Sunday, November 11, 2012

In memoriam of Khmer Veterans who served in the Khmer Air Force on Veterans Day (November 11, 2012)


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all and my dad too,who died during the war.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice pictures. That's Khmer Air Force were respected by asian countries. Now our Air Force is a laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

With our knees onto the ground for the bravery, galantry, committment and patriotism of our KHMER Military personnel who sacrified their lives for our nation and KHMER people.
May our Lord Buddha TEVATA and our Ancestors bless yoy and your souls.
Gratefully , thank for the awesome pictures especially so nice to see a picture of our young colonel OUM TRALUK and his colleagues

Anonymous said...

I recognized some pilots in the last photos who now reside in California. One of them is my uncle, Lim Hun, 4th from right. The first person from right is Pou Mareth and 7th person from right is Pou Kourk. My uncle is a handsome young pilot who was dreamed to become a pilot during Lon Nol regime. At least they're better than Hun Sen's air force. I believe the second from the last photos is my uncle as well who sat from 4th from the left person.

Anonymous said...

The Khmer people would like to THANK all members of the Khmer Arms Forces dying for protecting and defending OUR country against Yuon and Siem agressors.
May you all rest in peace !!!

Anonymous said...

They look Gay too.

Anonymous said...

To 10:04 AM,

YOU sound gay yourself !!!

Anonymous said...

Hallo 10:04 AM

you have nothing else in mind, just used a lot of time to blame other as gay. Of course they were or not, but they have had the courage to show up.

How about yourself as not a gay man, why you have to be anonymous ?

Anonymous said...

Yuon-Vietnamese dog eaters keep coming back for more and more to poor the big mouth to protect their embarrassment because Yuon-Vietnamese dog eaters are real criminals and killers hiding among Khmer Rouges until today as they have Vietnamese-Yuon dog eating slave Hun Sen in broad day light.

Yes, Vietnamese dog eaters come here to bark to protect their crimes they commit since the American war against the evil Hanoi bastards and evil Ho Chi Minh who created the Khmer Rouges militants since 1930s during the French Colony.

Those illegal Yuon-Vietnamese dog eaters resided in Cambodia, they pretended to love Khmer/Cambodia people and leaders, love to learn Khmer language, and everything until they rooted our Khmer society. Yes, they are Yuon/Vietnamese Dog Eating parasites in Cambodian/Khmer Society (including Laos, Thailand, the U.S., China, anywhere around the world).

How come the U.S., Russian and China have not sent nukes to Hanoi to destroy them until they stop their wild behaviors to commit hidden crimes against Humanity to steal lands, do evil businesses to profit themselves, and then get rich until they dare to look down other weaken and poor people when it comes their cheating and given opportunities.

Vietnamese-Yuon dog eaters are the horrible people on earth.

Anonymous said...

We are very proud of our elders who were at War to defend our motherland "CAMBODIA" from any alien invaders but infotunately that's was turned into brotherhood killing! Respect their souls, Let's them rest in Peace along with Nirvana!

Unknown said...

My wife's uncle was in the KAF and got shot down and is presumed dead. Early 1970s. Is there any online or other forum to where we can find out what happened to him?