Thursday, August 15, 2013

Good and Bad People

Good people only die physically, names live eternally. 

Bad people only live physically, names die eternally. 

Unofficial translation by Templenews TV 

ប្រភពរូបថត  Photo Courtesy ខ្មែរស្រឡាញ់យុត្តិធម៌


Anonymous said...

This is so true. That is HUN SEN and the rest of CPP cliques .

Anonymous said...

The evils will never respects the words of God. They are all pretend to love God only when they need use his name. The good people will love God when things are good but pray to him when they need guidance. In our culture, our Gods are our parents. They are the living Gods. Those who do not respect their parents are Godless people.
It's really doesn't matter if it is Jesus or Buddha, their teachings are very similar. While I am a Buddhist by birth, I love Jesus also. I guess I am a BuddiJesus?
Evil is entirely different beast. Communism is evil.

Anonymous said...

"Communist is Evil" Is Little Too Abstract for People to Understand...

Let's be Direct.... Hun Sen Is Evil And All His Close Circle Are Evil

Anonymous said...

Samdach Chuon Nath is away different from Tep Vong.

Anonymous said...

834, I cannot disagree with that. Pretty much the "Hun" family are evil because that is who they are dealing with. He rise to power because of the Yuons directives. Can Sen break from this? After all, he is the leader of the "Hun" family. My answer is an absolute "YES". But he need to be smart about it. Killing is not the answer.

Anonymous said...

I saw a clip on youtube where CNRP people talking about Hun Sen. the story is...
Hun Sen gave some money to a town to build a Buddhist temple. Hun Sen found out that the town is not exactly CPP town. So Hun SEn threaten to take the money or cement or brick or wood back.

CNRP representative said about Hun SEn...
what kind of tver bonn is that? why only Hun Sen can build temple? Khmer people have been building temples for thousands of years. we don't need hun sen to build Buddhist temple. And the audience broke out into a big cheers. Man, so funny. Just show you what a religious person hun sen is.

Anonymous said...

KI, can you please, please keep us inform about the Kampong Speu murder of the 67 year old man? Thank you. We want to know every detail if possible. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

ok now i clearly see khmer people majority are smart and productive . isnt it true ? only some of those who voted for opposition they are lazy and destructive characteristic are stile small. arent they? it is true right ?. thank god. i see this result is about good people challenging with destructive lazy and uselessness people. aren't they? right. ? at the end . the good one always win. is that true.?....right? mike

Anonymous said...

You better behave politely or else facing consequence for insulting, cursing, judging, manipulating, filthy language. In fact too many lie, committed too many karma, too many sin, perish eternity in hell and there is no way out.

Khmer Philosophy

Anonymous said...

Yuons were/are evil ever since they broke away from their Mongolia's ancestors and took journey westward stole Champa and Kampchea from and Laos now Cambodia but Cambodia put up resistant to these days,Yuon always use pussy to manipulate the dumb Khmer's leaders all generations upto now.

NRCP is our last hope for our nation survival.Hun sen was scars of Yuon that why he refused to step down,perhaps mass protest will teach a lesson of life,Hun sen was every selfcenter and ego maniac that he worry less about consequentail after ward maybe he want to go down like Qadafi of Lybia or Egypt Mubarak.

Why Hun sen?

Anonymous said...

"ok now i clearly see khmer people majority are smart and productive . isnt it true?" what figures are you trying to give? being smart or productive is clearly NOT you.

"only some of those who voted for opposition they are lazy and destructive characteristic are stile small. arent they?" it is true right ?.

The majority voted against, only you lie to yourself.

"thank god. i see this result is about good people challenging with destructive lazy and uselessness people. aren't they? right. ?

The defenseless Cambodian do not carry arms or have the capability to launch NUCLEAR attack on CPP. The bigger your lie the true it is.

"at the end . the good one always win. is that true.?....right? mike"

Evil always triumph with all the destructive forces. By the way, after 34 years of Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia is this the highest education you have been taught? The Vietnamese tried so hard to learn Khmer and, every time they pretend to represent Cambodian on an international stage they gone nuts or clueless about what they are trying to say. That example do show it here in KI. Go back to Vietnam and get a diploma, hun sen would agree.

Anonymous said...

All CPP talk like shit, right mike? you guys are at nothing but postituting yourself all day and night long, right mike? well your future generation will also prostiting themselves too, right mike? your cpp group of mafia are there to continue to ruin our innocent ones, right mike? your cpp members are living on a lie on a daily basis,right mike? hahah so right

But for how long? soon you all be burnt in hell forever and ever, right mike? Oh, I can't wait to see your dynasty ended up like gaddhafi, right mike? right! lol

Anonymous said...

All CPP talk like shit, right mike? you guys are good at nothing but postituting yourself all day and night long, right mike? well your future generation will also prostituting themselves too, right mike? your cpp group of mafia are there to continue to ruin our innocent ones, right mike? your cpp members are living on a lie on a daily basis,right mike? hahaha, so right!

But for how long? soon you all be burnt in hell forever and ever, right mike? Oh, I can't wait to see your dynasty ended up like gaddhafi, right mike? right! lol

Anonymous said...

8:20 AM
Every human can become Buddha, but not every human can become Jesus Christ, the living GOD.

There were too many Buddhas came upon this earth planet, they preached Peace and their Dharma etc., known in India mostly for humans to follow, but there is only ONE the Almighty who came to heal and died for our sins on the cross for THREE Days.

After His Resurrection, Christ still has appeared around the corner of this earth planet to too many who have prayed and have faith in Him, He healed them. The healing through miracles continues to go on until the end. Even Buddhists who claimed to be, but when their children are sick, they still innocently put the CROSS (of Christ) on those children' forheads.

Comparing Indian Buddhas with Christ is the wrong preaching.

Those Indian Buddhas were only Teachers, not Christ nor GOD.

If those many Indian Buddhas are gods, then those Extra terrestrials such as Commr. Valient THOR and his crews (the Venusians) are gods too. They can perform miracles mightier than Indian Buddhas as you have claimed.

If those Indian Buddhas are gods then Padre Pio (now Saint Pio) is god too. His countless miracles around the world is in history.
However, Padre Pio always claimed that he did not perform those miracles healing the sick, it was GOD (Christ) who used him to heal the sick people.

The Empire of Khmer Kingdom was not created by the Buddhists, but by the ones who believed in GOD. His named was Jayavaraman 2.

The Buddhism was adopted just late 13th century only, legalized by Jayavaraman 7. Why Khmers falsify the real history how Buddhism captured Jayavaraman 7's heart?

In his reign Jayavaramn 7 only focused on Champa, while million Thais infiltrating into the empire, but he stayed silent or scared of the massive of Thais entered the empire. Thais were Buddhist about 2000 years when before Chinese took their Kingdom.
Jayavaraman 7 saw it, so he sent his son to learn about Buddhism in Srilanka.

Saying the Yuon are too evils, but the Khmer Buddhists are the same as Yuon, the most evils ever exist on this earth. No wonder they have suffered endlessly.

Miracles of GOD keeps continuing to whom who have faith in HIM.

Anonymous said...

ខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែរួបរួមគ្នា ហើយ ប្រកាន់ជំហរ របស់ខ្លួនឲ្យបាន! មិនត្រូវរេ​ម្ដងទៅនេះម្ដងទៅនោះបានជាដាច់ខាត! មើលចុះ​ បរទេសកំពុងតែមើលមកឃើញ​ សម្បត្តិដ៏ស្ដុកស្ដំរបស់យើង បើយើងបែកបាក់គ្នា នុះយើងមិនអាចការពារវាបានទេ! តែក៏ត្រូវជ្រើសរើសរួបរួមជាមួយក្រុមដែលអាចផ្ដល់ផលប្រយោជន៍អោយខ្មែរដែរទើបបាន!
គ្មានអ្នកណាគេជួយយើងបាន បើយើងមិនច្បាស់លាស់ខ្លួនឯង! មិនត្រូវចាញ់ល្បិចកល់ញស់ញង់ សូមពិចារណាឲ្យបានល្អិតល្អន់ ត្រូវតែតស៊ូរ ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ កូនខ្មែរមិនអាចមានអនាគតល្អបានទេ!
