Saturday, March 16, 2013

អយុត្តិធម៌សម្រាប់ម៉មសូណង់ដូ (by Ha-bu Bousan)


Anonymous said...

Max-lenin theory aimed to teach students on how to run the country and nation with careful consideration e.g Maxism was focuing on totalitarianism-the world of industrialisation and capitalism (a form of communism)vs Lenin social freedom (liberalist),

Leninism is based on social freedom where people have their rigthts to choose based on whatever they wanted to do in life e,g doctor or lawyer etc, but Max disagreed saying, doing so will lead into a major crisis like, it will lead into a big gap between the high class, middle class and lower class.

Lenin responded to Max, 'well your theory will lead into such an oppressive way of life', implying it will lead into a 'human factory', people will no long enjoy what god has created but more toward materialistic and dictatorship style of the oppressors.

Sadly, Moa Zetong decided to use Maxism theory in the name of totalitarianism of communism believing in capitalism etc will benefit the whole nation and everyone should be treated equally etc, which at the end of the day up to 20millions people died from over work and starving to death.

Soon after, the whole southeast asia felt into one too. While the VC having wwii with the US, khmer territory was being used as a practice zone. By then, almost all Khmer infrastructures been destroyed by both the VC and US while Chinese also helped to supply their war related weapons like, mines and bombs and so on. The VC then were able to use 'sun tzu' tactic, that is the skill of deception like ' killing two birds with one stone' or 'making khmers killed khmers' etc.

Therefore, all leaders have missed judge all theories in their practice and as the result of this, everyone is ruined e,g like human's mentality-led to psycho, paranoid and murderers. In the end, human being are the main cause of world destruction. The end!

Anonymous said...

Correction" Lenin (socialism)

Anonymous said...

Mam Sonando earned my respect by courageously returning to Cambodia from France to face Hun Sen knowning that he, Mr. Mam himself, would be jailed by Hun Sen congaroo court. He is a role model politician, a hero to many Khmers. He is seen by the public, local as well as international, as victim victimized by Hun Sen. I believe that foreign pressure, especially from Mr. Obama, prompt Hun Sen to release him. I wish to see that Sam Rainsy, courageously do the same as Mr. Mam to gain respect from his constituents. George Bush senior once said that "If you are afraid of the heat don't be a politican". I love his choices of words.

Anonymous said...

whatever! If SR goes back, he will be killed by a CPP and a VC bloodsuckers for sure. VC knows that SR is very smart and can win the election easily and because people want change for once. So, VC and CPP would never let this happen.

Anonymous said...

Being a third world country oppposition politician you know your risk, you face the heat, jail, even death threat and this normal for politician. If you are a politician and you run away from those risks then don't be a politician. Perhaps you should go back to raise chicken in the farm.

Anonymous said...

អាចោរយួនមានដៃឆ្វេងគឺអាហ៊ុន សែន

ហើយនិងដៃស្ដាំគឺអាសម រាំងស៊ី

លោក ម៉ម សូណង់ដូ ជាប់ជាចំណាប់ខ្មាំង
របស់អាមេគ្រោះសម រង្ស៊ី ,