Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cambodia: Supreme Court Keeps Activist Jailed

Boeung Kak Lake resident Yorm Bopha (L) gestures to her supporters as she attends a hearing in the Supreme Court in Phnom Penh on March 27, 2013. (Reuters)
Boeung Kak Lake resident Yorm Bopha (C) reacts after she was denied bail at a hearing in the Supreme Court in the capital city of Phnom Penh on March 27, 2013. (Reuters)

Donors Should Step Up Pressure for Unconditional Release of Yorm Bopha

March 29, 2013
Human Rights Watch

"The Supreme Court’s ruling against the activist Yorm Bopha was no surprise following Hun Sen’s public endorsement of her trumped-up conviction. Donors should not shrink from demanding that the government drop the charges against Bopha and raise their concerns about the Cambodian judiciary’s lack of independence." - Brad Adam, Asia Director
(New York) – The Cambodian Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the trumped-up imprisonment of a land-rights activist should prompt Cambodia’s donors to demand her unconditional release, Human Rights Watch said today.

On March 27, 2013, the Cambodian Supreme Court denied bail to Yorm Bopha, who was imprisoned in December 2012 after receiving a three-year sentence on apparently politically motivated charges for protesting government land grabs that have adversely affected 700,000 Cambodians. On March 19, with Bopha’s appeal pending, Prime Minister Hun Sen gave a speech in which he declared Bopha’s sentence a “simple case of her beating someone up,” for which she had properly been criminally convicted.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling against the activist Yorm Bopha was no surprise following Hun Sen’s public endorsement of her trumped-up conviction,” said Brad Adams, Asia director. “Donors should not shrink from demanding that the government drop the charges against Bopha and raise their concerns about the Cambodian judiciary’s lack of independence.”

Bopha, 29, is one of the leaders of long-term protests against illegal evictions of residents of the Boeung Kak area of Phnom Penh by a Chinese company and a local firm closely linked to Prime Minister Hun Sen. In May 2012, 13 women who were Boeung Kak residents and who had demonstrated against the deal were arrested, summarily convicted of illegally occupying land and rebellion, and sentenced to up to 30-month prison terms. Bopha was a major voice in peaceful public protests against the jailing of the 13. She helped put the issue on the agenda of then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who forcefully raised it with Hun Sen and other senior officials. The 13 were later released, albeit with their convictions intact.

Before being returned from court to the prison after the Supreme Court ruling on March 27, Bopha called on other land activists “not to retreat,” declaring “no matter what label anyone applies to us, there will be justice for us.”

The government has pursued a large-scale program of providing title to land since May 2012. This has resulted in many land disputes that have been the subject of protests by people alleging that they have been unlawfully displaced, including at Boeung Kak. On September 4, 2012, Phnom Penh authorities, in an apparent attempt to deter protests, arrested Bopha for alleged involvement in a conspiracy to assault a man for stealing side mirrors from her car. She was charged along with her husband, Lous Sakhon, and her two brothers.

The four were tried by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on December 26 and 27, 2012. Despite insufficient evidence to establish guilt, Bopha was convicted and sentenced to three years in prison, while her husband received a suspended prison sentence. Her two brothers were convicted in absentia. Bopha appealed her conviction to the Appeal Court, which has yet to set a date for hearings. The Appeal Court denied her application for bail and she appealed for bail to the Supreme Court.

On March 13, a group of land activists, including Sakhon, staged a protest at the Justice Ministry, calling for her to be given an appeal date and be released. They then marched to Hun Sen’s residence in Phnom Penh. They were assaulted by a mixed force of police, gendarmes, and security guards, who severely beat several protesters, including Sakhon.

The Supreme Court ruling against Bopha is further evidence of Hun Sen’s brazen interference in the work of the Cambodian judiciary. The chief justice of the Supreme Court, Dith Munthy, is a member of the ruling Cambodian People Party’s politburo and a close confidante of the prime minister.

“A politically controlled judiciary has targeted a brave woman who has had the audacity to challenge powerful interests and people, including Hun Sen,” Adams said. “Donors successfully took up the case of the ‘Boeung Kak 13’ and ensured their release from prison, but they have more to do. The release of Yorm Bopha and an end to attacks on land activists should remain at the top of the donor agenda.”


Anonymous said...

Cambodia is not independent. it is being controlled by the VC and the Cbinese crooks e,g Hor Nam Hong (VIet/MP), Son An (Viet/MP) Sok Kong (viet/controlling ankhor wat) Yimsit (Chinese/MP) Chea Sim (Viet/MP) Hang Sarin (Viet/MP) Hun Sen and Wife (Viet/Chen-PM)and the Judges are of the VC background.

They are there to persecute our innocent people e,g. the theives got away and the owners jailed. They are very good at lying,deceiving,cheating, robbing. stealling and manipulation. Their job is to create more chaos within the khmer society, doing so is to take advantage of us and our downfall.

They are there to ruin us only. Khmer people will not be at peace unless these crooks are gone dead or something. Most of them are being used by the VC and Chinese crooks to benefit their national interests. They have no moral whatsoever and they don't believe in morality or god or another religion. That is why they are able to continue to commit more crimes against humanity.

Right now Cambodia needs help from the international community abroad because we can not help ourselves as most of our educated ones are already gone, dead (by the VC, Chinese and the US B52 bombing). They were the main backbone of our society but they are not there anymore.

So, we need all good Viets and Chinese to help us to clean up those crooks out of the cambodian's system and let us have an independent state just like every other nation abroad. Otherwise cambodia can not move on, simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Tools of sam rainsy now stay jail for good, how ransy could help.? Put all your picture all over the world open mouth criticiz cpp and ask voter to support him, stop take advantage from women, are you men enought rainsy?.mike

Anonymous said...

Ah rainsy jear china var bouk khmer te, kon sri vear rean nov americ,

Anonymous said...

PM and all MP, let say if this person is your daughter, who would you feel? She was fighting for her rights. The VC and CPP crooks took away her home, and so, where they live?

Everyone in the right mind has to do what she did! No one in this world would say to the theif, hey,its ok for you to take my home and my family away from me, would you? only a mental person would say that.

Therefore, my conclusion is, most of those judges are mentally retarded. Because the theif got away and the owner, in jail. Well, I can see that they are trying to create one problem after another in order to cover up from other lucrutive issue such as focuing on the election, border security, land concession, land grabbing, land for sale without members of parliament or its people agreement etc.

They have a dirty mind kind of people. To them, wrong is right and right is wrong, totally twisted and they are very cunning kind of people. Very hard to beleive and trust, how sad it is really.

Anonymous said...

PM and all MP, let say if this person is your daughter, how would you feel? She was fighting for her rights. The VC and CPP crooks took away her home, and so, where will they live?

Everyone in the right mind would do what she did! No one in this world would say to the theif, 'hey,its ok for you to take my home and my family away from me, would you?' only a mental person would say that.

Therefore, my conclusion is, most of these judges are mentally retarded. Because the theif got away and the owner in jail. Well, I can see that they are trying to create one problem after another in order to cover up from other lucrutive deals such as, not focuing on the election, border security, land concession, land grabbing, land for sale without members of parliament or its people agreement etc.

They have a dirty mind kind of people. To them, right is wrong and wrong is right, totally twisted and very cunning kind of people which is very hard to beleive and trust, how sad it is really.

I believe, it is time for NATO to come in, just like Syria, Egyp, Afga, Iraq, Tunisia, Lybia etc. If fair election doesn't work, NATO will work alright.

Anonymous said...

Bengkak is a public lake, who told her to build house their, will US police allow your idiot to build your fucking house in Line Park, can you ?.stop provoking problem, ah rainsy lived in franch nerver care anything but, crying out for sympathy, pouk ah ckout,

Anonymous said...

Prostitution, robery, thieft , and trouble maker are found in bangkak lake, those people who lived in bengkok lack are illigaly ocuppy the area. All rainsy guy behind thise dirty greed people, what law are you cliam those people are legaly crab the land..?

Anonymous said...

Well, in the west, we have what we called 'gov't housings', we don't rob or steal people's house. In Singapore, their gov't build them some appartments and after 25 or 30 years of their occupation, the house will automatically be their to own. To them, no one is to live chanty home but a well built appartment made of brick and concret, e,g 3-4 bedrooms depending on the number of people within a family etc. But in srok khmer, the gov't bull dose people's home without warning or have a proper place to go. How can you justify that!. Therefore, no one is to blame accept gov't, simple as that, ah ckhe ckout to yourself, son of ah vc and a cpp bloodsuckers!

Anonymous said...

8000+2000.000 real or one house concert 4,2 x 12 with 3 bed one baths. that goverment gave it to them.all 1874 famillies they accepted. except very few trouble maker. why your idiot dont see that. tell me in US or singarpor your idiot say gov build appartment fot them. you idiot in US if you arr not pay property tax 3 months you will summon by court or criminal act of law will apply. Mike .

Takeo said...

Hun Sen said Bopha is convicted for "beating someone". How about HunSen stole billions dollars, killing Khmer and destroying the whole Cambodia. HunSen done nothing to help and protect Cambodia from the Viet expansion.

Anonymous said...

why Sam Rainsy clans playing dump ? US govenment tax me 28 percent amount to 19800$ per year if i work 20years it sum to 360,000$. and they did provide temporary houseing for old man who cant afford to work. am i right ?. why you compare Cambodia to giant US? does it make any sense to you ?. stop play dump .will you ?. Mike

Anonymous said...

AH Youn Mike, what country can we compare Cambodia to? Vietnam? Thailand?

Vietnam is a rich country compared to Cambodia, but why are millions of Youn allowed to live in Cambodia and destroying our country?

Thailand? Thailand is a democratic country, even the King loves the people and protect their land from foreigners..

Hun Sen, gets millions of dollars from loans but cant even do one thing right.. How much does Hun Sen pay you to talk with your ass?

Anonymous said...


I'm not Mike

Anonymous said...

Thailand king he killed thousands in 19 coups. and now Thai owe 165 billion $. that is the neo colonel . what make you see Thai land is not a dictator? if you are ignorance shut up any time you open your mouth you spread virus to other
. wasnt it true Rainsy clan are evil igmoran.Mike

Anonymous said...

Nguyen Van Mike, go back to Vietnam, you don’t belong here.

Anonymous said...

mi-ko/me-ko 11:07 PM
You are really showing your true evil.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Mike,

You only know how to FART loud and proud !!!

Anonymous said...

Youn Mike, if Thailand is a land of dictator and the king is evil. Why dont you bring your millions of Youn family into Thailand and leave Cambodia alone. You already killed thousands of Khmer Krom, when you killed our Khmer King and took my land and Khmer city (Prey Nokor)

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has enough experienced with the South East Asia and should move toward the western way of life is the best, e.g Thailand, Singa, Malyasia, Indonesia, etc, Because as you can see that, they are much more prosper than the VN or other communist regime. They adopted this 'social democracy' where no one is above the law. They believe in 'individuality' with freedom, free will to choose in whatever they wanted to do in life.

Whereas a communist regime, they dictate people by using and abusing their power, e.g I am a boss and when I tell you to sit, you sit. But this kind of leadership style will lead them no where but a big lost, because' no one is above the law' e.g when you love your children, off course your children will grow up to love you too but when you hit them, they will resent of having you and will want to hit you too. Because life is about give and take.

You can not say 'I will close a door and hit a dog', people are not dog and therefore, 'treat others like you want to be treated', likewise, people will say our leader is a mad dog and let go and hit a mad since we a normal dogs. Because even a normal dog knows how to love its owner whereas a mad dog, it does't know who its own is....

Anonymous said...

looked at her. is she a strong women or is she an ignorant? . tools of rainsy let stay in jail long enough she will realized how stupid she was with rainsy mea bouk? Mike

Anonymous said...

cant say close door hit the dog? and allow Rainsy lotus revolution ?. ah chkout do not play high moral in dirty trick. all Rainsy clans are gsrbag evil .wasnt it true.?

Anonymous said...

Rainsy clan did not have blood in their hands but ah VC, ah Chinese and ah CPP crooks have killed up to millions of innocent khmers. Ah chkort Mike vear cchkort maen, hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I am apology for mistaken to all Khmers people,some times I must barking for my boss Hun Sen but in reality ,this is just a show for my pay roll or other else's I lost my payroll .mike