Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cambodian Prime Minister Said Summoned by Vietnamese Counterpart

Vietnamese Prime Minister Summons Hun Sen To Give His Last Reminder

By Ratanak
Sralanh Khmer Newspaper

Translated from Khmer

"It was heard that Prime Minister Hun Sen was prepared to travel to Vietnam in the next two or three days at the summons of Phan Van Khai, who would offer him his last reminder before he stepped down as the Vietnamese prime minister late this month or early next month." This is according to report by Ratanak carried by the pro-opposition Cambodian daily newspaper Phnom Penh Sralanh Khmer in its 20 June edition.

Hun Sen's trip to Vietnam was "not a new story" that deserved the publication on Sralanh Khmer's pages, the report said. "However, "the reason we have decided to publish the trip because it will be the last meeting between Phan Van Khai and Hun Sen."

Phan Van Khai, who was the Vietnamese prime minister for two tenures already, would "resigned soon," the report added. He would not be able to return as prime minister to meet face-to-face with Hun Sen again. That was why before he stepped down, Phan Van Khai needed to "remind Hun Sen, who had acted correctly to please his Vietnamese masters since 1979, that he should continue to be heartily faithful to the ten-thousands-year alliance, friendship, and cooperation with Vietnam."

The second thing widely known was that Vietnam also wanted to "pat Hun Sen on the back further for his fine activities in helping to achieve the plan on signing the complementary border treaty last year," the report further said. That was the "great result" achieved by Hun Sen in his "unbroken relationship with the Vietnamese, his siblings."

The relations of friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam that the Vietnamese prime minister would ask Hun Sen to "consolidate further" would result in Cambodia "losing more territory inevitably," the Sralanh Khmer report concluded.


Anonymous said...

The relations of friendship and cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam that the Vietnamese prime minister would ask Hun Sen to "consolidate further" would result in Cambodia "losing ALL territory inevitably, and dear compatriots, we will soon have the same fate as th CHAMS and The KHMER KROMS" the Sralanh Khmer report concluded.

Wake-up kone khmers and support SAM Rainsy our last hope!

Anonymous said...

Yes what you said was the old stories!

Phan Van Khai want to see Hun Sen this time is pure personal!
The Vietnamese want to know where and how much his share of drug, human, arm trafiking with Hun Sen!
To be sure Hun Sen give all to him before he out of power.
Hun Sen may give Phan Van Khai share to a new guy in power.

Next is you Hok Lundy!
And new group told you not to give them to Phan Van Khai or Heng Poe is going to get you!

Good luck Hun Sen and Hok Lundy! Phan Van Khai may poison you now or the new Viet prem will kill you later!

Ride on the tiger back! Ride on the tiger back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What hell is this? The Vietcong Phan Van Khai has the power to summon AH HUN SEN? What kind of power is this? Is this the Viet pussy power?hahahhah

As far as I am concerned AH HUN SEN should no longer have any kind of obligation for the Vietcong! The obligation between Cambodia and Vietname is over! The Vietcong had benefit so much from AH HUN SEN in border demarcation, Viet illegal immigrants flow freely into Cambodia and the Vietcong annexed much Cambodian Islands and sea to control Cambodian natural resources!

AH HUN SEN can no longer uphold any obligation because it had been over 30years! No more negotiation, No more treaty of friendship, and No more cooperation between Cambodian people and the Vietcong!

Anonymous said...

You know Mr. Hong Zen,the new crop of the Viet is NOT going to be exactly the same.

The new heads of the Viet had been chosen to spear head into the world trade, privatisation and deregulation.

Are you ready for this? or didn't we tell you that the the big "C" is getting old and older? and IT eventually will die. You'd better start appreciating khmers that had a lot of gray matter " an intelligent part of the brain" so those khmers may be able to help pulling you out of this one.

You need to act fast! make short trip and hurry home!!! Let us tell you that it's coming and This new wind is mighty strong!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

With his tail between his legs, Prime Moster Hun Sen sits by his master's feet carefully listening the last reminder.

Van Khai: " AH Seon... you are such a good dog. You served me well and I will really going to miss you. I want you to know that what goes on between the Viet & the Khmer are nothing personal. It is only a business. You will not repeat anything to anyone when I am gone. DO you hear me.

Soon you have a new master. He is a good man. He will treat you well. Now be good and go on to your new master.

We all love you HUON SEON!!!

One last thing! just a reminder! You know what we do to useless dogs. We eat them. We know 101 ways to wok a dog!!!!!!!!!

After the summons, Monster Hun Sen will receive a bone and bring it to his dog house. He will continue to serve his new master as promised.

Anonymous said...

If he not mone Hok Lundy and Hun Sen's body guards would kill him!

Anonymous said...

they're all the slaves of the vietcong..The CPP help flow the Vietnamese Cambodia, and the Vietcong helps the CPP and hun sen stay in power in it is not easy to defeat them..unless thousands of khmers lost their lifes...then something will change for we can see...4 out 7 millions khmer population from 75-79...doesn't khmer a real peace in Cambodia without a fight...look at any country in the world they alwayz fight to have peace and freedom...khmer can not afford to wait too long...from the world bank to the lands,,,first they beat and killed the poors and stole their lands, and then the governments workers who are not in the CPP party...then what?
What is to loose for the innocents beside fight for their freedom of possession, follow the constitutions?..must be kidding me..the constitutions mean nothing to the country..same to the king, and the others parties who wanted to fight the CPP for real democracy!.. if those khmer freedom parties group together and make a large protest against the hun sen governments the courts, who silent the innocents...then the world will see, and the news around the world will pay attentions, at least to start...
but i don't think that will how long khmers have to wait?..until khmer become
the second Champa or what?,,judge yourself!