Friday, December 28, 2012

How many official asses do we have in the Kingdom of The Hes?

How many official HE asses are there in the Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew!?

In process of calculating and verifying the official figures.  Some guestimated at 8,000 - 15,000.  (In the millions, if we are to include unofficial ones.)

We know for sure that the chair of the district board of governors is, by prakas, an official HE ass.
He-he! He-he!  Haw-haw!  He-haw! He-haw!  I am an HE ass.  We rule the Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew!

The Koreans have their Kims; the Vietnamese their Nguyens; and we, the Cambodians, ... the Hes.

Yes, we have our Hes. I've heard varying versions but now I know the source of this story.

A while back, Son Chhay, as chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, led a 50-strong delegation of MPs to New Zealand. 

His wife went to join him from Australia, but upon arriving at the right hotel, she could not find her husband's name. The hotel looked under "Son", looked under "Chhay", no one by that name listed.

The staff booking the hotel for the delegation had forwarding the names of everyone as "His Excellency" this, "Her Excellency" that, so that Son Chhay acquired a new surname of HE Son Chhay in the hotel listing, along with the other 49 members of the delegation.

So, you see, we are the land of the Hes.

In Khmer, "excellency" is "ek-a-dom" which sounds like the word for dung.

So, with many HEs in the Kew-Kew! Kew-Kew!, there are many asses bellowing "He-he! He-he!  Haw-haw! Haw-haw!  He-haw! He-haw!" producing a lot stinky dung.

Seen and heard on


Anonymous said...

Why pick on Son Chhay? Why not pick on Cpp pigs Hun sucks!? Because Son Chhay is moderation and civilize manner easy target,unlike Cpp pigs are too extreme uncivilize its dangerous to pick on them especially when you're on their territory!...That's the reason why Ms Theary didn't used Cpp-pigs as an example.Cpp pigs get more hes he's haw; than any party in kew kew kew or better give you the meaning of KEW =killing,envy,womenizer!...

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ho said: "Coward and afraid to die like Sam Rainsy and Lotus Revolution leaders won't lead you khmers to win at anytime but they are using you people as tool to die for them to be rich so you should be rich yourself instead"

We still train the new dog Dr Lao Mong Hay to bite Khmers for us. If you Lotus Revolution leaders want to be our dogs too that is fine! just come and bag us. You may have some cold beers and karaoke like them

Anonymous said...

3:24 PM,

You talked like a fucking Communist Vietnamese gook!

Communist Vietnam is a Yugoslavia!!!

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is kew-kew! kew-kew! Is that a khmer rouge word?

Anonymous said...

Kingdom of extrordinary wonder! According to Ms Theary Seng.Another meaning:killing,envy,womenizer or killing enslave women...That is the right words for Cpp thugism Hun Yuon si khmers!.....


khmer ក្នុងស្រុក said...

The only purpose of the khmer army for are to protect the interest of Hun Sen's family and its cronies. They are, at anytime ok to destroy their own people and their whole country. The only other thing of their expert is searching for beautiful girls and brought them to their big boss for their reward.
To All Khmer: Do not expect America do something
to this government, America are 100% support this
government because of their interest and that is the
"Oil Deal/Chevron" So for all khmer, if you don't do something for your country by yourselves rather kill yourselves are better then living and called yourselves "Khmer"