Thursday, August 09, 2012

As the King of Cambodia (2nd Kingdom), I will not sign the treaties on the territorial and maritime borders of the “new the Khmer Kingdom” and her neighbors: Sihanouk

Unofficial translation from French by the Cambodia’s Border Committee []

NORODOM SIHANOUK: My Second Text for December 12, 2003.

I / - Concerning a recent letter addressed to me by Samdech Krom Preah N. Ranariddh asking me to tell this and that to Samdech Hun Sen and his government, some newspapers have misinterpreted my so-called “rejection” of the written requests of the President of Funcinpec relating to our national borders.

I have, in this respect, the duty to make the following clarifications (“Mise au Point”):

II / - Like any respectable Khmer patriot, I accept and will accept for Cambodia only the official and internationally recognized (including the U.S.A. in 1969) outline of the territorial and maritime borders of Cambodia dated 1963 (after the fair Verdict by the International Court of the Hague concerning the Khmer hill and the temple of Preah Vihear, in 1962) and 1969 (before the Putsch of the Lon Nol-Sarik Matak Group on March 18, 1970).

III / - I do not recognize and will not recognize the treaties between the Khmer regime pro-SRV [pro-Socialist Republic of Vietnam] (1979-1990) and other bilateral “Indochinese” states treaties, nor the Thai-Vietnamese treaties impairing the territorial integrity, and the outline of the territorial and maritime borders of Cambodia (KAMPUCHEA) dated from 1963 to 1969.

IV / - As the King of Cambodia (2nd Kingdom), I will not sign the treaties on the territorial and maritime borders of the “new the Khmer Kingdom” and her neighbors (Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Thailand, Laos) because these treaties will not be the guarantor of the preservation of the outline of the territorial and maritime borders of Cambodia dated from 1963 to 1969.

V / - This being said, the Funcinpec (just like the CPP and the PSR), elected by the Sovereign Nation to exert on her behalf the full State Power and, consequently, all the state and national responsibilities, must address directly to the RGC [Royal Government of Cambodia] and its Head rather than resorting to the service of the King.

Signed Norodom Sihanouk

Copy certified to be faithful to the handwritten letter by His Majesty the King by:
The Cambodia’s Border Committee in France and Worldwide.
Paris, December 15, 2003.

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