Tuesday, October 08, 2013

No Matter what the color the cat is; as long it can catch mice

Courtesy ព័ត៌មានសង្គម/Social


Anonymous said...

Hi Jendhamuni, I like this qoute too "no matter what color the cat is, as long as it catches mice"...'a nation should be based on open door and open market economic", Deng Xiaoping (cited in Keith 99).

Anonymous said...

Deng Xiaoping was a Chinese patriot and the first president who decided to open up China to Capitalism in order to uplift China out of poverty. Due to the lack of check and balance system, Chinese corruption system slowed down economic growth and caused uproars among patriotic students. The sacrifice of thousands and thousands of Chinese intellectuals has pushed Deng to accelerate the reforms.

However, it is a total shame to compare Hun Sen to Deng Xiaoping. The case in point, when Deng's father asked him what he hoped to learn in France, He replied: "To learn knowledge and truth from the West in order to save China." Hun Sen would have replied, I learned from Vietcong school on how to shoot my Khmer citizens faster than they can move and to also cause floods and storms through Khmer empire natural resource destruction.