Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Speech the World Waited for 21 years to Hear

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi tours the Nobel Peace centre in Oslo June 16, 2012. Suu Kyi finally accepted her 1991 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo on Saturday after spending a total of 15 years under house arrest and said full political freedom in her country was still a long way off. REUTERS/Cathal McNaughton

17 June 2012
By Mu Sochua

The world waited 21 years to hear this speech. The struggle continues and Daw Suu cautious optimism is well understood as her world can come to a close again, any moment. When I met her last November, Daw Suu asked about lessons Burma democracy can learn from Cambodia. I said: "UNTAC left with a very unfinished task: the reform of the judiciary-the key mechanism for rule of law". I felt so humbled...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think sometime people in the world overlook the cultural differences. democracy doesn't work overnight, it takes times for people in different culture to adjust, adapt, adopt to this concept. perhaps, it calls for patience and education and trainings so people can see the incentive, the benefit of it, etc, you know. people often forget that even in the the free world like in america for instance, democracy took 300 years for america to become the country it is today. i think a lot of problems in the world stemmed from influential people misunderstanding each other or others for that matter. i mean, it is good that su kyi is fighting for democracy in her country; but, it's like her against millions of her countrymen who perhaps had had no education and training in democracy concept, let alone know what it is. maybe for the entire world to become democracy say like in america, perhaps the world should become one system, the economy become one, the education system become one, the infrastructure system become one, etc, etc... why then the world have so many countries and different culture, languages, etc, etc... maybe the world just can't come to terms with this fact, thus expect everybody in the world to like them, maybe? it's hard to say, this is my opinion. so, what's your opinion? don't sound too political because no one will believe you until they observe and research and see and study for themselves, really. too many bias, discrimination, prejudice, evil, greed, and all that bad stuff in this world of ours, you know. plus opinions are too subjective anyway.