Thursday, June 29, 2006

After trying to trample on workers' right, Cham Prasidh wants them not to participate in salary raise strike

Cham Prasidh, Minister of Commerce (Photo RFA)

Minister of Commerce calls for workers not to strike

28 June 2006
By Poeu Ponlok Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

Cham Prasidh, the minister of commerce, called upon Khmer workers on Tuesday 27 June, not to participate in the demonstration organized by the union to ask for a salary raise from $45 to $80 per month.

Cham Prasidh said that Khmer workers can loose between 33% to 66% of the jobs to Vietnam when Vietnam will join the WTO in 2007, if they persist on holding the demonstration for their demand.

The super demonstration organized by the Free Trade Union of Workers in the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Associaiton is planned for the upcoming Monday 03 July.


Anonymous said...

This Chink is on drug!

He look like FUMACHOU the evil boss!

Anonymous said...

Eh! he has a rat ears!
That dirty rat.

Anonymous said...

Cham Prasidh was a big corruptor in Cambodia, In MOC around Cham Prasidh were his families (kom oy bek troab). Some of special persons was work in MOC now they change to other places because they can not live with Cham Prasidh. Hun Sen have only one eye so he can see only one side.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian people need to look at this face of Cham Prasid carefully!

-This is the face of corruption!
-This is the face that use $850 to subsidize a fucken $40 to $45 job!
-This is the face that is so thick and so callous to the basic need of Cambodian people!(The need to escape poverty!)
-This is the face that is willing to eat the head and tail to gain profit at the expense of million of Cambodian people!
-This is the face that has no mercy for the poor and the helpless of Cambodian people!
-This is the face that is willing to sleep well at night knowing that million of his country men still on less than one dollar aday!
-This is the face that is refusing to raise living wage so that Cambodian workers can have enough money to food put on table!
-This is the face that is...

Why did God create this kind of face that is so evil? If God didn't create this face then this face need to be destroy! No evil face should be allowed to exist in Cambodian society! Send this face back to hell!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why Dr. Sok Siphana can not worked with you because you are a big corruptor (power, monies, parties)

Anonymous said...

fuck the government man just go and shoot some and see how they feel about it! life too short bro do something about it or they will do you first.