Tuesday, April 17, 2012

69 Per Cent Of Cambodia's Roads Paved With Tar As Of Last Year [... thanks to foreign aid]

PHNOM PENH, April 17 (Bernama) -- Some 3,881 kilometers or 69 percent of Cambodia's 5,604-kilometer national roads have been paved with tar as of December last year, according to reports of the Ministry of Public Work and Transport on Monday.

The reports contributed the country's achievements in building roads and bridges largely to assistance from China, Japan, South Korea, the Asian Development Bank, and the World Bank, Xinhua news agency reported.

China is the largest provider of grants and loans for Cambodia's infrastructure development.

By 2011, China had provided Cambodia with some US$2.09 billion to restore and construct roads, bridges and ports, with a total road length of around 1,500 kilometres.

Japan comes second with about US$2 billion of grants and loans for Cambodia's infrastructure construction in particular roads and bridges.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

any improvement in cambodia gets my vote, you know. god bless my country cambodia.