by Hinduism and Buddhism.And from this point of view (Hinduism and Buddhism teachings) my explanation is rational.
One must go see medium to confirm all these things.

Anonymous said...

To the above comment, your irrational explanation still doesn't explain why the Indians have the right to construct a copy of our Angkor Wat.

Perhaps the Indians are ashame if themselves at how a small crumbled nation once at the peak of history created the most advanced building complex in the world.

You should be ashame of yourself in an attempt to copy our pride and soul. We Khmer have suffered enough, from invading Siem trying to steal our identity, and heritage. Then for century, then Vietnamese have tried to weaken our state of minds, our politics and recreate history(installing the uneducated Vietminh for 32 years) now the Indians are trying to create a bigger, better modern Angkor Wat?

This is unacceptable!

Anonymous said...

My dear fellow @6:25 PM

I'm very impressed by your 'theological' and 'pseudo-rational' 'explanation', which would be both witty and plausible were it not contradicted by its very own logic.

The commercialisation of Angkor Wat and other heritage sites is not in dispute, but this is not what draws travellers and visitors from all corners of the globe to Siem Reap. The effect [commercial aspect] must be distinguished from the cause [the spiritual need of the visitor or pilgrim, and of the Khmers who built the monument].

By your 'logic' it is just as reasonable to speculate that the Indian priests and scribes who imparted their learning and influence to the 'ancient' Khmers and Javanese must have found the way their Hindu gods and shrines being exploited by Indian elite of the day as a form of "opiate of the masses" to gloss over the injustices and misery of the caste system so depressing indeed that they had to search far beyond the shores of "Mother India" to help give expression to their ideals and dreams. On the other hand, were those Khmer kings to come to life tomorrow and decide to look to their gods' “cradle” - India - to resurrect their own temples and legacies, they would sooner have a change of heart once they hit Mumbai’s international airport terminal and washrooms where shabbily dressed attendants offer hand towels and soap to travellers in expectation of small tips in pocket change; that is if the noble Khmer Kings had not already been short-changed by the Currency Exchange clerks at the terminal!

And all this will be enough to persuade them to get the next earliest one way flight back to ‘Srok Khmer’, and yes despite all its defects and contaminations you mentioned. Have you ever asked yourself why none of the thousands of Cambodian refugees who settled overseas in the 1980s sought settlement in India?

This is another reason why Khmer people would feel sorry for their Angkor Wat were she to be exiled to or replicated in that country.

Takeo said...

Cambodian is no longer owned Angkor Wat under Hun Sen's regime. Indian can go ahead and build a replica of Angkor Wat now. Hun Sen's regime have no rights to block the construction until Angkor Wat Authority is run by the World Heritage Committee.

Anonymous said...

Since every decision has always came from Hun Sen, the decision to allow India to use Acid to clean Angkor wat came from Hun Sen too because Hun Sen is genius. He is so smart at putting Cambodia to extinction.

Clean Angkor Wat with Acid.

Punish a person who just criticized the installion of the light on Angkor walls.

Leasing Angkor Wat to a Vietnamese Sok Kong.

Defied the Paris peace accord.

Allowed Vietnam to encroach the land and maritime borders.

Allowed the mass influx of the Vietnamese to destroy all natural resource and vote for Hun Sen to facilitate the Vietnamization, etc...

Are these enough mistake to put Hun Sen on trial?

Anonymous said...

india, i'm afraid there's only one angkor wat in the world and that is in cambodia only. angkor wat is as unique to cambodia as the great wall of china is to china, the pyramid is to egypt, the the taj mahol is to india, etc, etc, you see. i think it is illegal for india to copy angkor wat at a grand scale to have it located in india. if india could do that, maybe they should build a taj mahol in cambodia at that scale too, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

The top priority is to take Angkor Wat back from Ah Norouk Yuon Sok Kong first and then hang Ah Runteas banh Hun Ksen, Ah Chor Kbot Cheat thom Cheang Ker in khmer history. And Sdach Pearl Sihanouk is next to Hun KSen in term of Kbot cheat.

Keo OTH Cham

Anonymous said...

keep whining and using rants, it's gona get you somewhere, really! (sarcastic)

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

Mr. School of Vice,

Yes, as one Khmer, I failed you for what you are looking for as a response to your wonderful pieces presented here on KI-Media. You've put everything on the table for us to see and ponder over or simply put, think. But, my personal judgment is being clouded entirely by the current affair of this Vietnamization of Cambodia by Hun Sen and cronies...

I'll do better next time.
Very truly yours,

Kalonh Chuck

P.s. And yes, The Crocodile turns..

Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...

And you think being sarcastic is going to help too, 7:02 AM?
(not sarcastic, just a question, really!)

I know of one bright guy who is really good at it and successful too...Take care!

School of Vice said...

Dear Mr Kalonh Chuck,

No problem at all. Unless I miss your comments somewhere, I hadn't found anything you said that was at odds with what I have in mind so far.

I'm intrigued still as to why this whole issue had been kept under the carpet by the Cambodian government until the Indian press reported the ground-breaking ceremony for the building of the replica in Bihar some days ago [according to some reports]. I'm sure someone at cabinet level of government had known about this all along, and it seems curious that the Information Minister just popped up suddenly to deflect many's concern now being raised over this question without appearing or even pretending to be at all 'surprised' by the nature of the subject matter?

I think the public are owed an explanation. Or, maybe that is asking too much given how little public opinion matters in Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

6:25 PM

“ From the scientific point of view my explanation is not rational. I agree. “

Of course not, unless you saw Jayavarman and Suryavarman in your dream last night and they told you so.

Anonymous said...

I find it interest why most people discuss India's interest to built Angkor Wat was for their pursuit of economic and cultural well being. I find it to be true that India does seek economic benefit from this replica of Angkor Wat.

There is a doubt even though India's influence over the ancient Khmer Empire was great, but why can't India construct vast project like Angkor Wat in the past? Yet the precision of the large project is breathe taking. Ancient India's manpower, influence and advance mathematics could build a larger temple complex than Angkor. Along with India's glamorous craft of art the temples would shine bright for their beloved gods. Angkor Wat is known to be the biggest temple complex yet it would be interesting to see India's modern pursuit for this replica is merely a comparison of their cultural gap with Khmer Empires. All Khmer history is fabricated by various countries to hide their embarrassment could INDIA be one of them?

Just last year in 2011 I personal visited Kulen Mountain and find some astonishing markings on the mountain heights. Yet some travel guide explain to me that it was made by giants falling from the sky.

Check this out ----> http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast24may_1/

I find it hard to believe but it does look like that Face on Kulen Mountains. You know if their is Vishnu he would descend from the sky from a craft called the Vaimanika Shastra to meet everyone. Especially, the ancient Khmer civilization who would see and believe him so great to go and build a city for the GODS.

From: Prahabaemaesait

Anonymous said...

ធ្វើនិងចម្លងតាមប្រាសាទអង្គវត្តបានជាដាច់ខាត! នេះ

Anonymous said...

Daer Khmers inside the country and abroad!

We must be serious about :
1)Indians using Acid to clean Ankor Wat.
2) Indian dubplicate Ankor Wat.
3) Sok Kong has managed Ankor Wat. Sok Kong has done all means to collect from Ankor Wat for Viet at the present time as well as for the 100 years to come. India and Viet are friends for their common interest against China. Khmers should know that.

It is seriuos and serious.......

Anonymous said...

10:12-Is a CPP BRAT?

There goes the politics of India and Vietnam again. How many Vietnamese you know living in India? And how many Indians know living in Vietnam? Vietnam and India is building a bridge of Economic Partnership. Then Thailand, Laos and Cambodia is the pillar that supports this bridge. Is Thai's king support Vietnam rise? Can Burma's politic switch a new electric wave of changes in the Asian continent? Will Laos stand and watch this bridge erect? Who will decide the next Cambodian Gamble of political realms? Sam Rainsy? HUN SEN Die-nasty?

Malaysia and Indonesia with Singapore, the role Vietnam will play can be an ace the hand for a game of poker. Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore is walled by influence of Islamic religion. While everyone is up for play here and the dice is hot. Cambodia can quickly rise into political power stronger than Vietnam or Thailand if they know the game......Yet who is stronger SAM RAINSY? HUN SEN? Can any of these candidate change the moral and cultural belief of the Cambodian people? I mean strong enough to offset the daily challenges of the Cambodian people problems. Yet I see 1#illness? 2#social unrest? 3#Diversity? 4#Ideologically? 5#Economic Recession? 6#Unorganized Justice Systems? 7# Democratic/Social reforms acceptable by all everyone in Cambodian society? 8#Educational establishment?

I bet this CPP BRAT is Egg and water..Beaten and pour.

Down with your CPP ignorance.

From: Prahamaebaesait

Anonymous said...

11:19AM I like your nanalysis.

I am in USA. I am not a politician nor joining any Cambodian political parties. I am a true Cambodian who loves my country. I know that you are not Cambodia. But I admire you.

I have prayed for Cambodia. Cambodian people themselves must be strong. They have learned enough from Empire to small country.

Domestic and international policies must be choosen carefully.

Military force must stronger and stronger....with modern wapons for all, sea, land and air. Don't depend on foreign troops to back up during crisis.

I don'see this strategy yet.

Anonymous said...

About Vietnamese part 1

Vietnamese leaders are the most trouble makers on the planet and have caused to too many problems using superpower countries to fight each others like:

1. American vs China because China tried to punish Viet/Yuon's hypocrisy and troublesome

2. Ill-Intentions to swallow last Khmer land is now Cambodia by playing the games and cheating like to do good things to India and let India to have a copy of Angkor Wat and erase Khmer history later. After the Yuon mission is accomplished for Indochina = Vietnam. Then will take over Thailand, and so on and expand the ugly Yuon/Viet populations to compete with China. How on earth this stupid Vietnamese leaders are thinking?

3. Vietnamese leaders have manipulated the U.S. and India to hate us Khmer people and erase Khmer nation from the planet just like Champa for Yuon/Viet personal gain.

4. There is a suspicious problem between China and Vietnam. Are they related to each others because of culture and traditions. It sounds like China let Vietnamese do the dirty things to cause trouble other countries and then China will be after Vietnam, just like the law of the land.

Vietnamese culture is very boring and history is very fake.

What are the Vietnamese leaders and followers going to do if they are uncovered of their crimes and lies in the world.

Don't understand why the Vietnamese leaders are causing more troubles using Cambodia to exchange the political power with India and the U.S. against China until the bloody battles between the U.S. and China, India and China, Russia and China, and EU Unions and China.

Finally, Vietnam is very bad country because of the leaders who are very poisonous like snakes.

Remembers, Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi are using Khmer Rouges as the scapegoat to protect themselves from being exposed that Vietnamese leaders and followers are not the Killers instead during the Killing Fields. We know all the real issues about Vietnamese leaders and followers to day.

Vietnamese leaders and followers are always having the bad mouths and the most hypocrite people on the planet, by playing dirty games with superpower countries like India, the U.S. over the little guy Cambodia which the last piece of land with the rich resources, natural resources, and valuable treasures.

why don't China finish up Vietnamese leaders and followers who caused too much troubles or maybe China will keep Vietnam to fight with little neighbors to expand the regions and then China will take blame game to destroy Vietnam to take over. It is more than complicate situation between China and Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

About the Vietnamese part 2

We are concerned and worried about futures for our Khmer families, children, Khmer ethnicity like Cham and Hill Tribes in Cambodia and Cambodia is the last piece of Khmer land left over with small Khmer populations.

Should the U.S., UN, EU Unions leaders and International Communities save Khmer people from Vietnamese killers in the 21st Century? Should Khmer people should die to fight against Vietnamese CPP and Hun Sen in the bloody battle like Syrian people to get rid of Hun Sen (dangerous Vietnamese dog) and Vietnamese CPP members like Sok Kong, Sok An, Men Sam On, etc who are very dangerous to Khmer nation and people along with the help from NATO allies. Khmer people have to start to fight against CPP cronies, members and Hun Sen first and then will get help from the International Communities and NATO allies. Yes, it is very serious battle against the bad CPP regime even though CPP and Hun Sen have guns and weapons. Unarmed Khmer civilians will get guns and weapons from Thailand or Malaysia sold to Khmer civilians. Will the Vietnamese leaders and followers will be bombed by China or USA or NATO allies if Vietnamese armies are behind the CPP to kill unarmed Khmer civilians who die to fight for their freedoms and democracy. It reminded us Khmer people that Vietnamese armies use the bio chemical weapons to kill us. If China, USA, NATO see that, the Vietnamese leaders and followers in Hanoi will be bombed like crazy. We can join in the millions of us along with International Allies.

The answers are "POSSIBILITY"

Anonymous said...

The 7#point raised by Mr Prahameabeasait is away from reality since the CPP governance has driven Cambodia to 2# social unrest up to today because of( non democratic reform )communist style reform under the despotic power of one man, Hun Xen .Gap between riches and poors expands daily but ,in today India ,a so called democratic state since the era of Mr Gandhi, this kind of gap still obviously persists, and it seems that the percentage of poors in India is higher than in Cambodia if you compare the proportion of the polpulations of both countries.We all know each country tries to boost its economy by all means, including exporting of its culture but never selling home historical heritage. so please be friend with khmers by not trying to sell their soul with this replication of Angkor Wat, a Worldwide heritage. Thanks.

Anonymous said...


you can have all the modern weapons in the world and your nation still weak if you don't have the heart, soul, moral, conscience and patriotism about your country.

Baay Kdaing

Anonymous said...

11:40 AM

I agree with most of what you said.
Khmer people should understand that every thing in this world is not free. It will cost something to get something.

It is an ill perception to digest when some people suggested that so many Khmers have already died, so we don't want to see anyone die anymore. Vietnam really wants to hear this kind of news from Cambodia.

Want it or not, Cambodia will gradually die if we don't do anything to reverse Vietnam's grip.
The only way to break Vietnam hand is through mass peaceful protestation against Vietnam’s dominance in Cambodia.

The general election will never work even if the puppet government loses the election. The 1993 election was the proof and at that time with the world as witness and the UN as the enforcer.

Khmer people have to help themselves first before the international communities can help us.

Anonymous said...

In our current society more and more materialistic, Of course we need money to live.
But humans can not live without spirituality, faith, without belief.
Our elders of this distant epoch have shown us this intense spiritual reality with
the living testimonies of these many temples and many pagodas.

Don't mix the sacred and the profane.

A place of worship is not a place to do business.

Otherwise it is the law of karma.

Anonymous said...

I am a khmer people . I do not accept this. This is bad for us to let other coutry replica Ankor Wat !!

Anonymous said...

Indians and ah CPP Vietnameses using Acid to clean Ankor Wat !!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Krom chor Indians, kompong meul Prasat ANGKOR WAT.....doy kdey srek klean jong barn ot kmass !!!!

Anonymous said...

With this "fake" (subordinate to Vietnam) government everything that is important becomes non essential such as the leasing of Angkor Wat, the replication of Angkor Wat, the non compliance of the 1991 Paris peace accord, etc...

However, something that is not important such as removing the trash wood post implanted by its Master Vietnam or criticizing the installation of the light in Angkor walls becomes a vital issue. Those people who did the right thing need to go to jail.

That what we call a Vietnam slave government lead by a monster named Hun Sen, who would do whatever Vietnam told him to, no matter what the cost to Khmer people and Cambodia so long as he can keep his job.

Anonymous said...

11:38 PM

. . . plus the right to shout before that poor microphone every other day!

Anonymous said...

As School of Vice brought up @ 8:23AM, I think time will soon tell if not already, and we'll be then hearing/learning who's doing what to whom, when, where and how...à la Hun Sèn of course!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: After independence from France, Cambodia enjoyed a brief period of peace and revival in culture...

What had Sihanouk, the playboy, the cicada, done for Cambodia apart from singing and making movies and self-proclaimng as the "King Father, Samdech Euv" of Cambodia and branding Cambodia as an oasis during that brief period of peace?

Anonymous said...

To: 11:36 AM

How many of you ever dream of real modern world? I guess not many. That is why your still shrewd with the idea of creations. I am an American and my parents are from Cambodia. Yet I see many Khmer-American weak and some strong. The strong ones usually have ties with CPP and Hun Sen's family.

Take me for an example, most of my Aunt or Uncle or in-laws have ties with Hun Sen or the CPP's ranks. Because I'm against CPP's ideology and Pro-Vietnamese influences that made my Aunt and Uncle family place strong dislike upon my ideas.

Don't find this odd, why I talk so bad about CPP and Hun Sen. Yes, I hate them even though most of my relatives have ties with CPP's ranking members. They wanted to untied all Khmer people under the pro-Vietnamese approach.

Not only that most of my Aunt and Uncle family members boast about Hun Sen merit and even credited him for ending the Khmer civil war quote:"thanking Samdech Hun Sen for saving all Khmers from death." Yet what do that got to do with me? My relatives try to brainwash me into believing CPP and Hun Sen powers was for the better good.

I turn my belief against my relatives for good. For the love of freedom to express my belief and theory about the true peace. All Khmer don't owe their life to CPP or Hun Sen. Especially the ones who are born in U.S. like me! I oppose HUN SEN and CPP accomplishment at every corner. Their accomplishment is not at the fullest extend, worst of all most CPP believers exert themselves to harbor pro-CPP ideology that Khmer owe the Hanoi government everything!

Internal affairs of CPP influence is to maintain powers by suppressing those who wish to change their ideas and powers in CAMBODIAN POLITICS.

EXAMPLE-CPP IDEAOLOGY--->1#-Pro-Hanoi influences, 2#-Alliances between Thai political parties, 2#-Setting CHINA's political powerhouse in Cambodia,3#-RICH CPP's members attract international investor to increase Cambodia's development,4#-Bridging Japan-Korea politics towards pro-CPP,5#-Tight control of armed forces, and 6#-Suppress Khmer people overseas influences from breaking CPP international powers.

CPP's members (MAIN PURSUIT)to plunge themselves into debt in order to keep their powers from disappearing and oppose new founding ideas of true Khmer political independence.

FROM: Prahamaebaesait

Anonymous said...

10:31 AM. Thanks for sharing your personal detail.

I have to admit, I also hate CPP but in similar circumstances, my families are also ties with CPP, with a few uncles in general police commission departments, and some relatives working court and one as a Judge. They also praise Hun Sen for "saving Khmer from Pol Pot" but then they make excuses such as they hate Vietnamese, but then supports Hun Sen.

They are well aware that Cambodia is and will never change because of lacks of law and security. I cant get them to change their mind and they dont seem to care but only cares about everyday survival (not dying and keeping the job). I cant live in a lawless country ruled by Mafia, but i guess they can.

I disown them.

Anonymous said...

To: 10:55 AM

From personal experience I engage in political standoff here in the United States myself.I am a sustaining member of the Republican National Committee and I face a taint of bitter from members of the Democratic party or people who voted for President Obama.

Mostly of these indirect attack was to preserve their powers and influence within their organization. A prime example is at workplace or government employees' who desire to inform me of their political view by verbal or physical engagement. Just to be simple if they change their political loyalty and direct their belief the opposite direction they might find it more punishable by other members of their party even worse find themselves in trouble.

My best solution is to seek others who have similar interest and incorporate yourself to this network that will prevent people from your own party from attacking you.My verse of political belief maybe different from yours but to agree differently is given as part of the natural mind. You can accept blue or red as a color, but look there are various names for the different red or blue color as the red or blue color texture change from lighter pigmentation to darker pigmentation. I like some of President Obama policy making but not agree to his next presidency term is another thing.

I do know the different cultural political systems between United States and Cambodia's CPP members they don't behave that civilize as Unites States political members. They openly discriminate against opposition party members and violate their role in their government system to perform these discrimination. This create fear for the people of Cambodia including CPP's members who agree to or defect to opposition party. Hey, if you can vote for the person that you believe will help shape your country and still maintain your position within your organization that depends on performance not membership.


Anonymous said...

KI Media Team and Mr. School of Vice,

Here is the link to a video called KONY 2012:


Please watch the movie and see if you want to post the movie on your site.

Lots of great ideas in the movie to help stop dictatorship and brutal dictators anywhere in the world.

Pissed off

Anonymous said...

why the west name the huge body of water off the khmer empire as "gulf of thailand"? it should be call the "gulf of cambodia" to honor the historical significance of the khmer empire and khmer civilization that ruled a large swathe of lands that included present-day cambodia, thailand, laos and the mekong delta region we called khmer krom, you know.

to the korean, the sea of japan was known as the east sea. i think right now, the koreans are protesting and demand the world stop call it the sea of japan, instead call it the east sea. i think cambodia should request the world to stop call the gulf of thailand, instead rename it to the gulf of cambodia is more appropriate given we know from history that khmer civilization ruled this area of asia in the past.

Anonymous said...

1:38 PM
It changed their name most of the time whenever they wanted, from the oldest name to Golf of Siam and late from Golf of Siam to Golf of Thailand.
Why we Khmer have no right to rechange this stupid name to the oldest name "The Gofl of the Khmer Empire" and stop calling "Gofl of Siam or late Golf of Thailand."
If we want to change it, we Khmer should call them the "Golf of Khmer Empire.

Anonymous said...

it should be call the gulf of cambodia as a tribute to the khmer civilization in this area of asia.

Anonymous said...

How many of us with all our family member have traveled far from home to visit Cambodia, because most of us wanted first of all to set our feet on the Ground of "Angkor Wat" and also teach our children about our Khmer history and of course to pay great respect to our Khmer Ancestors.
How proud we are as the children of Cambodia, the descent of the Khmer people.
Cambodia is our home and "Angkor Wat" is our Soul not just for the old, but also the new generation from in and outside the today Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The indian should help khmer get youn off their backs.

Anonymous said...

1:49 AM, are you Vietnamese living in Cambodia who dare to have such the bad mouthpieces everywhere?

You feel like you have your Vietnamese Victory by robbing, killing, taking over someone's land and properties that are not belonging to you and your Vietnamese. How ugly it is when you see yourself as the Vietnamese thief in the world and have nightmare everyday and feel uncomfortable when criticism on your Vietnamese nation thief.

Just say that and let you know what happen to you and Vietnamese or whoever are the thieves who will not live in peace.

Angkor Wat is a symbol and icon of Khmer nation and soul.

Your Vietnamese nation and folks living in Cambodia for free and then did something very bad in Cambodia. If you and your Vietnamese folks live in Vietnam, there are no freedom and rights to express themselves. How on earth do you really have the bad mouthpieces in Cambodia. Cambodia is a half way to reach the freedoms, democracy and be independent from your Vietnamese Military Thieves from Vietnam who control the uneducated Vietnamese puppets via CPP and your illegal Vietnamese officials like Sok Kong, Sok An plus family ties and cronies and millions of illegal Vietnamese settlers that destroy Cambodian environment and polluting the water, land and animals even fishes.

Think about it, Vietnamese buddy. You have more freedom in Cambodia than Vietnam, now you want to be part of Vietnamese nation that oppress your Vietnamese freedom and rights to do anything.

Something wrong with your Vietnamese CPP officials that is not working in the systems by following your Communist Vietnamese masters minded bastards in Vietnam who wants to swallow Cambodia and exterminate peaceful Khmer people who do not think like criminals. Your Vietnamese leaders took or overtook everything away from Khmer people who are very kind and simple to do things neutral ...

Anonymous said...

I am not stone head!!!!

Ankor is something to be proud and protect, But not to alow other to copy but let other to collect money on it!!!

How stupid are you Ankor soul!!!

Anonymous said...

To 4:43 AM -

You are talking like Hun Sen and both of you are a bunch of uneducated folks.

You need to study about the copyright and licenses to see how to do the business.

The Vietnamese thief Sok Kong does not care. This evil Vietnamese Sok Kong does not have Khmer/Cambodian spirit or soul. All Viet Thief Sok Kong is money, luxury, etc. Now, he dares to let other to copy and destroy Khmer identity, culture, icon, etc on purpose. Did you see this Vietnamese thief Sok Kong siphoned the money coming tourist fees and other destruction to the forest.

Yes, we can let other to copy or replicate the Angkor Wat without the consultation with Khmer leaders and people. So, this evil Vietnamese thief Sok Kong along with his cronies and families area a bunch of crooks and uneducated folks coming from or influenced by Communist Vietnam.

We do hate Vietnamese leaders and followers who are the most hypocrite and evil people in the world for real.

Anonymous said...

To 4:43 AM -

You are talking like Hun Sen and both of you are a bunch of uneducated folks or you are the Vietnamese idiot who does not care about other nations and is stupid yourself with no education. Looking at S. Korean people, Japanese people, Canadian people, etc, they are not like you and your Vietnamese people who are a bunch of uneducated folks and even a group of crooks.

You need to study about the copyright and licenses to see how to do the business.

The Vietnamese thief Sok Kong does not care. This evil Vietnamese Sok Kong does not have Khmer/Cambodian spirit or soul. All Viet Thief Sok Kong is money, luxury, etc. Now, he dares to let other to copy and destroy Khmer identity, culture, icon, etc on purpose. Did you see this Vietnamese thief Sok Kong siphoned the money coming tourist fees and other destruction to the forest.

Yes, we can let other to copy or replicate the Angkor Wat without the consultation with Khmer leaders and people. So, this evil Vietnamese thief Sok Kong along with his cronies and families area a bunch of crooks and uneducated folks coming from or influenced by Communist Vietnam.

We do hate Vietnamese leaders and followers who are the most hypocrite and evil people in the world for real.

Anonymous said...

Please don't worry too much about Indian build a replica of Angkor Wat, Cambodian are not an owner of Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear the real owner is Vietcong. Please saving and protecting Cambodia from the Vietnamese expansion first before we can protecting all Khmer temples.


Anonymous said...

Sok Kong, another Vietminh leftover from the Khmer Rogue Regime.

Bravo CPP!

Anonymous said...

Someone here wants the Indian to help Cambodia to get the Viet off our land.
Forget it. Just remember this; India was the first among the former Warsaw pact countries to recognize Hun Sen’s government during the Vietnamese occupation from 1979-1989.
The Indian don’t give a shit if Cambodia is wiped out from the world map.
Indian are the most selfish and prejudice people on earth – they create caste system in their society.

Anonymous said...

Most countries recognized Hun Sen's regime because peaceful resolutions and they didn't know what was inside Hun Sen's regime and they don't care about other government internal affairs even the United Nations can't do anything to Hun Sen's regime. The Viet tricky and flip-flop politics using Hun Sen like a crazy slave. Cambodian are powerless and dying everyday by Hun Sen's violent forced eviction the United Nations knew it and done nothing punish Hun Sen. What are Cambodian suppose to do?

Anonymous said...

7:22 AM. DUMB Khmer will continue to vote for Hun Sen, but later cries when their houses are being taken away or their land. When justice system doesn't help, then they yell out for help.

When will DUMB Khmer learn to stand up.

Anonymous said...

Parralelly to School of Vice precious "Home Truth" of Angkor, may I suggest the following three links where the Wide world web Readers may not be that supportive of the replica of Angkor Wat by India, please?




Thank you kindly,

Kalonh Chuck

Anonymous said...

TO 9:04 AM:




Anonymous said...

Kalonh Chuck,

Thank you for sharing and your search of these online article.

Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

យើងជាខ្មែរ ត្រូវស្វែងដៅឲ្យឃើញពីមូលហេតុ
ប័ក្សប្រជាជនវានៅក្រោមយួន ហើយយួនវាជា
មិត្តភាពជាមួយនឹងឥណ្ឌា ហើយអ្នកចាត់ចែង
អង្គរ យៀកកុង សុខ គង់ តើទៅណារឿងវា
ដដែលៗទេ តស៊ូទៀតទៅជាមួយនឹង ៧មករា
ថ្ងៃណាមួយ គេនឹងថាខ្មែរមានកំណើតពីឥណ្ឌា
ចាំឲ្យច្បាស់ ។

Anonymous said...

10:56 AM.

I merely agreed with the comment posted at 7:22 AM. When he stated that

"Cambodian are powerless and dying everyday by Hun Sen's violent forced eviction the United Nations knew it and done nothing punish Hun Sen. What are Cambodian suppose to do?"

I responded by suggesting that its the DUMB Khmer who kept voting for Hun Sen, thats why Khmer is heading toward destruction. So, what else are DUMB Khmer suppose to do?

DUMB Khmer should stop voting for Hun Sen...easy!
(Not for DUMB Khmer, it isn't)

Anonymous said...

regards the article above, i think the reason most people in the western world did not know much about cambodia was due partly to their ignorant, their bias, the fear due to civil war in cambodia and the KR killing fields didn't help that. also due to influences from siem and youn in their education because most khmer people did not try to educate the foreign guest like europe and america, etc about cambodia. maybe that was due to selfishness, evil, greed, control, etc... i hope that perception of not knowing about cambodia and khmer people will change for the better in the near future as more and more tourists are visiting cambodia and more students from america, etc come and do their research and their studies in cambodia for their thesis, etc... also, it would help for the west to know more about cambodia and khmer people when they when they have student exchange program, educational exchange program, joint military exercises with america, etc... i hope the west stop learning about cambodia and khmer people from siem and youn which are biased and racist with cambodia. tourists from america and europe, etc should be encourage to visit cambodia, see angkor wat, tour the country, etc, this way they will learn about cambodia and khmer people and appreciate the diversity and the exotic culture cambodia have. also, they sample khmer rich cuisine and foods and tropical fruits of cambodia, etc... and the embassies can help to make a real difference in educating their people and country about cambodia without bias, prejudice, etc... please come visit cambodia and learn about cambodia so the world will have a better understanding of cambodia and khmer people. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

No only one nation are purified for human being culture. Human in the whole world are the same species not Chakae or Sava. The great ancient monument around the world also were deeply copy in mind from individuals then create new things in the world.

Copy Copy and Copy is the truth habit of the Human being for our human history.

. said...

Khmer Canada @9:11 PM,

Why this kind of language of yours?

[មានតែពួកអាឧក្រិដ្ឋជន ដែលមិនគាំទ្រ លោក សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា !!!!!!!]

Is that necessary?


Anonymous said...

Oh now they study their roots (Khmers). Glad to see that they search for who they were coming from.

But DO NOT forget whenever you search for your root "Khmer", add "Mon" with it called Khmer-Mon or Mon-Khmer, the two go together. Like Tai-Lao, etc..

What is wrong with a replica Angkor now. You Khmers do not have an intellectual property not to mention to bite hard with this issue. Why don't you go after Thais who did it long times ago? Just that Thais did not show the world, they already had the replica Angkor. In China has a huge one built by Indian Civil-Engineers cop. It's going to be a grand noble Hotel for tourists in China.

Cambodia is a Kingdom of Pirates ruled by the peasants the least educated and the most brutal on their own people.

Those Varaman men (Kings) were Mon-Khmers migrated from India.
Some of them were usurpers.

Anonymous said...

Why is this a big issued. There is No national security here. Why dont the government(CPP)focus the Cambodia bigger issued! like Vietnam taking khmer land, illegal lumber, land grabbing, sell the country dirt and land concession. CCP dog is not afriad of India. Only slave to Youn and Chi! Thinking they are business, but instead corrupted the country on their position.

Anonymous said...

Siem thieves came from China. Why dont they find their roots before talking about our Khmer identity and our heritage. LOLZ

Anonymous said...

Where is "Preah Thong" came from?

Are all Cambodian citizens in the Kingdom of wonder are Pure Khmer?

What is the meaning of pure Khmer?

Many time when I got Cambodian comment about somethings they don't like or they don't agree.
They always blame others side and supporting some events are follow their mind very easily and not think to much about "What is the main topic?". That are more easily to play game with political dictators.

Long live Hun Sen!!!! Long live CPP!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:14 AM
Most Thais don't know exactly their roots, because Tai or Thai or Dai called Shan diffused (mixed) race with people in Indochina, so they are no longer real Tais or Thais from China.
The Thais's home land was today China, but the Thais lost it to the "Han" and they became people with no country. The Thais were in their own land (today China) long before the "Han" arrived. Thais arrived first since around 2000BC before a few Buddhas came. I think the Thais now mixed mostly Khmers Morn and Han all over the place.
Khmer-Mon or Mon-Khmers some were non Asian and some were. They could be mixed with many races before they arrived in India and arrived down to Indochina. They built their empire called "Khmer empire" because they were traders and they were wealthy, and powerful.

The scientists did their research is not by hearsay but by DNA.

About the Yue (Yuon or Yuan now Viets), they were Negros or Han's slaves.

Anonymous said...

The Varaman Kings migrated from India. They were mighty wealthy from royal families or lords. Their business was trading around the world. The Khmer tribes may be migrated from Europe or Persia, they mixed with Mon (most Indians were dark) like African because they migrated from Africa. These two Khmer-Mon are being traced through DNA by today scientists.

Anonymous said...

1:48 PM
Where is "Preah Thong" came from?


Are all Cambodian citizens in the Kingdom of wonder are Pure Khmer?


What is the meaning of pure Khmer?


Many time when I got Cambodian comment about somethings they don't like or they don't agree.
They always blame others side and supporting some events are follow their mind very easily and not think to much about "What is the main topic?". That are more easily to play game with political dictators.


Long live Hun Sen!!!! Long live CPP!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Khmer-Mon or Mon-Khmer some are Asian and some are non-Asian (Pursian or Turkist or Indian + North African people from Egypt?). Just look at King of Morocco today, he looks Khmer-Mon and he is in North Africa continent.

Yue-Yuan-Youn= Annamese by French now Vietnamese are Black-HAN or Negro-Chinese. They are well known as the very Savage people. During their revolution from 1958 to Ho Chi Minh regime, they killed ~ 7.5 million including Laotians, Montagnards, Chams left over from pure Chams to Cham mixed Yuan, Khmer Krom, Khmers in Cambodia and the Yuan own people. The Yuan are considered as the sleeping Taliban or sleeping terrorists. (From what I heard, the world Muslims predicted that Champa will be back in the future). Chams considered themselves as Israelites scattering around the world.

Tai or Shan or Dai or Thai, the oldest Chinese. They adopted many cultures mainly Khmer culture. The ignorant Thais don't admit it but the scholars have no other alternative choices: either they stay silent or they admitted.

Anonymous said...

Siem thieves got caught Asian.

They should stop teaching the children and the students at school that they ever owned Angkor Wat or Preah Vihear. They should start teaching the truth that they came from China, in the 12th Century as jungle tribes. That they back-stabbed, stole our, land, culture and our identity.

Ask a Siem what a PURE Siem is, and he/she wouldn't be able to answer the question because the grandparents were thieves, their mothers were PROSTITUTES, and now the children are confuse.

Dear oh dear.

Anonymous said...

9:17 AM
It is just a country named Thailand and its citizens are called Thais.
Thais were the first Chinese before HAN took their land. Thais in Thailand were diffused (mixed) with Khmer-Mon race. The majority Khmer-Mon still practice their old culture, that is how Thais in Thailand practice Khmer-Mon culture.

Anonymous said...

11:57 PM
God (Allah) does not abandon Cham people, He will bring them back and Champa will return. Ancient Cham Kings and Cham people committed great sins against God, then God delivered Cham people into the hands of Yuon. God's punishment is very severe, but He will never abandon them.
Yuon will be severely punished for their greatest sins against humanity. Yuon are Satans.

Btw: Last night I dreamed of seeing Hun Sen, his wife, his new baby "son". Hun Sen's face was the face of evil. I recognized by looking at a sign on his forehead. He was talking and his voice was purely eerie and evil. There was another person next to him and his family has his face hidden. In my mind I thought it was evil Yuon. I didn't know how I knew it, but my soul was certain that was evil Yuon.
All night I was running from these evils, I then asked the villagers mostly old people to pray and they did. I refused to ask Monks to pray because in my mind I sensed the monks are also evils. The villagers prayed for me, I saw no more evils (Hun Sen and his evil family) chase after me.

Thanks be to God