Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Khmer Rouge leader denies role in torture prison

Former Khmer Rouge leader, 'Brother Number Two' Nuon Chea, sits in the courtroom in Phnom Penh Photo: MARK PETERS/AFP/Getty Images

A Khmer Rouge leader on trial for crimes against humanity on Wednesday rejected claims from the regime's chief jailer as "untruthful", denying he was ever in charge of a torture prison.

18 Apr 2012

"Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea urged Cambodia's UN-backed court to ignore testimony by Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, who accused him of ordering the "smashing" of hundreds of inmates at the S-21 detention centre in the late 1970s.

"I would like to inform the Cambodian people that I have never at any time been responsible for the operation of S-21," said the former deputy leader of the brutal regime, which oversaw the deaths of up to two million people.

"What Duch has accused me of has been untruthful and very unjust towards me ... I have never been Duch's superior," Nuon Chea read out from a prepared statement, challenging his accuser to provide the documents to prove otherwise.

The 85-year-old, as usual dressed in all black, then refused to answer any questions, to the annoyance of the prosecutors, who urged judges to give "no weight to his exculpatory assertions".

Nuon Chea and his co-defendants – ex-foreign minister Ieng Sary and one-time head of state Khieu Samphan – deny charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Former maths teacher Duch, 69, was sentenced to life in jail on appeal in February for overseeing the killings of some 15,000 people at the notorious prison.

Nuon Chea and Duch, who are being held at the same detention centre, are on bad terms, with the former calling Duch "rotten wood" during a recent hearing.

Duch told the court earlier this month that Nuon Chea has long blamed him for failing to destroy evidence at S-21 before the Vietnamese invaded and ousted the Khmer Rouge.

Led by "Brother Number One" Pol Pot, who died in 1998, the Khmer Rouge wiped out nearly a quarter of Cambodia's population between 1975 and 1979 through torture, starvation, overwork or execution in a bid to forge a communist "utopia".


Anonymous said...

Some former Khmer Viet Minh who were arrested and sent to S-21 between 1975-1978 including So Phim in law Rhos Nhim as follow:

1. Rhos Nhim.

2. Ny Sarann.

3. Norn Sourn.

4. And a lot more.

Anonymous said...

Dear My Country Man 3;56 PM,
What about our king father sihanouk was KHMER VIETMINH or KHMER ROUGES or KHMER & VIETNAMESE ALLIANCES ?

Anonymous said...

នែ!ក្រុម អាឆ្កែហេងស៊យ Heng Soy
ឈ្មោះវាអាកាំងគ្ហេចអៀវ Kaing Guek Eav។

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Marxist-Lenin was born of Christian civilization and
former Khmer students from France are indoctrinated before
become the murderers of his own people, now
these new young people are baptized to sabotage
and misinform the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, for example
cinema documentary Rithy Pan made a propaganda chief of Tuol Sleng prison Duch name instead of Kaing Guek Eav.

Anonymous said...

4:19 AM

Anonymous said...

ពួកវាត្រូវបានអង្គការលើខ្មែរក្រហមអប់រុំឲ្យធ្វើជាកងឈ្លប​សូម្បីម៉ែឪវាក៏ពួកវារាយការណ៏ទៅឲ្យស្លាប់ដែរ។​លុះដល់ពួកវាបានទៅរស់នៅប្រទេសទីបីត្រូវបានក្រុមសាសនាដែល ស្អប់ជាតិខ្មែរអប់រុំឲ្យធ្វើនយោបាយប្រឆាំងនិង សាលាក្តីកាត់ទោសខ្មែរក្រហម។នៅស្រុកបារាំងគឺ អាប៉ាន់សុធីនៅអាមេរីកស្រុកសាំងប៉ូលខេត្តមីនីសូតាគឺអាចោរសារុនជាក្រុមអាប៉េដេបានលួចលុយជាតិខ្មែររាប់លាន។

Anonymous said...

4:23 AM,

Can you provide the link of YouTube video or document film that Rithy Pan created?


Anonymous said...

Who were behind the assassination of Haing S. Ngor (The Killing Fields) at Los Angeles in 1996?
Is the party in power of the Cambodia or the opposing party who organized this global terror?
Or the old head chief of KHMER ROUGE who have written​ this scenario to murder his cinema political opponent?

Anonymous said...

i hate this stupid, ignorant KR leader, you know! how many people did this psychopath guy order to be killed under his stupid, primitive KR regime?

Anonymous said...

i never saw such stupid leader(s) in the world like this crazy KR leaders, you know!

Anonymous said...

នែ! អាយួន..អាឆ្កែប្រកាច់!...4:11 AM អាកូនសិស្ស..អាគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែ​ អា(សុខឌុច)

អាបិសាចគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែប្រកាច់ ណាទៅ(អាសុខ ឌុច...អាសុខ SVA),..ពួកអញមិនស្គាល់អាគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែហែ្អងទេ????
អាគុក ហ៊ុន សែន និង
អា សុខ ឌុច... ហៅអាសុខ SVA... អាបិសាចគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែរបស់​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ហែ្អង...គុកមួយជីវិត ,បន្តការជ្រៀតជ្រេកក្នុង សាលាកាត់ក្ត បង្រ្គប់កិច្ច ECCC នោះអី...........

Anonymous said...

នែ!អាឆ្កែ​ល៉្ងូវៗដូចឆ្កែប្រកាច់...អា 4:11 A M អាសុនខ យួន.... អា choy kdet mer ហែ្អង !.....អាក្ត !
អាថោកទាប !!!អាក្ត !.....អាក្ត !


វាមិនមែនឈ្មោះកាំង គ្ហេចអៀវ Kaing Guek Eav ទេ ,
វាគឺឈ្មោះអាបិសាចគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែ(អាឆ្កែសុខ ឌុច DUCH)ហៅអាសុខ SVA !

អញចង់ជួបពួកអាហ្វូងបិសាចសិស្សភ្លេងឆ្កែ(អាសុខ ឌុច Duch)ដល់ហើយ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!គឺអញកាន់សាសនា ដូចអាបិសាចមេគុកឌុចDuchគ្រូភ្លេងពួកអ្ហែង !!យល់ទេ អាឆ្កែ ?
អាគុក ហ៊ុន សែន និងអាគុក សុខ ឌុច... ហៅអាសុខ SVA... អាបិសាចគ្រូភ្លេងឆ្កែរបស់​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ហែ្អង...ជាប់គុកមួយជីវិត ,បន្តការជ្រៀតជ្រេកក្នុង សាលាកាត់ក្ត បង្រ្គប់កិច្ច ECCC នោះអី...........

Anonymous said...

សាលាកាត់ក្ត បង្រ្គប់កិច្ច ECCC !
sala kat kd'or bongkrub kech ECCC !

$-អា មេធាវី នឹង អាចៅក្រមយួន (សេប៉េប៉េ) កណ្ដួយម៉ែវា គឺ:

ah mae thearvi ning ah chao krorm yuon CPP kanduoy mer vea keu :

1- អាចុយម៉ែវា .............និល ណុន
ah choy mer vea ........ NIL NONN

2-អាចុយម្រ៉ាយ ............យូ ប៊ុនឡេង
ah choy mray ......... YOU BUN LENG

3-អារន្ទះបាញ់ .............ឆាំង យុ
ah ronteas banh ........CHHANG YOUK

4-អាអាចម៍ក្ដ ..............ន័យ ថុល
ah ach kdor ............ NEY THOL

5-មី ចោរ កណ្ដួយស្អុយ .................
មី ចោរ កណ្ដួយស្ញេញ ......ជា លាង
- mi jor konduoy s’oy ............
- mi jor konduoy snh'enh.CHEA LEANG

6-អាគុក ................យូ ឧត្ដរា
ah kouk ............... YOU OTTARA

7-អាចុយទំពោកឆ្កែ .........ធូ មុន្នី
ah choy tumpauk chkae ..THOU MONY

8-អាងាប់មុនអាយុ ..........យ៉ា សុខាន់
ah ngoib mun ayuk ......YA SOKHAN

9-អាមុខខ្ទប់ប្រហុក ..........ហួត វុទ្ធិ
ah muk kj'orp prorhok ...HUOT VUTHY

10-អាកញ្ចាស់ចប ..........ប្រាក់ គឹមសាន
ah kanh jass jorb ......PRAK KIMSAN

11-អាក្ដស្អុយ .............ពិន ពេជ្ជលី
ah kdor s'oy ......... PEN PICHEALY

12-អាតាង៉ែន៤ជ្រុង .........គង់ ស្រឹម
ah ta-ngaen 4 jrung .....KONG SRIM

13-អាខ្មោចឆៅ .............សោម សេរីវុធ
ah khmorch chhao .....SOM SEREYVUTH

14-អាទំពែករែកដូង .........ស៊ិន រឹត
ah tumpek rek daung ....SIN RITH

15-អាឆ្កួត ................យ៉ាណារិន
ah chkourt ..............YA NARIN

16-អាឡឺកឹ ...............ម៉ុង មុនីចរិយា
ah leu keu ........ MONG MONICHARYA

អាអស់នេះគង់តែតៃហោងទេ !!
Ah ors nis kong ter taihorng teh !!

2:22 AM