Sunday, November 11, 2012

Golden memories . . .

Mao Sareth - Lea Battambang 


Beur bong min srauluyng - Houy Meas 

Srey na praujun pdey - Im Songserm & Chun Vanna

[NB: click on the sketch to enlarge] Thank goodness someone made a sketch of traditional Khmer houses! If truth be known I have usually not understood all of the words used in many 'classic' Khmer songs let alone references to houses! Thanks therefore to the reader who brought this point up. And just in case someone else needs a little help with translation, here's what is written on Youtube:

"Pett" houses have "hor-naing" (verandah?)

"Kantaing" (cantonese-style) houses have 3

if you love me, 4 or 10 houses i'd give them to you,

.. che che kare che..

chinese soya beans waste leftover rice,

dried sausages fried without ginger,

jealous wives - squirrels will bite your hands - and you will look dejected."

Konthrate meas bong - Chea Savoeun & Ros Sereysothea


Phnom Kong'rei - Ros Sereysothea




Karl [Kalonh] Chuck said...
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Anonymous said...

The songs reminisce my time in the late '60. The lyrics reflect the richness of our culture in reference to colloquial rhyme as well as the great talent of the artists both singers and writers of the late '50 '60 and '70.
Feeling nostalgia, I could not help but compare the Khmer songs at present and think of how our corrupted leaders, the educated and non-educated have destroyed such treasures with their irresponsible and evil ambition.
Thank you School of vice for your beautiful collection.

Yeay Tep