Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Kampot Fishermen Ask Gov't To Stop Vietnamese Boats

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

By Saing Soenthrith
Cambodia Daily

Nearly 400 families dependent on fishing in Kampot province have sent a petition to the Ministry of National Assembly and Senate Relations and Inspections demanding action to stop Vietnamese trawlers from entering Cambodian coastal waters, representatives said on Tuesday.

Neak Sen, a representative of the fishermen in Kompong Bay district's Troy Koh commune, claimed that large Vietnamese vessels were setting fishing nets of up to 1 km in length, and that up to four boats at a time can be found deep inside Cambodian territory. Neak Sen also accused maritime officials of taking bribes to turn a blind eye to the "anarchy."

Min Chhorm, RCAF commander on Koh Sas island, denied that Vietnamese poachers were paying off authorities and said it was difficult to pinpoint a border incursion, particularly at night when most fishing is done. "Our Cambodian border has no fence. So how can we ban them if we have no way to stop them? Their boats and engines are bigger 200cc, 300cc. How can we chase them?" Min Chhorm said. Previously, Kampot fishermen could take home 5 to 10 kg of fish per night, and now they land only 1 to 2 kg each night Neak Sen said, adding that he suspected Vietnamese fishermen were using electrified nets.


Anonymous said...

Come on, you stupid CPP:

If you are working for the people, it's clearly that the Vietnamese now invading the sea as well. You are right idiot, there is no fence. But, they are entering Cambodia illegally. Why don't you tell your Youns buddie to enter Thailand gulf and see what the Thais would do. They know how to protect their soveriegnty. Definitely, the Thais Coast Guard would blow them away. If you don't take bribe, you'll know what to do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tea Vinh the Imeral!
tell your man if they have slower boat you no need to catch dose viet just atleast chase them out! give them no time to fish you dump!