Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hearts, minds and tongues in Cambodia

Apr 18, 2012
By Julie Masis
Asia Times

PHNOM PENH - The United States Embassy in Cambodia is financing the publication of new textbooks for minority Cham Muslims, a public diplomacy initiative that will revive a forgotten traditional writing system and attempt to discourage the use of Arabic as a language of instruction in this predominantly Buddhist Southeast Asian nation.

The textbooks, the first to be printed in the Cham script since the Khmer Rouge's 1975-1979 reign of terror, will initially teach more than 200 Cham Muslim children to read and write in a script derived from Sanskrit, according to the US Embassy, which is also financing the production and publication of the first Cham language dictionary.

Some here have suggested the initiative aims to cut lingual links with foreign radical Islamic groups known to have made inroads to the Cham community in recent years. While Cambodia has not suffered any terrorist attacks, there have been reported upended plots.

In 2004, a Cambodian court convicted Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) operative and Indonesian national Riduan Isamuddin, or Hambali, and three other people for planning to bomb the US and United Kingdom embassies in Phnom Penh. Hambali, the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombing attack, is known to have traveled freely through Cambodia before his capture.

In 2003, Cambodian officials deported 28 Muslim teachers from Egypt, Pakistan, Thailand and other countries who allegedly had links with JI, a regional terrorist organization with links to al-Qaeda. Acting on intelligence from the US, the Cambodian government also ordered the closure of an Islamic school.

More recently, in 2010, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court charged two foreign men, including a cook from Bangladesh, with terrorism after they sent prank letters warning the US, United Kingdom and Australian embassies of possible attacks. The US has since reiterated its concerns that radical Islamic organizations have infiltrated Cambodia's Cham community.

In 2007, the US helped to establish Cambodia's National Counter-terrorism Committee, where the two sides are known to cooperate on fighting terrorism. A year later, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a large office inside the US Embassy in Phnom Penh. Then FBI director Robert Mueller, who opened the office, expressed concerns at the time that terrorists could use Cambodia as a transit route or as a "spot for terrorism".

A US Embassy spokeswoman in Phnom Penh would not confirm that teaching Cambodia's Cham Muslims how to read and write in their own script - rather than Arabic - was related to US counter-terrorism efforts in the region. She referred to the Cham textbooks as "a cultural heritage preservation project".

"During the Khmer Rouge era, literature written in Cham was confiscated and burned or used as toilet paper. The texts which have survived exist because they were kept hidden or buried," US Embassy spokeswoman Michelle Bennett said by e-mail. "By publishing these textbooks, we are making the script, and a teaching curriculum, available to the community again to fill a historical gap."

Over the past decade, Cambodia's Muslims have gradually moved away from their own customs and toward more orthodox Middle Eastern interpretations of Islam. The shift has been driven by generous donations and the arrival of religious teachers from Middle Eastern countries.

In 2008, for example, Kuwait and Qatar promised Cambodia millions of dollars in donations to build mosques and Islamic schools. Cambodia is now home to more than 400 mosques, the majority of which were built with foreign funds.

That's a marked increase from the 130 Islamic places of worship across the country before foreign donations began to arrive, according to Farina So, a team leader at the Cham Muslim Oral History project at the Documentation Center of Cambodia.

Fundamental shift
Those Islamic donations, however, often come with strings attached. "The funds that come to build mosques and schools, some of them come with some conditions like 'You should follow this kind of Islam'," So said.

As a result, Cambodia's Muslims have become stricter in their practice of the religion, So said. The number of Cambodian Muslim women who wear the burqa, for instance, has increased significantly in recent years.

While both Arabic and Cham were used by Cambodian Muslims before the Khmer Rouge regime, today Arabic is the script used by the majority of Chams.

So said it was uncertain how well the new US-funded textbooks would be received by the wider Cham community. She said the old Cham script, also known as Ka Kha, was currently used by Cham Muslims in only three villages, representing around 35,000 people. The majority of Cambodia's estimated 600,000 Muslims use the Arabic script.

"We are not quite sure yet how many people will welcome this textbook because the Cham people now identify more with religious identity rather than ethnic identity," said So.

Those using the Cham script practice a form of Islam influenced by Hinduism that is out of step with many traditional Islamic practices. For instance, women are not required to cover their hair and many do not fast during the holy month of Ramadan. The Chams are descendants of the former Indianized kingdom of Champa that ruled territories in modern south and central Vietnam from the 7th to early 19th centuries.

"They call themselves Muslims but the difference is they pray only once a week. They practice an old form of Islam," So said. "Those who pray five times a day say they are not real or proper Muslims."

The Chams were severely persecuted during the Khmer Rouge period after they attempted to stage several revolts against the atheist government. In response, the Khmer Rouge forcefully relocated Cambodian Muslims away from their communities, forced them to eat pork and burned their religious texts, including the Koran.

While Chams remain a minority group in Cambodia, they are not openly persecuted by the government and are free to practice their religion openly. Cham leaders are represented at all levels of government, including the parliament, national assembly, military and various ministries.

At the same time, Muslims remain isolated from larger Cambodian society, with most preferring to live in segregated villages. They are also under-represented in the country's universities and other institutions of higher learning. Since the end of the Khmer Rouge regime, no new books have been published in the old Cham script.

Leb Ke, a Cham researcher helping with the US-funded project, spent 10 years traveling from village to village collecting samples of manuscripts that survived the war and interviewing elderly people who remembered the old script, according to a Cambodian Daily report.

Many Cham documents, including copies of the Koran, survived because they were secretly buried in the ground in plastic bags, according to So. Other than the Koran, the few surviving Cham manuscripts included poems, lullabies and "code of conduct" writings that advise women and men on proper etiquette, she said.
Regardless of the US-funded project's diplomatic aims, So said the textbooks would help preserve the culture of Cambodia's Muslims, which is fast disappearing as more devotees convert to the more conventional style of Islam and learn Arabic instead of the old Cham script.

"Whether this project contributes to preventing terrorist attacks is really hard to say. But the good thing is that it helps revive our identity," So said. "They want to raise public awareness on the importance of Cham identity rather than just focusing on religious identity."

Julie Masis is a Cambodia-based journalist.


Anonymous said...

It's so stupid for Cham people or other people to learn Arabic. They should learn English and Chinese languages to survive. That's really brainwashed by the radical extremists who believe that learning Arabic they con convey with God. I believe that Islam should be reformed.

Anonymous said...

US is up to no good for Cambodia weaker socio-political conscience in reviving Cham written dialect.

Leave this matter to the sovereign government to handle its own affairs. US has no business in agitating and drawing a wedge to divide Khmers and Khmer Islams national identity.

Purely it is an insult to Khmers. Worst off to its 400 or so indiginous nations of Asiatic Native Americans languages.In records, US paid no qualm if all of extinct or wipe out in one stroke of the pen by the ruling Euro race.

This is too farcical for the US to pretent as a caring nation. It is unreal from any stand point!!!

Since it has established relationship with Siam over 170 years ago,has had anyone heard of the US initiative in reviving minority langauges in Siam?

Never change colour,once a cougar will laways cougar no matter what bush it tried to blend in.

Shame on US!

Anonymous said...

It could be the CPP Yuon employees or secretary working for the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh. Those Yuon employees of CPP regime have involved this secret plans to fool the U.S. Ambassador who do not know anything about Khmer History.

Please go to the U.S. Embassy to check with the U.S. Ambassador about the Yuon workers in the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh that they let down Cambodian/Khmer people on purpose to promote Vietnamization and set up on purpose to Cham Minority.

Yuon/Vietnamese workers in CPP regimes under stupid Hun Sen are getting even worse and the worst. They need to be destroyed because they are the Vietnamese/Yuon killers and poisonous snakes.

Watch out Khmer people. Think deeper. Don't think so low.

Anonymous said...

Cham script/writing is good. Do not let any language die out.

Anonymous said...

Cham is very lucky that Cambodia/Khmer saved them from evil Yuon who destroyed everything about Cham. Cham people in Vietnam have very little freedom, but they are not allowed to do anything further.

That is good that Cambodia helps Cham people living in her country.

Khmer Rouges killers were the real Vietnamese cadres hiding in Khmer Rouges regime and now Vietnamese cadres are still existing in Cambodia today because Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi lied to the UN that they withdrew all their forces out of Cambodia. They are still in Cambodia hiding to protect and topple Hun Sen just like they [secret Vietnamese cadres] toppled Pol Pot and demanded Pol Pot to sign the deal to give the land and islands to Vietnam during the Killing Fields. Pol Pot refused until Vietnamese ousted Pol Pot from power. Yes, Vietnamese have been the real Killers of Killing Fields, that killed more than 2 millions of innocent Khmer people in the remote countryside after the evacuation from the city of Phnom Penh.

Pol Pot is smarter than Hun Sen who was demanded by Vietnamese leaders in Hanoi by signing the deal to give some land and islands of Cambodia to Vietnam. Yes, Hun Sen illegally agreed to sign the deal to give the islands and some land to Vietnam. Hun Sen is still grateful for his evil Vietnamese bosses in Hanoi who illegally installed him to be stupid and dumb PM of Cambodia until Cambodia country is for Sales.

Anonymous said...

Cham should use Khmer script, USA has no right to creat nation within nation. USA should discourage Cham to use Arabic instead using Khmer script. USA should concern about ehnic Cham and Khmer in Vietnam who has forbidden from using Khmer script and practice their religion rather than ethnic Cham in Cambodia.

Cambodian government should do something about it to prevent the conflict of interest, and must control muslim activity such as why building so many mosque by Arab, we do not want to the new generation go to war for religion conflict such as in South Thailand.

The Arab, they use their rich money to exploit weak Cambodian. The government must stop approve for the mosque to be build in Cambodia.

New generation of Cambodian fear of the Islamic has grown out of proportion and became extremist, this is very hard to control, do something about it before it too late. If the government does not do something about it and still receive pribe and give approval for building the moque and creat conflict for new generation then your grave yard will not be spared and you will be record in Cambodian black book.

Anonymous said...

Khmer history:

- Vietnam created Khmer Vietminh and brainwashed them.

- Vietnam invaded Cambodia after March 18th 1970 along with Khmer Vietminh. Vietnam taught the Khmer rouge to fight Lon Nol’s regime. Vietnam made Khmer fight with Khmer, made Khmer kill each other.

- After April 17th 1975, the Khmer Vietminh and the Khmer Rouge started killing Khmer people.

- After the mass killing was completed, Vietnam came in, pretending to save Khmer people from the Khmer rouge.

- After Vietnam took over Cambodia on January 7 1979, the killing continued through the K5 project orchestrated by Vietnam.

In brief: Vietnam is the real Khmer killers by using the Khmer Vietminh to kill Khmers. Khmer people must stop wondering why Khmer people have always suffered.

The creator of Khmer suffering is Vietnam. Look at the current situation, how many million Vietnamese have already infiltrated into Cambodia after its invasion and how much Khmer natural resource have these new Vietnamese comers destroyed?

Khmer people have no bad Karma. The “bad karma” has been generated by Vietnam in an attempt to accomplish its goal of swallowing Cambodia, like Vietnam did to Champa and Kampuchea Krom.

Wake up Khmer people and look at the bad karma creator Vietnam in the eyes. This monster Vietnam has never wanted Cambodia to live peacefully. And don’t confuse with the present peace in Cambodia. This peace has a heavy tag price: Khmer people will become the minority in Cambodia in the near future, and then Khmer people will cry and say “Khmer has bad Karma or “Khmer mearn Kam”.

The end.

Anonymous said...

And ofcourse, all of Khmers living abroad should be banned from learning Khmer language & scripts as well, and should only concentrated on the local language.. right????

Anonymous said...

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