Monday, August 13, 2012

Cambodia's ambassador recalled from Philippines

Hos Sereythonh (L)
Monday, 13 August 2012
David Boyle
The Phnom Penh Post

The government last week recalled its ambassador to the Philippines, Hos Sereythonh, the Philippines Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Friday amid a protracted scrap between the two countries.

Sereythonh was summonsed by the DFA to explain comments he made in a newspaper article accusing the Philippines of “dirty politics” after relations turned bitter between the two countries during the ASEAN summit in Phnom Penh in July.

But the DFA statement said the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had told them Sereythonh had been recalled because it was the end of his assignment.

“It is the prerogative of governments to appoint or to recall ambassadors, as they deem fit and appropriate,” the statement reads. ASEAN foreign ministers failed to issue a joint communiqué because of bickering about whether bilateral disputes with China over the South China Sea should have been included.

Officials and the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs either declined to comment or said they were too busy yesterday.


Anonymous said...

He looked like Chhouk Bandit . Are they related ?

Anonymous said...

Just from the top down, an uneducated government rule the country. Don't know how to talk professionally. All they know how talk like a 5 years never been in school oh yea!! don't event read or write, too.

Anonymous said...

Just tell the truth and don't liar.

Anonymous said...

Most of them (their cadres) has learned KO, KHor, KOR, KOR, GNOR, ....... LOR & Or after 1979. But they work in groups with each other and that is why Cambodia receive 3th place of corruption on the Globe.

Anonymous said...

ទូតតំណាងខ្មែរ តែធ្វើការដូចក្មេង។

Anonymous said...

Why the Philippines make a big deal out of two words "dirty politics" to describe Philippines politic by Cambodian ambassador?

Tell me if how bad and how much does it hurt the average Pilipino people? Do these two words amount to total destruction of the Philippines as a country?

Before the Philippines and other hypercritical ASEAN countries accuse Cambodia of being pro-China and they need to answer the question why they allowed the Super Powers to have military base in their country? Do you see China has military base in Cambodia? The answer is no!

Anonymous said...

Phil before u r crying, u should think about asean advantage and international community which is looking at asean. it is very shameful foreign affairs of Phil to let the news to public to cry that it is victim in its benefit because of Cambodia. Cambodia has no power to give this island or that island to any dispute countries. COD is not the court, but it is a tool to make peaceful in sea route. U r old membership in asean, u should be leader to make asean prosperity, but u look like naughty kid. i think it is not important to make public statement and row with cambodia. we are all can talk about ur concerns why did not do that. how dare to say u long experience and well-educated people.

Anonymous said...

Sir, ambassador you are representing Cambodia . You should have at least college education to accommodate your position. Use good judgement and integrity to fulfill
your duty in another country.

Anonymous said...

I hav no knowledge about diplomacy, but if i hav sir maybe i can do better ur country sir. what is ur good judgement integrity? it is a problem u have not lost any ur integrity yet. Asean not only ur country in dispute why other countries dont cry? problem is not beyond found, but why u pain a color on Cambodia? u hav many tools sir to solve the problems. and I dont think China is willing to face many problems with Asean because economic, political and business relation. Sir u can also cry to UN or ICJ as well if u dont satisfy with resolutions sir. In contrast, u return problem more complicated why dont take ur concerns on table and discuss? it is shame that a person diplomacy to take to public so u want to show Asean urself weakness. I think Asean will build more. I hope this problem wont happen again Sir.