Saturday, August 18, 2012

OCEC Videos No. 19 and 20


Anonymous said...

Not sure what purpose the video serves. Why KI Media keep posting these clips? there Must be some kind of interest about khmer people, Thai citizen, live in THAILAND.

Anonymous said...

Dear Readers,
Sy Salen and Eang Bunthan were X-Khmer Rouge
sympathizers. Both of them were a close friend of
Tep Khunnal.

Anonymous said...

2:10 AM,

Who doesn't? It is passed. I don't care if they were x-khmer rouge or not, as long as they love and care about Khmer. We should support them. At-least they do good things for Khmer.

Anonymous said...


you are stupid. wash your brain.
if you are not sure, call him. If you like free of speech and press,
wash your brain too. be khmer not youn!!!!! you are realy stupid
you must know what is good or bad yet. Go back to school.

Anonymous said...

If Khmer people lived under Khmer
Rouge(1975-1979),they were Khmer
Rouge because they were lived under
leadership of Khmer Rouge.

If anyone lived abroad before 1975,
they're not Khmer Rouge.
Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge.The CPP
was created by Vietnam since 1930.
So Cambodia now is a communist

Sure,Cambodia is still a Khmer
Vietminh or Khmer Rouge state.

Khmer Surin are Khmer.They can
speak Khmer.
Thank all of them,they can keep
their own language and cultures.

Anonymous said...

2:10am and 4:40am,
They try to wash Khmer blood from their hands after
they killed your family.

Anonymous said...

Dear 2:10am If you are kone Khmer you should appreciate what is good for Khmer and Khmer's culture rather then blaming one another, most the time blaming are wrong if you don't know the person personally. Don't you know my dear Khmer cuture is jerperdize it's going to disapear from nothern and soutern Cambodia state if Khmer like you insiting to blaming what's Khmer doing. Don't you know neibhouring nations are praying day and night every second to strike off Cambodia from world map, my Q..? If you're Khmer withough land, what could you tell to your grand children?. I wish you stop blaming Khmer, the more you look back and blameing,is the more power shifting toward Khmer invators. therefore, Khmer suporting one another is better for Khmer interest.

May Budha Bless Khmer all!

Anonymous said...

I understand but I think you better prepare yourself
or help your comrades such as Tauch Khamdoeun, Soun Sakoeun, Choun Prasith, Chhoun Momm, Chan Yourann, Mak Ben, In Sopheap, Chhorn Hay, Tep Khunnal, Mam Nay... for KRT beside preserving
the culture for Khmer Surin. Let Khmer Surin help
themself. They might be smatter than you!

Anonymous said...

Comrade Eang Bunthan,
I had known you since you stationed in Rhode Island.

Anonymous said...

Two hundred years ago,Thai took
seven provinces,Surin province
included,from Cambodia without
wasting a bullet.Because Khmer
fight each other in Cambodia and
in KI Media.
Khmer want to be slave Vietnam or
Thai,so they can take Khmer land
without a shoot.
The 63.4% of seven provinces speak
Khmer fluently.

The ancestors were stupid,so are
nowadays Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Yes... you are very right, Comrade Bunthan!
Without the Killing Fields, Khmer can save more than
3 million lives. I am very sure, in Ki-Media no one
Khmer die from expressing their opinions yet.
The first Viet slave was your group, the Khmer Rouge!
So the stupid Khmer was your group, Comrade!

Anonymous said...

Comerade Bunthan,
Please don't be naïve! Your group killed more than 3
million Khmers and you say you want to save Khmer
Surin culture!!
Shame on you, Comerade!

Anonymous said...

ដំរីចង់បោចក្តលោក អ៊ាង ប៊ុនថាន

Anonymous said...

Revolution needed all kin d of sacrifice, otherwise we will lost our brain and mind by living as slave of our ennemies.

Anonymous said...

Of Course Comrade Bunthan,
We need revolution, but not KILLING our own folks
(more than 3 million lives).
PS: Please tell Comrade Sy Salen in Canada not be

Anonymous said...

One Said "If you're with a thief, you will be labeled as a thief" until you're proving guilty.

I don't care who is in the past, but if you involves with Khmer Rouge or Hun Sen regime. You're labeled as a criminals or traitor as well.

Khmer Rouge killed innocent Khmer people and Hun Sen granted Khmer land to Youn. Still a lot of stupid Khmer support them. If you support them, don't cry that you lost land to Youn.

Hun Sen's master is Em Soursdey who lives in Cambodia. He is a master of Hun Sen who Hanoi sent to oversee Hun Sen.

If Khmer have conscious, they won't work for Hun Sen.

One day our country will be changed the regime. Nonthing lasts long in this world.

Read the news recently. America plans to brind 15 more people to the Khmer tribunal that includes Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Pol Saroeun, Ouk Benchhoeun, Sihanouk, etc... No one will be above the international law. Don't think Hun Sen is above the law. If you kill people, you will be in jail. Look at the world history in this century, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libia, etc... whose leaders are dead or in prison. They only killed in a thousand only.

Later on the Khmer prosecutors like You Bun Leng, Chea Leang, or Ney Thol will be trialed in the Khmer Rouge tribunal too because they obstruct of justice against the trial. They don't know their crime against humanity. These people are working for Hun Sen's interest.

Anonymous said...

2:25 AM I think that let Cambodian peole rejoy the unity and peace. LON NOL also committed crime. Do you know ?

Reunite together to build the country. Hun Sen must stay away from yuon. Rainsy and Kim Sokha must stay away from others too...... How about that....

Vengence is the self-destruction.
Don't let outdside ( yuon....) interfer Cambodian politic.

Anonymous said...

The map of US bombing targets released by Yale University’s Cambodian Genocide Program shows that more than half of the country was affected by the indiscriminate bombings. Professor Ben Kierman, director of the program, puts the casualties figure from the bombing at 150,000 deaths, while Edward Herman, a professor of Wharton School, and Noam Chomsky put the toll at 600,000 using figures provided by a Finnish Commission of Inquiry.

Based on this, we can never naively claim that US bombing led to the mass executions by the Khmer Rouge or refuted the regime's mass atrocities. But, to certain extent, the blanket bombing, which directly led to the destruction of livestock and agricultural land, could have definitely played a role in the mass starvation.

From new data released during the Clinton administration, Taylor Owen, a doctoral student at Oxford University, and Professor Kierman noted that 2,756,941 tons of bombs were dropped on Cambodia.

To put the figure into perspective, just over 2 million tons of bombs were dropped by the allies during all of World War II. The bombs dropped in Cambodia represented about 184 Hiroshima atomic bombs combined, making Cambodia the most bombed nation in the world. Based on the new data, Professor Kierman also stressed that the casualties might be much higher than his earlier predicted 150,000.

Anonymous said...

Comrade Bunthan,
US dropped bombs on Cambodia not means you go
ahead and kill more than 3 million Khmers. Please
read Nixon's book ( Ending the Vietnam War) to find out who allow US to drop all those bombs.