Monday, January 14, 2013

A Message from the Cambodian Reconcilia​tion Committee, Inc.


Anonymous said...

Dear All,

To win against our traditional enemies, Yuon and
Siem, all we need is UNITY and NATIONALISM.

Khmer Girl

Anonymous said...

The same story repeat again and again since 1970, because some people did not learn the history and how to behave as a real civilized people live in one society. They always use the force of war or a new method, the words of war to blame each other to get power. These people never want to find the way to resolve the problem by peace.
Their political action could destroy our society and the country unity and one day Cambodia will disappear from this planet. It is about to have power, to be rich and not about our country Cambodia or the Khmer people.
The people live in the jungle areas sound to understand the way of democracy building better than the new civilized people, who believed to have a better understanding, because they only live in another ghetto area.