Friday, November 15, 2013

Kill the trees is an equivalence to killing the Buddha

The so-called enemies fear most the Buddha's Army. ~Jendhamuni

If you kill the trees, you kill the Buddha. Stop killing the trees and animals there. If you do not do so, you will live with regret, full sorrow, suffering, and finally killing yourselves. Please stop it before the time is over. Courtesy Kandaal Pheach [Ven. Viriyadhammo Kandaal Puoch]


Anonymous said...

.."If you kill the trees, you kill the Buddha. Stop killing the trees .." if don't kill tree how can u cook? If no food monk will die, because monk beg for food in exchange for ticket to heaven for believer.
we're in the 21st century, if we cut down one tree and the same time planting one the same day, it would make it up the lost, like life and death, some dying and some are born. the Buddha quote sometime it don't work in these days. just use your common sense.

Anonymous said...

Poor Eskimos, they have to burn ice to keep warm! But, ice worms get cook in the process.

New World Disorder Malaise

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Deforestation is never supported by good people or organizations. But it is really done by bad and cruel people and businessmen. The forests in Cambodia are not destroyed for firewood but for being rich, grabbing lands, and making poor Khmer farmers poorer and poorer nowadays. They deforested and did plant other trees. If they do so, can you please tell me how many trees have been deforested and how many trees have planted? If you cannot tell me, you live for destroying our Khmer natural resources.

Anonymous said...

Poor tree, why were you picked to be tortured by the wood carver of a Buddha statue?

New World Disorder Malaise