Thursday, August 15, 2013

PR: Irreqularities-Election-KH

Dear all,

COMFREL would like to release our preliminary finding of the Election Irregularities on the Cooling day, Election and Counting day. The result of our finding are posted on map and you can see on the link:     or    

Best regard,


Anonymous said...

ah mike, your mother is a whore, isn't she, right? your father fk around too, righ? He killed Piseth Pilica after fki her, right? and you are his son and continuing to do the same to those young under age bar girls, right? and they are cursing you and family to be burnt in hell, right? and your dyanasty is living on borrowing time, right? wait only a few more weeks and see what will happen to you all, right? This time, spirits of those innocent souls will pull you all down to hell to be burnt forever and ever 'put tony sroop'. hahaha right? move out of the way, you are nothing but a scumbag, a khmer killer of all times, just fk off puppet, what treason is...

Anonymous said...

We all know that in Cambodia, Hun Sen is the law, and the West and UN should understand this too. Otherwise it is getting nowhere and Hun Sen will have what he wants even by force.

Anonymous said...

On 8/14/13

Ah Ou Sovann, consulate in Lowell, MA, USA, said on channel 95 television in Lowell, "NEC made some mistakes in this election."
So there must be some leak informations from Ah Im Sidey and Ah Tep Anatha.

On 8/3/13, Ah Ou Sovann randomly handed letters to Cambodian people in Lowell to sign for supporting CPP, but I have not seen anybody signing them. Shame on him! He is going to hell because he's slave of Yuon.

Long Live Cambodia

Former CPP soldiers

Anonymous said...

Ah Ou Sovann, if you are brave, you could answer questions to the public in any Cambodian Restaurant in Lowell. Go for it!

Ho Chi Minh ghost would be proud of you because you and your family are slave of Yuons.

Ah Ou Sovann, there will not be another January 7 celebration for

CNRP is the winner.

Anonymous said...

To all military police and all armed forces, you must support and protect the protesters, because for you, for your kids and for your grand kids future most important for your country.

Don’t believe this dictator Hun Sen, all he cares only his families he don’t care for Cambodian people at all.

Under CNRP in charges, all government employees will receive better salary and Cambodian people will have better living life.
All those moneys come from CPP corruptions.

Anonymous said...

សន្ទុសនៃការទាមទារកយុត្តិធ៌ម ត្រូវតែចេញជារូបរៀង ដោយមិនអាចបង្អង់បានទៀតទេ!
មិនត្រូវអូសបន្លាយពេលវេលា ឲ្យម្ចាស់ឆ្នោតអស់សង្ឃឹមបានឡើយ!
វិប្បត្តិនៃការរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោត ត្រូវតែមានតំណោះស្រាយដោយ យុត្តិធ៌ម!

ខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែរួបរួមគ្នា ហើយ ប្រកាន់ជំហរ របស់ខ្លួនឲ្យបាន! មិនត្រូវរេ​ម្ដងទៅនេះម្ដងទៅនោះបានជាដាច់ខាត! មើលចុះ​ បរទេសកំពុងតែមើលមកឃើញ​ សម្បត្តិដ៏ស្ដុកស្ដំរបស់យើង បើយើងបែកបាក់គ្នា នុះយើងមិនអាចការពារវាបានទេ! តែក៏ត្រូវជ្រើសរើសរួបរួមជាមួយក្រុមដែលអាចផ្ដល់ផលប្រយោជន៍អោយខ្មែរដែរទើបបាន!
គ្មានអ្នកណាគេជួយយើងបាន បើយើងមិនច្បាស់លាស់ខ្លួនឯង! មិនត្រូវចាញ់ល្បិចកល់ញស់ញង់ សូមពិចារណាឲ្យបានល្អិតល្អន់ ត្រូវតែតស៊ូរ ហើយអត់ធ្មត់ បើពុំដូច្នោះទេ កូនខ្មែរមិនអាចមានអនាគតល្អបានទេ!