Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hanoi hails the success of the implantation of its byproduct in Cambodia: the CPP

Cambodian People’s Party marks 55-year anniversary


HA NOI — The successes recorded by Cambodia over the past 55 years has demonstrated the role of the Cambodian People’s Party in leading the maintenance of peace, stability and development in the country.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam made the statement in its congratulatory message sent yesterday to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Central Committee on its 55th founding anniversary.

The CPP has overcome numerous difficulties and hardships to strive for national independence, peace and prosperity of the country over the past 55 years, the message says.

The CPP acted in a major role in the leading alliance that has led Cambodia to record important successes in taking the country out of genocide, promoting national construction and defence, widening external relations and raising the position and prestige of Cambodia in the international arena.

The Communist Party and people of Viet Nam warmly welcome the great achievements of the CPC and the people of Cambodia.

"We are strongly convinced that with its tradition of solidarity, strong will and support of the people, the CPC will successfully implement the targets set out in the CPC’s Political Platform in the 2003-2008 period, and obtain still bigger achievements in building a Cambodia of peace, independence, neutrality, prosperity and friendly relations with all countries, particularly neighbouring nations and contributing to peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

"The Communist Party of Viet Nam always remembers the support and assistance extended by the CPC and people to Viet Nam in national liberation in the past and national construction and defence at present.

"We will do our best to contribute to further consolidating the solidarity and traditional friendship, comprehensive co-operation and long-term stability between Viet Nam and Cambodia, in the interests of the two peoples and for peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

"May the Party and people of Cambodia achieve bigger achievements in implementing their noble targets.

"May the friendship, solidarity, and traditional co-operation between the two parties and peoples further consolidate and develop." — VNS


Anonymous said...

Hanoi enjoys your solidarity as much as you can while conflicting between China and US has not started yet. As soon as it does, both of you are in deep prohok or neuk mam....

Anonymous said...

The Vietcong praise AH HUN SEN achievement over the past 55 years!
AH HUN SEN was so success that his Cambodian people live on 0.44 US cent per day and small Cambodian children are sniff illicit drug legally everywhere in Cambodia!ahah
What else can I add to the list?
Oh yes! AH HUN SEN refuse to pass anti-corruption law for over 10 years and still going! AH HUN SEN allowed the Vietcong to annex Cambodian borders to promote the Vietname real estate business and to control Cambodian natural resource and while poor Cambodian farmers are being displace and become homeless and no land for farming! AHUN SEN invited million and million of illegal Vietnamee immigrants to break Cambodian law and to live in Cambodia...

The lists of achievement for the past 55 years is too long!

How many Cambodian people remembered My Lai Massacre? This is the same go to Cambodia today but a very silent masscre sponsor by the Vietcong provided financially the World Bank with approval of the United Nation!

The Vietcong lie! AH HUN SEN lie! All of AH HUN SEN officials lie! And more Cambodain people are dying of malnutrition and hunger! The Vietcong bring an example of My Lai to Cambodia by concealing more lie and this is what is happening in Cambodia right now! Cambodia have the highest of infant mortality rate in the world! Cambodia have the highest rate of TB in the world which killed many Cambodian every year!Poor roads construction made Cambodia traffic accident as the number one killer! Are these the success that the Vietcong are telling the world about? Then the Vietcong are a fucken liar!

Anonymous said...

The situation of Cambodia

Khemara Jati

Montreal, Quebec

June 26th, 2006

1/Cambodia in the world context

It is imaginary to try to understand the current situation of Cambodia, if we do not take into account geostrategic interests of major powers in the global scale. For example, the recent travel of Ronald Rumsfeld in Hanoi and the next journey of Bush in Vietnam would have no consequence for Cambodia?

Similarly, it is imaginary to write the history of our country if we do not take into account the arrival of the Europeans in our region by boat from the conquest, in 1511, of the port of Malacca, very important pole for the commerce in Europe - Southeast Asia and the East. The opening of this seaway killed the ground Road of the Silk and ringed the decline of Central Asia empires.

Some years later, the Portuguese arrived at Ayuthia, in Annam, in China, in Japan, etc. Then some years later, in 1521, in the name of Spain Magellan arrived to the Philippines by the West, after the first crossing of the Pacific Ocean. This first demonstration of the roundness of the earth, was also a great cultural revolution in the thought of the Europeans.

The Europeans brought with them their scientific knowledge, their systems of organizations and their firearms. Cambodia at that time had no seaport.

Nowadays the most developed and the most populous regions of the world are the coastal regions around ports. In Japan, 90 % of the population are concentrated around the big ports, on a surface which represents only the tenth of the country.

By the way, let us mention that Cambodia has a maritime port only since 1969. Now we know that not far from this port, there is some petroleum. Since 2009, Cambodia is going to collect returns oil of 4 billions of US a year. So our port and our coastal regions are intended to become the industrial, commercial, cultural and touristic the most important area of this region. The question is to know if this region will remain Cambodian? If Cambodia forms only 25 engineers a year and that Japan grants up to now only 125 scholarships to go to study in her universities in Japanese language?

Why Japan does worry only about roads connecting Phnom Penh with Saigon, the road which connects our provinces of the Northeast with the Vietnamese port of Da-Nang? While the road RN 4 connecting Phnom Penh with our port of Kompong Som, offered gracefully by the United States, is always toll? The road Sisophon in the city of Siem Reap remains always impracticable? Since 1992 until now why does Japan make everything to facilitate the transformation of Cambodia to become Vietnamese province?[1]

Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the future of a country bases on the number of the divisions of her army. Nowadays the future of a country bases on the number of her engineers. China forms 400 000 engineers a year, India 300 000 and the United States has the best laboratories of the world. In this context Cambodia forms only 25 engineers a year in foreign language.

Does Cambodia lacks of brain? During the last « International Junior Science Olympiad » which were held in Indonesia in December 2005, on six candidates, Cambodia obtained 6 medals:

§ Dy Kusha obtained a Golden medal. He is proud of his success and is delighted at the fact that neither Thailand, nor Vietnam obtained a Golden medal.

§ Mom Charya (f) and Ty Sovisal obtained, almost ex æquo a silver medal each. Before them, there was only one silver medalist Thai and no Vietnamese. The Cambodian Mom Charya declared that the current regime does not favor the scientific studies in Cambodia.

§ Say Buntha, Huoy Channaren and Hun Vanasola obtained each a Bronze medal.

The tests were made in English. Six candidates are 16 years old, all from modest families and learn mainly by self-taught. They read and usually write in Cambodian, English and French. Until now these young people who show to the world, the intellectual abilities of our nation, are still honored by no man or Cambodian political party. One day, these intellectuals of the new generation will teach the mathematics, the sciences and the techniques in national language in our universities.

(To be continued…)


[1] « Japan - Vietnam. History of a relation under influence », by Guy Faure and Laurent Schwab, Ed: IRASEC, Paris - Bangkok, on 2004

Anonymous said...

To: Chereva

Westerner like you like to make an assumption that Cambodian people like to live in the past! I think you are blind if you fail to see that Cambodia still have the same fucken leader(AH HUN SEN) for over past 30years! Tell me how can Cambodian people move forward into the future if these fucken Cambodian leaders have the same stupid mentality for the past 30years who can't see anything beyong the Viet pussy!ahah
How can any Cambodian people move forward if the same fucken Cambodian leaders who can't decide about the Khmer Rouge tribunal for the pass 30years! How can any Cambodian people move forward if the same stupid Cambodian leaders kept using electric baton, AK-47, and harsh jail sentence and fine on Cambodian people for expressing their view without offending these mother fucken Cambodian leaders!

Now tell me who are the people who want to live in the past! Is it Cambodian people or Is it stupid Cambodian leaders?I will be the first Cambodian to tell you that it is the stupid Cambodian dictator AH HUN SEN who want to live in the past! And for Cambodian people who had been through hell and back and the taste of communism system that turn every Cambodian people in slavery and who on Earth would want to go back to past to experience all these fucken nightmare again? ahaha

If I have my way, Every Cambodian people deserve to have a house to live in! Every Cambodian people deserve to have enough food to eat! Every Cambodian deserve to live in a society free of fear and persecution! Free to express themselves in language, in art, and science!

I honestly think these Westerners institutions such as the World Bank, United Nations, and all their pushy political influence and their stuck up attitude to bring peace to Cambodia and all the economic reform are hurting Cambodian people and Cambodia as whole! Cambodia still have the same dictatorship(AH HUN SEN) for more than 30years and still going! Cambodia is becoming a poorer country than before where Cambodia still live on less than $1 aday!

I don't need any Westerner to argue with me because I have seen so evidences already! These Westerners came to Cambodia in the name of help but actually they came to exploit and look down on poor weak Cambodian people!