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Ah VC, Chen and ah CPP traitors crooks are the ones behind their death, they done it before during the KR regime and they will continue to do it again and again e.g. during that time, there were public servants who forced them from both sides of the bridge with their water horse, the bridge then, was overloaded, making it to shake and caused the panic among them all which then, stamped to their death.
Who should be responsible? Hun Sen should be responsible, because it was organised by him about the opening. Those public servants should also be held accountable as well, because it was part of their planned. Otherwise, they could have a proper control as to a one way at the time.
Why did Hun Sen say, no one is charged for such incident, mainly, to cover up his crimes against humanity like always.
អាកឹម សុខា,
អាសំរាំង ស៊ី,
មីមួ សុខហួ,
មីសេង ធារី,
អាយួន ហ៊ុន សែន,
អាហេង សំរិន,
អាជា ស៊ីម,
អាវ៉ា គិម ហុង!.......។ល។
ស្រាប់តែ មកឃើញធ្វើនយោបាយ ក្បត់ជាតិខ្មែរ?.....
រហូតដល់ ខ្មែរអស់ស្រុក?
Ah VC, Chen and ah CPP traitors crooks are the ones behind their death, they done it before during the KR regime and they will continue to do it again and again e.g. during that time, there were public servants who forced them from both sides of the bridge with their water horse, the bridge then, was overloaded, making it to shake and caused the panic among them all which then, stamped to their death.
Who should be responsible? Hun Sen should be responsible, because it was organised by him about the opening. Those public servants should also be held accountable as well, because it was part of their planned. Otherwise, they could have a proper control as to a one way at the time.
Why did Hun Sen say, no one is charged for such incident, mainly, to cover up his crimes against humanity like always.
3million souls
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