Monday, January 14, 2013

COMFREL: Survey Report on Participation and Democratic Governance 2011

Dear all,

The survey results on Participation and Democratic Governance, just released by COMFREL in January 2013 disclosed the following; voter’s awareness of the members of parliament activities, voter evaluation, and the difficulties with political participation.

The results of the survey through an in-depth analysis methodology has revealed that 21.5% of voters just know who their members of parliament (MPs) are, 54.60% of voters are aware that an election is able to bring about change and better living standards and improve the performance of local authorities, 77.57% of interviewees do not know that what political participation is, 33.7% of voters surveyed joined the meeting with commune councilors in the second mandate in 2007-2011. These results were extracted from 8.672 respondents across 24 provincial and municipality areas that lived in 644 communes or 182 districts. The interviewees surveyed included 60.5% women and 27.2%youth.

For more details, please refer to the “Survey Report on Participation and Democratic Governance 2011”, COMFREL, January 2013.

With regards,


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