Sunday, October 06, 2013

បទ ស្រណោះស្រុកខ្មែរ ដោយលោក សាំង សារុន

I will make correction to this post, once I get a hold of Mr. Hean. I would like to thank all readers for pointing this out. The person who made this video thought this song is sung by our Legendary singer Mr. Saing Sarun. They sound almost the same. I like them both. Now I am a fan of Mr. Hean too. Mr. Hean, I hope you could contact me via email soon. I will find a way to confirm your voice. My email:

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ខ្ញុំបាទ​ គៀង​ យុទ្ធហ៊ាន ខ្ញុំបាទជាអ្នកច្រៀងចំរៀង
នេះ។​ សូមអរគុណ ដែលបងប្អូនប្រដូចសម្លេងខ្ញុំបាទ
ទៅនឹងអធិរាជល្ខោនបាសាក់​ សាំង​ សារុន ខ្ញុំមិន
9:10 AM

The late and legendary artist Saing Sarun 

បទ ស្រណោះស្រុកខ្មែរ ច្រៀង ជាបទល្ខោនបាសាក់ ច្រៀងដោយអ្នកចំរៀង
លោ្ខន បាសាក់ដ៏ល្បីគឺ លោក សាំង សារុន Courtesy ពិភពនៃបទចម្រៀងពីដើមៗ

Note: Sorry, School of Vice. I need to steal your job again. I really love this song!
Readers: Please include "KI" in subject line when emailing me:


Anonymous said...

Ah Sihanouk is a prostitute pig. He fucked women with his 2 inches penis indiscriminately. He even fucked his own aunt.

Do people know how many cubs (children) this dumb king had?

Sihanouk was a tyrant. Have you ever seen a leader who used his firing squad to kill people and ordered every movie theaters to play those killings before the movie started?

Ah Sihanouk allowed Ah Vietcong to use Cambodia as a sanctuary to attack the then South Vietnam and the US.

His secret police ( Monique’s older brother) made thousands of Khmer intellectuals disappeared, especially at night. The words Prayath Batt Khluon have terrorized Khmer people.

Sihanouk is an asshole King. (Sihanouk).

Anonymous said...

I adore KI so much that you guys trying to look back to great Khmer heritage that have been inspired many Khmer for generation just like the oldies songs in the 60 & 70.
The Hun Sen Government careless about great, glory Khmer Heritage, culture, Art..instead copy from foreign countries such as songs, Movies....
Thanks for for keep Khmer great Heritage.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 10:42 AM,

Thank you so much for words of encouragement. We are Khmer, and that is our duties.

With Respect,

Anonymous said...


The singer is not Saing Sarun.
It is Keo Sarath who used to live in Stockton, CA. He was dead quite a while ago at very young age.

Bun Thoeun

Anonymous said...

10:39 AM

You are correct about the Asshole Sihanouk. The Royal Palace was a brothel. Sihanouk and his Ah Mei Ah Thong rotated sex like the stray animals. He could fuck any Ek Oudom's wife whenever he wanted.

Sihanouk was drunken with Kandouy Youn. Now S.O.B son is a slave of Ah Ho.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Mr. Bun Thoeun

Let me pull out the one from Mr. Keo Sarath right now. I will make changes if it's true. I have that version on my computer somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Miss Jendhamuni,

I love songs so much and I recognized most of the voices of the singers.

Thank You,

Bun Thoeun

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Mr. Bun Thoeun,
I'm going crazy with this song. I believe the other one was by Mr. Noy Vanet, not Keo Sarath. But the one posted here sounds just like Mr. Saing Sarun. I'm confused. I couldn't find this song on my computer. I only have "Sronoh dey Khmer, by Mr. Keo Sarath. I will get back to you. So sorry.


Jendhamuni said...

Dear Mr. Bunthoeun,

I hope this ពិភពនៃបទចម្រៀងពីដើមៗ is sure about the singer. I love Mr. Saing Sarun's voice and Mr. Chek Mach's so much, especially from the story Vessantara Jātaka. I listened to almost everything from them when I was a little girl, but I listen to Vessantara Jātaka the most, like every day, till I memorized all the lyrics of every song :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Jendhamuni,
You could find Saing Sarun in Youtube
Lakhon Basak "Preah Vesondor"
normally he sang with Ms. Chek Mach..
Good Luck!!!

Kaun Khmer

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Kaun Khmer,

Thank you so much. I will do that. That is my favorite jataka. I know that story really well.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Take Angkor back, shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jendhamuni,

Thank so much for your repost of Mr. Saing Sarun's oldy song for our beloved Khmer to listen. It's just so adorable making us all are rejoiced the past era we had missed so much... sincerely-10:36pm

Anonymous said...

No No No not Saing Sarun, not Keo sarath, not Noy Vanet.

This song sang by Mr Hean in the late 1988-89 at DongRek Camp or refugee camp.
I have this copy within the cassette produced and distributed
by Sayonnara corp.

Anonymous said...

Dear listener above,

After I listen again and again, I noticed that the words have described about the relics... were about the saddest leaving and running thru the deepest forest and mountain chains.. It's an imagination of people whose were running away from Youn invading Cambodia. I am sure, your claim is valid. I suggest, please send the cassette tape or CD you owned to Mss. Jendhamuni for an honor to this singer(Mr. Hean ).. His voice is almost comparable to Mr. Saing Sarun. Thanks..Sincerely 10:36pm

Anonymous said...

Great KI Team. I am looking for this song so long time ago. Sang Sarun, Sinsisamouth & ros sereysothea were my kings & queen.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear 1: 15 PM, 1:44 PM,
Thank you so much for an important info. I would love to find out about this. I will make correction on the post, will inform the person who made this music video as well. That's interesting to know that Mr. Hean's voice is very similar to Mr. Saing Sarun. I really want to find out so I could make correction as well.

With respect,

Khmerization said...

Dear All and Miss. Jendhamuni,

The voice is definitely not that of Keo Sarath or Noy Vanneth. It sounds pretty close to the legendary Saing Sarun, but not quite. I never heard of Mr. Hean, so 1:15 PM's claim that it's Mr. Hean's voice could be right.

I really enjoy this song because I like the Lakhorn Bassac songs very much, especially those sung by the legendary Saing Sarun.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Khmerican,

I'm in love with Lakhorn Bassac, as I always live in a fantasy world :) My father bought me many Lokhorn Bssac cassette by Mr. Saing Sarun and Mrs. Chek Mach. I love their voices so much. So I still live in a Golden Era because I'm still very old fashion.

With Respect,

Jendhamuni said...

It's me again. I love this song posted by me so much! Makes me miss my grandma a lot though. One of the most beautiful songs that could pull the soul out of my body all the way to the old days with my beloved grandma...Thing happens for a reason. If I had not posted this song, I would never know who Mr. Hean is and how close is his vocal to the legendary singer, Mr. Saing Sarun.

Anonymous said...

Who care...

Corpus Christi TX said...

Dear Jendha muni,
Thank you so much for your GREAT idea to post all the good ways to bring our KHmer together.Hope soon we all will be THE ONE and only care about our Khmer's benefit. No more fighting between Khmer. GOD BLESS ALL GOOD KHMER.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Anonymous Corpus Christi TX,

Thank you so much for your support. While we are fighting for peace and justice, we can also listen to our Khmer songs also, as they remind us to unite to live as one big family.

With Respect,

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំបាទ​ គៀង​ យុទ្ធហ៊ាន ខ្ញុំបាទជាអ្នកច្រៀងចំរៀង
នេះ។​ សូមអរគុណ ដែលបងប្អូនប្រដូចសម្លេងខ្ញុំបាទ
ទៅនឹងអធិរាជល្ខោនបាសាក់​ សាំង​ សារុន ខ្ញុំមិន

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Mr. 9:10 AM,

Are you Mr. Hean for real? Would you mind sending me email so I could confirm. If so I will make correction on this post. You have such a great voice, sir. Here is my email address: Thank you so much in advance. Again, I will make correction and let others know once I can verify.

With Respect,

Anonymous said...

Good comment 10:39AM. That stupid king (Sihanouk) destroyed everything for Youn.

Anonymous said...

Please listen to the new message of Mr Ear kimsreng political Express version 2

Anonymous said...

I made a shortcut copy from here to my facebook account and I told friends that the voice wasn't Saing Sarun's!

Anonymous said...

So much for just sit around an sing song..that will free us..stupid khmer that why your country is fuck up..

Anonymous said...

សូស្ដី លោក គៀង យុទ្ធ ហ៊ាន

ខ្ញុំបានស្ដាប់ សម្លេងលោក ពិតជាពិរោះណស់

លោក ពិតជាមានសម្លងដូច លោក ពូ សាំង សារុណ មែន! សូមអគុណ!

សូមលោកមេតា កែឆ្នៃការនិពន្ធខាងក្រោមនេះ ច្រៀងផងបានទេ?

"បណ្ដាំដូនតា ខ្មែរស្នេហារជាតិ
អោយប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន ថែទាំភោគទ្រព្យ
បន្សល់ទុកមក ពាន់ប្រាសាទនាំភ័ព្វ
ចូរពុំងាត្រាប់ ការពាររក្សារ
ទឹកដីសុវណ្ណភូមិ មានបឹងទន្លេ
សមុត្រកោះផង ព្រឹក្សារសព្វសត្វ
មច្ឆារជីវិត្ត ពេញផ្ទែជលសា
មានរ៉ែចម្បង ប្រេងមាសត្បូងពេជ អើយ
បុពលាភនៃយើង ក្ដាប់ជាប់ក្នុងដែ
បើមានវិប្បយោគ វាបោកបកាល័យ
មាសស្ងួនរិះលៃ រំលាយនិរន្ដកល្បិច"

Anonymous said...

Anywhere in the world, no government has the right to sell the cultural treasure to a private business entity, and the department of cultural heritage of each government needs to take care and operate the business of cultural treasure and artistic sites for the benefit of the people and the nation. But in Cambodia the unethical, Mafia-type government of Hun Sen committed this kind of treasonous act to our nation by selling our khmer cultural treasure (Angkor Wat) to a foreign private company.
In this case, Hun Sen, you are drooping so low that human beings could not imagine. You are such an inhumane dictator without national and cultural conscience.
It is really hitting my hot spot when I'm seeing the word " Angkor khmer... Thaoker youn".
Khmer victims and patriots everywhere are so fed up with your corrupt, vicious leadership. I’m wondering how much longer you want to stay in power to kill Khmers and destroy Cambodia.
Jenhdamuni, on behalf of khmer victims and patriots, I would like to thank you for posting this to remind us all, even though it is so painful, but I believe those pains and angers become our physical strength and mental fortitude to move us forward.
BTW, thanks for the song.

Teuk Phnek Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Correction in my comment: I meant Jendhamuni not Jenhdamuni. Teuk Phnek Khmers.

Jendhamuni said...

Dear Teuk Phnek Khmers,

Thank you for sharing this info. I'm so happy you find this song helpful and meaningful just like myself. Also, I thank you so much for paying attention to the spelling of my name. As I journalist, this means so much. My professor used to take 20 points off whenever student misspelled someone's name in the report.


Jendhamuni said...

Dear 1:32 AM,

Beautiful poem you wrote. I hope Mr. Hean could turn this into a beautiful song with his talent.

With Respect,

Anonymous said...

Sound like Keo Sarath